• January 16, 2013
  • Posted by Marc

Migration Is Beautiful

Artist and activist Favianna Rodriguez, a leading voice in the movement of artists facing down the tide of anti-immigrant hatred, is the subject of documentary series Voice Of Art’s new special, "Migration is Beautiful". "Migration is Beautiful” follows artists, designers and performers using their craft to work for migrant justice to the front lines of the immigration battle in AZ and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. The special also features actor and activist Rosario Dawson and Pulitzer Prize Winning author + undocumented activist Jose Antonio Vargas.

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Posted In: Activism

  • January 16, 2013
  • Posted by Marc

Shit We’re Diggin: Michael Neff’s Suspended Forrest

One of our favorite forms of street art is "upcycling" - the act of taking discarded items of waste and then turning them into something that has more value.  It's no surprise then that we absolutely adore Michael Neff's Suspended Forest.   Michael explains: After December 25th, New York sidewalks are crowded with stacked Christmas trees that no longer have a purpose. I wanted to figure out a way to give these trees another purpose, and perhaps encourage people to think about our consumption around Christmas.<

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Posted In: Environmental

  • January 13, 2013
  • Posted by Marc

10 Years Of Wooster: Swoon

As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary of the Wooster Collective website. we asked a group of artists who we showcased in the beginnings of the website the following question: What's the one thing that you learned in the last decade that you had wished someone had told you 10 years ago? The following response comes from Swoon. "So, about a year ago, my good buddy Chris Stain blew my mind when he sent me a video by a doctor named Gabor Mate. Chris and

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Posted In: 10 Years Of Wooster