Congressman Gibbs Tours Ohio Natural Gas Facilities

Aug 27, 2012 Issues: Energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-OH) today visited the Stark County Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) in Canton, OH and the Ariel Corporation in Mount Vernon, OH.  Both facilities are benefitting from the natural gas boom in Ohio and have made investments to benefit the economy and the traveling public.
SARTA operates 33 routes in Stark County, and 79 percent of Stark County’s population lives within a half mile of these fixed routes.  Gibbs toured SARTA to view their compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station, which is used by both companies and individuals.  Numerous companies have expressed interest in converting their fleets to natural gas capability, and Kimble Recycling Company and Chesapeake are already refueling their vehicles at SARTA on a daily basis.  
The Ariel Corporation is the world’s largest manufacturer of separable reciprocating gas compressors utilized by the global energy industry to extract and process natural gas.  Ariel provides gas compression solutions to both independent operators and multinational companies
“I am so pleased to have had the opportunity to visit SARTA and Ariel Corporation today,” Gibbs said. “Natural gas is extremely beneficial both economically and environmentally, and the industry provides countless employment opportunities in Ohio.  It is crucial that we foster and support compressed natural gas production in our country, and SARTA and the Arial Corporation are key players in this vital effort to bring us one step closer to energy independence in America.”