Speaker's Blog

January 05, 2013Video

In the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) says that the nation’s “spending problem is getting worse, not better” and calls for cutting spending and reforming our tax code to boost our economy.

January 04, 2013Video

WASHINGTON, DC – Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) stresses the need to boost our economy by focusing on cutting spending and fixing our tax code.

January 04, 2013Press Release

“Too many Americans are still out of work and Washington has too much debt.”

January 03, 2013Press Release

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today announced the appointment of Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) as Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC):

January 03, 2013Video

"The American Dream is in peril so long as its namesake is weighed down by this anchor of debt."
