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How Adorable is This!

Adorable Elephant!

When this young elephant encounters a new toy, she can't quite figure out how it works — Watch her learn to play tire-'n'-rope! Check it Out »

Idaho Wolf

Idaho Wolves Need Our Help!

Five years after wolves lost federal protections, the population of Idaho's wolves is once again in critical danger.

Stand with Defenders of Wildlife as they call upon FWS to restore protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies!

Take Action: Sign the Petition »

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Plant Trees to Sequester Carbon

Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases contributing to global warming and subject to the Kyoto Protocol. Carbon emissions from deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels, changes in land use, and other human activities are increasing, while the earth's ability to soak up, or "fix" the carbon, is decreasing because of ocean and forest changes. Reforestation is a way to help restore the balance.

Learn More About the Project

Lions Love Hugs!

Kevin Richardson has a very special relationship with his lion pride. However, when he leaves for a while, they miss him so badly that they can hardly handle themselves!

Watch what happens when the pride sees Kevin for the first time in a long time — it's adorable!

Check it out

Demand Action for our Southwestern Desert Tortoises

Due to a government plan to shut down the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center in Nevada, up to 1,400 captive tortoises will be relocated into wild tortoise habitats. However, desert tortoises in captivity are often not capable of surviving in the wild, and could even attract predators and spread disease to the already declining wild tortoise population.

Take action: Sign the petition to keep the Conservation Center open and preserve the wild tortoise habitat

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