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Sweet Angel

When we brought Angel home she was a one year old stray with scabs all over her body. She was so thin we were sure she was part whippet.

Five years ago, at the age of seven, Angel developed canine lupus. She lost all her pigment (vitiligo) and started having issues with vasculitis and inflammation…

Read About How Her Life Was Saved! »

Whose Nose Is It Anyway?

Dog nose challenge

Every doggie sniffer is different, but it might be enough to identify the breed. Are you up to the challenge?


Hope for Shamrock

Poor Shamrock was thrown out of the back of a truck before he was rescued. Though he's lucky to be alive, the new injuries combined with older ones to make walking painful, and he needs surgery. But look at that sweet smile!

Is it Shamrock's lucky day?
You decide.

Hover mouse over slide to pause.

8 million pets enter shelters each year. These programs are specially crafted to bring this number down to zero.

One Picture Saves a Life
Making sure first impressions become lasting impressions.

Rescue Rebuild
Help to repair shelters in need.

A Shot at Life
Keeping shelter animals healthy, so they can find a forever home.


Help Save Dogs From This Barbaric Festival!

In Yulin, China, the summer solstice marks their annual dog-eating festival. This cruel and inhumane festival kills an estimated 10,000 dogs per year. The dogs are kept in small cages, suffer from neglect, and are not humanely killed - it is brutal. Worse, many of these dogs are stolen pets—some of them still wearing their collars.

Many organizations have come together to try to stop the festival, and volunteers have by hook or crook tried to save as many dogs as they can. Recently, the San Diego Humane Society took 26 dogs under its wing, with many more expected to arrive soon. Slowly, these dogs are being taught to forget their fear and remember how to play, how to trust, and most importantly, how to love. One day, they may be able to find a forever home.

You can help the San Diego Humane Society care for and rehabilitate these sweet pups.

Learn More!

Build a Safe Haven for the Pets of Domestic Violence Victims
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