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As of December 7, 2012, boocoo auctions has ceased operations. Customers who still need assistance can contact us by email at or by phone at (877) 855-5175.

We'd like to thank our customers - both buyers and sellers - for their support since our launch.


Kind words from boocoo buyers & sellers

I wish you could have made it. Your customer service was the best I have ever dealt with...Good luck on whatever you attempt next.
Sadly, I know all to well how you feel. Been there, and done it. You all gave it a real good effort, and be proud of that. Best wishes for where ever all your paths lead. God Bless....
I'm going to miss you all. Feels like I'm losing part of my family.
Dear Boocoo,I wanted to let you know how sad we are hearing of your Closing. We have enjoyed our relationship with Boocoo Auctions over the time. Thank you for the opportunity to do business with you!
This is too bad, I was with you guys from pretty much day 1 up until this past summer. You guys/ladies tried hard to make this work.
Thank you for all you do - you will be missed, but I'm glad we were a part of it! I know you will have a new adventure, so keep us posted - ya'll are too good at what you do not to figure something else out. Take care for now...
-Bayou Steelworks/The Lemon Cat
Sad you shut your doors.
Thanks for your hard work and great customer service.
Sorry you are leaving. I understand but will be sorry to see you go.
This is some very sad news. I know it would not have made a difference but I was getting ready to list a whole bunch of tools. Very sorry to hear the bad news. Thanks to all the BooCoo Staff that took good care of there customers.
Hello, Sorry to hear that you are closing. I have put alot of effort into your site and will miss you all.
Very sad, I was hoping u would put ebay out of business.
Sorry it didn't work out. I did sell a few things on Boocoo and always had a pretty good response from customer service.
Many of us hoped that an alternative site that "gets it" would at least put a dent in ebay, now all the listers from boocoo need to pick ONE site, like webstore (free, free, free) and then promote it. Spend your time, and whatever money you saved from listing fees, and get the new place up to speed. Soon others will follow. If nothing else it will let the elephant in the room know there is a hunter with a gun nearby.