Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy
Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy
Your Stories About Philanthropy About the Foundation Center Celebrity Philanthropy Links to Get Involved Scholarship Information For Adults in Youth service
Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy
Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy Youth in Philanthropy
Do Something and the Dunkin Brands Community Foundation are offering $500 grants to young people across the United States and Canada.
Deadline: Rolling
Send us your story telling us
how you have participated in philanthropy.

Neha Gupta, 13, started a nonprofit organization that helps underprivileged children in India. Read her story...
Resources for Adults in youth service
Former national talk show host Jenny Jones' Jenny's Heroes awards grants to individuals with ideas for tangible, lasting community projects.
Keep current in the field with News and Information for Adults in Youth Service.

Zhelinrentice Scott teaches music to disadvantaged youth in Detroit. Read her story...

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