Climate Change Reports

We conduct various reviews related to climate change.

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Report Title Date Agency Response IG Comment on Response
Enhanced EPA Oversight Needed to Address Risks From Declining Clean Air Act Title V Revenues [Report PDF - 49pp, 1.1 MB] [At A Glance PDF - 195 KB] Oct 20, 2014    
Audits on EPA Recovery Act-Funded Diesel Emission Reduction Act Assistance Agreements Reported Programmatic and Management Challenges [Report PDF - 17pp, 787 KB] [At A Glance PDF - 136 KB] Sept 15, 2014    
EPA Met or Exceeded Most Internal Climate Change Goals, But Data Quality and Records Management Procedures Need Improvement [Report PDF - 29pp, 1,200 KB] [At a Glance PDF - 137 KB] July 29, 2014    
Improvements Needed in EPA Efforts to Address Methane Emissions From Natural Gas Distribution Pipelines [Report PDF - 37pp, 1,082 KB] [At A Glance PDF - 137 KB]
Podcast: Report Overview with Erica Hauck (MP3 - 3.7 MBs, 5:21), Podcast Transcript
July 25, 2014 PDF - 2pp, 333KB PDF - 1pp, 259KB
EPA Needs to Demonstrate Whether It Has Achieved the Goals It Set Under the National Petroleum Refinery Initiative [Report PDF - 46pp, 688KB] [At a Glance PDF - 44KB] April 15, 2014    
Unless California Air Resources Board Fully Complies With Laws and Regulations, Emission Reductions and Human Health Benefits Are Unknown [Report PDF - 35pp, 2,039KB] [At a Glance PDF - 46KB] March 6, 2014 PDF - 9pp, 3,570KB PDF - 2pp, 287KB
Audit of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Cooperative Agreement 2A-00E85701 Awarded to the Greater Lansing Area Clean Cities, Report No. 14-R-0088
[At a Glance PDF - 45KB] [Report PDF - 24pp, 400KB]
January 9, 2014 PDF - 9pp, 437KB PDF - 2pp, 327KB
EPA's International Program Office Needs Improved Strategic Planning Guidance, Report No. 13-P-0386
[At a Glance PDF - 44KB] [Report PDF - 17pp, 225KB]
September 9, 2013    
EPA Should Improve Monitoring of Controls in the Renewable Fuel Standard Program, Report No. 13-P-0373
[At a Glance PDF - 86KB] [Report PDF - 23pp, 479KB]
September 5, 2013    
Examination of Costs Claimed Under American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Cooperative Agreement 2A-97706701 Awarded to Grace Hill Settlement House, St. Louis, Missouri, Report No. 13-R-0367
[At a Glance PDF - 44KB] [Report PDF - 36pp, 321KB]

[13-R-0367 Appendix A PDF - 53pp, 409KB]
[13-R-0367 Appendix B PDF - 11pp, 58KB]
August 30, 2013    
Examination of Costs Claimed Under EPA Cooperative Agreements 2A-96104501 and 2A-96107201 Awarded Under the Recovery Act to Chelsea Collaborative Inc., Chelsea, Massachusetts, Report No. 13-R-0353
[At a Glance PDF - 45KB] [Report PDF - 31pp, 952KB]
August 22, 2013    
Projected Emission Reductions Overstated and Buy American Requirements Not Met Under EPA Award to the Tennessee Department of Transportation, Report No. 13-R-0321
[At a Glance PDF - 45KB] [Report PDF - 49pp, 1,596KB]
July 19, 2013    
Air Quality Objectives for the Baton Rouge Ozone Nonattainment Area Not Met Under EPA Agreement 2A-96694301 Awarded to the Railroad Research Foundation, Report No. 13-R-0297
[At a Glance PDF - 43KB] [Report PDF - 29pp, 265KB]
June 20, 2013    
EPA Needs to Improve Air Emissions Data for the Oil and Natural Gas Production Sector, Report No. 13-P-0161
[At a Glance PDF - 45KB] [Report PDF - 42pp, 407KB]
February 20, 2013 PDF - 4pp, 654KB PDF - 1pp, 190KB
Examination of Costs Claimed Under EPA Cooperative Agreement 2A-83440701 Awarded Under the Recovery Act to Cascade Sierra Solutions, Eugene, Oregon, Report No. 12-R-0749
[At a Glance PDF - 44KB] [Report PDF - 72pp, 458KB]
September 4, 2012    
EPA Could Improve the SmartWay Transport Partnership Program by Implementing a Direct Data Verification Process, Report No. 12-P-0747
[At a Glance PDF - 45KB] [Report PDF - 24pp, 230KB]
August 30, 2012 PDF - 3pp, 628KB PDF - 1pp, 225KB
Procedural Review of EPA's Greenhouse Gases Endangerment Finding Data Quality Processes, Report No. 11-P-0702
[At a Glance PDF - 36KB] [Report PDF - 99pp, 710KB ]

[Inspector General Statement on Greenhouse Gases Endangerment Report] [Interview of Assistant Inspector General Wade Najjum on Greenhouse Gases Report by Federal News Radio, October 5, 2011]
September 26, 2011 PDF 3pp, 1,485KB PDF 4pp, 655KB
EPA's Plan to Reduce Agency Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is on Track to Meet Executive Order 13514 Requirements, Report No. 11-P-0209
[At a Glance PDF - 38KB] [Report PDF - 13pp, 204KB ]
April 12, 2011    
ENERGY STAR Label Needs to Assure Superior Energy Conservation Performance, Report No. 11-P-0010
[At a Glance PDF - 33KB] [Report PDF - 37pp, 260KB ]
October 28, 2010    
Response to Congressional Inquiry Concerning EPA's Conduct Related to Draft/Proposed Legislative Amendments, Report No. 10-N-0148
[Report PDF - 9pp, 87KB ]
June 21, 2010    
National Environmental Policy and Quadrennial Review Needed, Report No. 10-P-0140
[At a Glance PDF - 41KB] [Report PDF - 40pp, 415KB]
June 8, 2010    
ENERGY STAR Program Integrity Can Be Enhanced Through Expanded Product Testing, Report No. 10-P-0040
[At a Glance PDF - 40KB] [Report PDF - 20pp, 163KB]
November 30, 2009    
EPA Needs an Oversight Program for Protocol Gases, Report No. 09-P-0235
[At a Glance PDF - 96KB] [Report PDF - 33pp, 723KB]
September 16, 2009    
EPA Needs a Comprehensive Research Plan and Policies to Fulfill its Emerging Climate Change Role, Report No. 09-P-0089
[At a Glance PDF - 52KB] [Report PDF - 36pp, 419KB ]
February 2, 2009    
Improvements Needed to Validate Reported ENERGY STAR Benefits, Report No. 09-P-0061
[At a Glance PDF - 48KB] [Report PDF - 49pp, 446KB ]
December 17, 2008    
EPA's California Waiver Decision on Greenhouse Gas Automobile Emissions Met Statutory Procedural Requirements, Report No. 09-P-0056
[Report PDF - 5pp, 79KB ]
December 9, 2008    
Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs Have Limited Potential, Report No. 08-P-0206
[At a Glance PDF - 49KB] [Report PDF - 40pp, 472KB ]
July 23, 2008    
ENERGY STAR Program Can Strengthen Controls Protecting the Integrity of the Label, Report No. 2007-P-00028
[At a Glance PDF - 113KB ] [Report PDF - 53pp, 805KB]
August 1, 2007    
Partnership Programs May Expand EPA’s Influence, Report No. 2007-P-00003
[At a Glance PDF - 95KB] [Report PDF - 43pp, 619KB]
November 14, 2006    
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