Member Resources

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education

MCLE Report Lookup (view only)
Certify Your MCLE Attendance Online

NOTICE: Beginning November 1, 2011, MCLE Requirement: 12 CLE hours including 2 hours in ethics/professionalism and 4 hours from live, interactive programs by October 31, 2012

Email and FAX are not accepted (fax machine disabled) beginning November 2 until December 21 for Form 1, end of year compliance.

  • MCLE DEADLINE: October 31, 2012
    Failure to complete 12 CLE hours including 2 hours in ethics/professionalism and 4 hours from live, interactive programs by October 31, 2012, will result in a $100 non-compliance fee.
  • MCLE REPORTING DEADLINE: December 17, 2012
    Failure to certify the required MCLE hours by December 17, 2012, will result in a $100 late filing fee.
  • NEW LATE FILING FEE: February 1, 2013
    Failure to certify the required MCLE hours by February 1, 2013, will result in an ADDITIONAL $100 late filing fee.


Current Virginia Approved Courses

Forms, FAQs, and Opinions

*Note: Some of the documents above are in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf). If you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader on your PC, you can view and print these documents. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader, you can download a free copy, by clicking here.

Updated: Jan 02, 2013