Tag: Spending

The House of Representatives will vote today on two measures to shield families and small businesses from the looming “fiscal cliff” by cutting spending and protecting millions from tax hikes.

December 20, 2012

In the debate over avoiding the “fiscal cliff,” an important point has been forgotten: when it comes to solving our debt, government spending is the problem that must be addressed.

December 13, 2012

While Republicans have offered a balanced plan to protect families and small businesses from the “fiscal cliff,” several reports suggest Democrats are “ready to march off the cliff” instead of making the spending cuts needed to address to our debt.

December 12, 2012

President Obama’s fiscal cliff plan has more new spending than spending cuts … and it can’t pass the House or the Democratic-controlled Senate. Speaker John Boehner called on President Obama today to outline the cuts he’s willing to make, noting that “the longer the White House slow-walks this process, the closer our economy gets to the fiscal cliff.”

December 11, 2012

“Three in four voters want to ‘cut government spending across the board,’” according to a new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll.

December 10, 2012

Bowles, whose proposal to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction is the basis for the latest Republican plan to avert the fiscal cliff, said the president's plan "won't solve the problem."

December 9, 2012

In his meeting with big business CEOs today, the president didn’t say whether he’d respond to the Republican plan. When asked by Bloomberg News yesterday when he’ll be responding, he deflected.

December 5, 2012

Reports show the president previously supported the GOP approach to tax reform. Why not now?

December 5, 2012

Democrats – even those openly talking about driving off the fiscal cliff – are already on the record against much of the White House plan.

December 3, 2012

On Fox News Sunday, Speaker John Boehner said Republicans have offered a balanced approach to averting the fiscal cliff but the president is "not being serious about coming to an agreement." Boehner says the White House is holding tax increases over the heads of the middle class while demanding more spending and tax rate hikes that will hurt small businesses.

December 2, 2012


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