The most recent articles on PolitiFact

Mailbag: 'You look ridiculous'

Once again, President Donald Trump has been the dominant topic in reader emails to PolitiFact, though we’ve found that Hillary Clinton remains on the minds of some readers as well. Here’s a sampling of reader emails over the past few weeks, edited for space and clarity.

What did Donald Trump mean in his tweet about DACA recipients?

Just a few days after President Donald Trump’s administration announced the end to a program shielding hundreds of thousands of immigrants from deportation, in a tweet Trump said they shouldn’t worry.  Some Twitter users were quick to fault Trump’s words as misleading, because some DACA recipients would need to renew their applications within a month to remain protected. Others read it as a promise that the administration wouldn’t move against DACA recipients for six months.

So what is the debt ceiling all about anyway?

For something that could have a profound effect on the nation’s economy, the debt ceiling is a pretty arcane topic. But no longer! Here are 10 questions and answers designed to shine some light on the subject.

How do standards measure up at immigration detention centers? A special report

President Donald Trump plans to expand the number of faciliites detaining immigrants waiting for deportation or a resolution of their case.  John Kelly, who has Homeland Security secretary before becoming chief of staff, said standards may need to be lowered in order to contract with more local jails. But immigrant advocates say neglect and abuse already exists at detention facilities and that lowering standards may invite further violations of detention standards.

Fact-checking Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the DACA immigration program

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end to a program that protected some 800,000 immigrants from deportation, claiming it was created by Obama’s administration as an overreach of executive power and that it circumvented the Constitution.

What do we know about the relationship between climate change and Hurricane Harvey?

Hurricane Harvey has dumped more water on the United States than any other weather event in history, and its costs are expected to be huge. The unprecedented storm has inevitably posed the question: What impact has climate change had on producing Hurricane Harvey? We took a look at what scientists had to say.

Fact-checking Trump’s tax speech in Missouri

President Donald Trump went to Missouri to relaunch his push for a major overhaul of America’s tax code.

Trump opens new chapter in America’s longest war

In his first major policy address, Donald Trump declared he would dramatically alter American strategy in Afghanistan, marking a new chapter in the longest war in U.S. history.

More than 13,000 fact-checks later, PolitiFact celebrates 10-year mark

"When we started PolitiFact, I had the hope, and I think Bill had the hope, that we would inspire other journalists to do more fact-checking," Holan said, "and that has absolutely come true."

Fact-checking President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Phoenix

President Donald Trump defended his response to the violence in Charlottesville, Va., during a campaign rally in Phoenix, on Aug. 22, blaming the media for distorting or omitting his full comments.

Trump and pardoning Joe Arpaio: What to know about the process

President Donald Trump has said he’s considering a pardon for Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz. How unusual would that be?

Tracking Donald Trump's evolving positions on Afghanistan

When Donald Trump announced a way forward for the United States in Afghanistan, his decision to keep troops in the country was a sharp contrast to what he had said as a private citizen. It wasn’t, however, all that different from what he had said as a presidential candidate. Confused?

Donald Trump's Afghanistan address, fact-checked

President Donald Trump gave his first speech about the war in Afghanistan on Aug. 21, 2017.

Were militia groups in Charlottesville better equipped than Virginia State Police?

In response to violence in Charlottesville, Va., Gov. Terry McAuliffe praised law enforcement’s work, but also said that some demonstrators were better equipped than the State Police. Here's what we know.

Trump says Lindsey Graham ‘lied’ about Trump’s Charlottesville comments. Did he?

After being widely rebuked for his response to the deadly clashes in Charlottesville, Va., President Donald Trump fired back at one of his loudest critics, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.