Public Resources

Speakers Bureau

Speaking of the Law:

The Virginia State Bar Speakers Bureau

Adopting a child, buying a home, making a will . . . . Few of us can go through life without facing situations that require further information about the law. As a free public service, the Virginia State Bar offers your school, community group or civic organization an opportunity to listen to a legal expert who will provide general background information on any number of important law-related topics that affect our lives.

At your request, we will match your organization with a volunteer lawyer in your community to speak to your group on any of the topics below, or on a topic of your choice, if available.

Interested in Obtaining a Speaker?


Please review the available topics before requesting a speaker. If you would like to request a topic not listed, please indicate so on the request form, and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Topics Suggested for Civic Groups

Topics Suggested for School Groups

Once you’ve chosen a topic, please fill out the request form (pdf*), providing us with information about your group, the topic you’re interested in, and the date you need the speaker. We will make every effort to provide a lively, informative program for your group.

Please allow four weeks notice, at minimum. Members of our Speakers Bureau are available on a first come first serve basis.

Virginia State Bar members:


Interested in becoming a volunteer speaker? Simply fill out the application (pdf*) and mail or fax to the VSB.

Still have questions?


Email Spencer Hall or call 804-775-0512

Please note: Speeches by participants in the Virginia State Bar Speakers Bureau do not necessarily represent the views of the Bar, its Board of Governors or any of its divisions or committees.


Updated: Dec 21, 2011