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McMorris Rodgers Statement on Veterans Day

Spokane, WA – In honor of Veterans Day, a statement by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Co-Chair of the Congressional Military Family Caucus, was read at the annual Veterans Day event at Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena. 

“On November 11, 1918, after four years of brutal conflict, the guns of the First World War finally fell silent. In America, we marked the occasion as Armistice Day, a celebration of peace. Today, we mark November 11 as Veterans Day, and with solemn pride we pay tribute to those brave men and women who have served our nation in uniform.

“We also take this opportunity to honor the enduring service of our active soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen.  Whether during peacetime or war, at home or abroad, their service has been characterized by selflessness and love of country. Throughout history, America’s veterans and service members have answered the call of duty, and they have served with dignity and honor.

“As these men and women have sacrificed, so too have their families. For each displaced service member, there is often a husband or wife left behind. These quiet patriots have kissed their spouse goodbye and sent them off to duty - often in harm’s way - without the assurance their loved one will ever return. They diligently run their household while their mate serves at a stateside base or fights on a foreign battlefield.  Whatever accolades we bestow upon our veterans, we must also remember the sacrifice of their families.

“On this Veterans Day, let us pledge to our heroes that we will recognize and appreciate them not just today, but every day.  We owe them so much, and we must never forget them.”

Rep. McMorris Rodgers’ husband, Brian, is a veteran who served 26 years as a Navy commander. To learn more about her work for veterans and military families, click here.