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The Government Printing Office (GPO) today announced that House bills for the 113th Congress are now available for bulk download in XML at This is the second project unveiled in the 113th Congress that was coordinated or initiated by the Legislative Branch Bulk Data Task Force created in 2012. Earlier this week, the Office of the Clerk announced that full sessions of House floor summaries are now available for bulk download as well. Learn more about both here: | Speaker Boehner & Leader Cantor Praise GPO for Providing Bulk Access to House Bills in XML »
"This is a win for every American who believes in open government. Making legislative data easier to use for third parties, developers, and anyone interested in how Congress is tackling current challe...
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In between floor debates and press conferences were small moments shared with colleagues, staff, and visitors from around the world. This set of photos, including several newly released images, takes you behind the scenes with Speaker Boehner, a self-described “regular guy with a big job.”
Mark Herndon
Please find a way to cut spending significantly right away Mr. Speaker.
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Video from Speaker Boehner's remarks to the opening session of the 113th Congress: "The American Dream is in peril so long as its namesake is weighed down by this anchor of debt.  Break its hold, and we begin to set our economy free.  Jobs will come home.  Confidence will come back. We do this not just to boost GDP or reduce unemployment, but to secure for our children a future of freedom and opportunity.  Nothing is more important."
Speaker Boehner addressed the opening session of the 113th Congress, saying, "The American Dream is in peril so long as its namesake is weighed down by this ...
Thomas Cooper
It is like listening to a running commentary from Sean Hannity. Pure profanity. "Government doesn't create jobs, the job creators create jobs, Liberals appropriate bill laden with pork, Obama is blaming everyone else, Obama doesn't lead, Obama is taxing us to death, the US is going the way of Greece...."
These piece meal, sound bite arguments coming from arm chair pundits, tire me. 
 Doesn't anyone get info from sources that are not a direct and comfortable reflection of their established world view? 
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In the debate over avoiding the “fiscal cliff,” an important point has been forgotten: when it comes to solving our debt, government spending is the problem that must be addressed.
Kain Domonkos
Well, +Dan Carow , I couldn't agree more.  It is time for a Republican to lead this country, all we got with Obama is... Barely anything, all he's been doing is talking and blaming, but no compromise.
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Speaker Boehner says the president's fiscal cliff plan "does not fulfill his promise to bring a balanced approach to solving this problem. It’s mainly tax hikes. And his plan does not begin to solve our debt crisis. It actually increases spending."
At his weekly press conference with Republican leaders today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said that the president's failure to put forth a plan that is...
Larry Walker
Which is why you helped pass it?
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"Washington has a spending problem.  Let’s be honest - we’re broke. ... where are the president’s spending cuts?" - Speaker Boehner
In a speech on the House floor today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) called on the White House to stop slow-walking a solution to the fiscal cliff and put...
Phil Davis
+Larry Walker  hey Larry just added you. Never hurts too have another accountant around :-)))
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While President Obama is demanding tax rate hikes on small businesses, former Clinton White House Chief of Staff and Democrat Erskine Bowles  told CBS Face the Nation, "We have to cut spending." ... "Even if you raise the top rates back to the Clinton rates, that only creates about $400 billion over 10 years. That's $40 billion a year. We have a trillion dollar a year deficit," said Bowles. And the spending cuts offered by the president - which are dwarfed by the new 'stimulus' spending he proposes - are "not enough. We're going to have to do more."
While President Obama is demanding tax rate hikes on small businesses, former Clinton White House Chief of Staff and Democrat Erskine Bowles told CBS Face th...
Thomas Summers
Obama is reducing rates for the majority of small businesses. His definition of a small business is based on income and employees not on the number of owners as republicans define it. For Republicans, the Koche brothers, Donald Trump and others are "small businesses." That is just silly or, if you will, irrational. 
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"When it comes to the fiscal cliff that is threatening our economy and threatening jobs, the White House has wasted another week. ... Instead of reforming the tax code and cutting spending, the president wants to raise tax rates. But even if the president got the tax rate hike that he wanted, understand that we would continue to see trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see. Listen, Washington’s got a spending problem, not a revenue problem.”
At a press conference today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said there is no progress to report on fiscal cliff talks, in light of the White House's refus...
Thomas Summers
Cuts? That ball is in your court, Mr. Speaker! Name your cuts and propose them to the public and the President. We want to see what you think will be the beneficial cuts for the economy. My guess is that you prefer a failing economy and that is why you want to go the way of European austerity, which has failed miserably. Any economist or thoughtful person can see the flawed logic.  
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For those wondering why an agreement hasn’t been reached to avoid the fiscal cliff, National Journal has the answer -- Democrats are intentionally slow-walking negotiations:
Jesse Darvas
If you don,t walk fast enough the Demolackys will use the proverbial bull(shit)dozer to increase your walk to an all out run
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Speaker Boehner: "This week we made a good-faith offer to avert the fiscal crisis and that offer included significant spending cuts and reforms, and it included additional revenue.  And frankly it was the balanced approach that the president’s been asking for. Now we need a response from the White House."
At a press conference with Republican leaders today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) called on President Obama to respond to the offer put forth by House R...
Thomas Summers
The Speaker has no clothes.
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Office of the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

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