Member Resources

Annual Membership Requirements

Part 6, Section IV, Rules of Supreme Court of Virginia, Organization and Government

Pursuant to § 54.1-3912 of the Code of Virginia and to Paragraphs 11, 16, and 18, Part Six, Section IV of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, all members of the Virginia State Bar have certain annual membership requirements which include: payment of membership dues, payment of a Clients’ Protection Fund (CPF) fee, and certification of professional liability insurance. These obligations are included on an annual dues statement which is mailed each June. Failure to meet these obligations by July 31 will result in accrual of delinquency fees and possible administrative suspension pursuant to Paragraph 19 of the Rules of Court. According to § 54.1-3914 of the Code of Virginia any attorney who fails for two successive years to pay the annual fees shall forfeit his license to practice law in the Commonwealth.  

Calendar of Compliance Deadlines

Annual Dues

Clients' Protection Fund Fee

Professional Liability Insurance

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education

Administrative Suspensions

License Forfeitures List

Service Members Civil Relief Act

Active Duty members of the bar stationed outside of Virginia in a combat zone may be able to seek relief under this act by providing a copy of their orders to the VSB. Please contact the appropriate department of the Virginia State Bar for specific requirements. (50 U.S.C. App. §§501-596, Public Law 108-189)


Updated: Jun 18, 2012