Professional Guidelines

An agency of the Supreme Court of Virginia

The Virginia State Bar

Professional Guidelines

Rules and Regulations

Notice To Virginia State Bar Members

The Virginia State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct, Unauthorized Practice Rules and other regulatory materials contained herein include all amendments approved by the VSB Council and The Supreme Court of Virginia, to date, to the best of our ability.

A complete collection of Legal Ethics and Unauthorized Practice of Law Opinions is contained in unnumbered 1991 and 1996 Added Volumes to the Code of Virginia, published by the Michie Company. These volumes are supplemented with a pocket part each July.

Upon request for LEOs involving a specific issue, the bar will furnish full texts of relevant opinions at no cost. The bar reserves the right to charge for volume requests. Charges will be based upon staff time and copying costs.

A breakdown of the Rules of Professional Conduct and the Professional Guidelines can be found to the left. Amendments proposed, adopted, and rejected after March 1, 2010, are posted at Rule Changes.

The VSB no longer provides printed copies of the Professional Guidelines. Please see the links at the left to print individual current rules and regulations. To print the entire current Rules of Professional Conduct and the Professional Guidelines with one click, visit this page. (Please allow time for all info to load in your browser and be aware that your browser's font settings will determine how many pages it will take to print the entire document.)


Updated: November 9, 2011