Kim Kardashian’s Baby Will Be Damned If It Doesn’t Upstage Duchess Kate’s Baby

Mommie Dearest
kim kardashian kanye west
Focusing on celebs only raises the bar higher for other moms. Read More »
Give Kate Space
Stop getting all up in a pregnant woman's business, y'all. Read More »
  • Kim Kardashian’s baby and Kate Middleton’s baby are both due in July. Coincidence … ? [US Weekly]
  • The best day of Ryan Gosling’s life involved … knitting? [Socialite Life]
  • New Tegan and Sara music! Check out “I Was A Fool” right now. [PopBytes]
  • Lord have mercy on us all: Charlie Sheen is going to be a grandfather. [Stupid Celebrities]

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Iran Considers Requiring Single Women To Get Permission From Father Before Traveling Abroad

Today's Lady News photo
  • Iran will consider a parliamentary bill that will require single women to receive permission from a guardian, usually their father or brother, to travel abroad. Married women in Iran will continue to need their husband’s permission to travel. Paternalism, much? [Guardian UK]
  • A seven-year-old girl in Goa, India, was raped in her school’s bathroom on Monday. [BBC]
  • Read a great quote from the late Aaron Swartz, a tech activist and founder who committed suicide this weekend age 26, about sexism in technology. [Feministing] Keep reading »

Speidi Faked Sex On “Big Brother” Set & 7 Moves That Women Hate In Bed

Chimp Porn
Gina the chimp loves porn. Read More »
Waxing Kills Crabs
Pubic lice are about to become extinct because of all our bikini waxing. Read More »
  • Speidi allegedly faked sex during the filming of “Big Brother UK.” Why? Because fake is what Speidi does best. [Pop Bytes]
  • Become a dirty talk expert with these lessons, you naughty minx. [Gurl]
  • Guys, women can’t stand when you do these things in bed. Don’t worry, sleeping isn’t on the list. [Modern Man]
  • What that wet spot in his boxers really means. Eww. [Em & Lo]
  • The director of the new documentary “After Porn Ends” learned a lot while making the film. [Nerve]
  • Let’s recall all the celebs who have fallen victim to nude photo leaks. So, like, all of them? [Stupid Celebrities] Keep reading »

January 15: What Are We Wearing Today?

I’m in LA for work all week, and am currently working from my hotel in my pajamas. (I also just decadently opened up a can of $6 dollar Diet Coke from the mini-bar because I was too lazy to put on clothes and find one elsewhere. For the record, it does taste fancier.) The rest of The Frisky staff is back at the office in NYC, however, so let’s see what they’re wearing today…

Pat Robertson Basically Tells A Kid His Parents’ Marriage Is Dissolving Because The Mother Is Ugly

pat robertson

“The romance is obviously going out of the marriage. You know, it may be your mom isn’t as sweet as you think she is; she may be kind of hard-nosed.

A woman came to a preacher I know — it’s so funny. She was awful looking. Her hair was all torn up, she was overweight and looked terrible. And she said, ‘Oh, Reverend, what can I do? My husband has started to drink.’ And the preacher looked at her and he said, ‘Madam, if I were married to you, I’d start to drink too.’”

– Priceless relationship tips from televangelist Pat Robertson on “The 700 Club,” trying to help a 17-year-old who is concerned his father is ignoring his mother. I think we should give Robertson his own column on The Frisky, so he can share his unique perspective on love with us all. Amelia, what sort of budget do we have for this? [Queerty]

Dear Ryan Gosling, Here Are 8 Reasons You Should Join The Backstreet Boys

Dear Ryan Gosling,

I know that it’s usually Amelia who writes you letters, but this week it’s my turn, because of some major news that just emerged: apparently you tried to join the Backstreet Boys way back when they first made it big, but BSB bad boy AJ McLean (aka the #1 love of my life) didn’t return your calls. I bet that stung. I’m sorry. But guess what, Ry Ry? AJ never meant to blow you off! He just lost your phone number! Duh, bad boys are notorious for losing their address books! And now he has officially invited you to join the Backstreet Boys.

Do you understand what this means? Amelia’s well-documented celebrity obsession is you. My well-documented celebrity obsession is AJ McLean. When this news broke, it was like our spank banks merged and became the Goldman Sachs of sexual fantasies. Are you considering AJ’s offer? You should. Here are eight reasons why… Keep reading »

Letter To AJ
An open letter to AJ McLean on his wedding day. Read More »
Young Ryan Gosling
Look at how cute he is on Canadian TV! Read More »
BSB vs. One Direction
9 things I know about BSB that I don't know about One D. Read More »

You Can Watch The Final 3 Episodes Of “Downton Abbey” Early Thanks To iTunes

downton abbey season 3

If you were annoyed at having to wait three months for “Downton Abbey” Season 3 to hit PBS, you’re going to love this news. Apple is set to offer the final three episodes of the season before they air. Could this work for other shows?

The wait was painful but didn’t seem to affect viewership in the least. The premiere pulled in a record-breaking 7.9 million viewers. So what’s with the last three episodes being “leaked” before they play on PBS?

The BBC reports that while the final episode of Season 3 is set to premiere February 17, Apple will offer the final three episodes starting January 29. The catch is you’ll have to buy a “season pass” for the show on iTunes to get them. Read more…

Golden Globes Style Stealer: Sexy Cutouts

What did you think of all the cutout dresses at the Golden Globes this year? Some dresses definitely worked better than others, but in general I loved seeing so many unique silhouettes and unexpected flashes of skin on the red carpet. Whatever your body type and levels of modesty, there are actually a ton of ways to get the cutout look. Want to show off your shoulders? Draw attention to your collarbone? Highlight your back? I found 10 sexy cutout pieces in a variety of styles and colors–click on the gallery to find the perfect one for you!

Courtship Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Taking A Nap

GT:Enjoying Love
How one woman started enjoying her love life again. Read More »
Dating Reboot
Here are some ways to reboot your love life immediately. Read More »
Social Media & Breakups
How to survive social media, post-breakup. Read More »

According this recent New York Times Style section article, the end of courtship is nigh. It’s dead. Gone. Buried. Mourned. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We are now living in a post-courtship dating world where  instead of the traditional dinner-and-a-movie, you get a “last-minute text to tag along.” The article posits that these “texts, Facebook posts, instant messages and other ‘non-dates’ [are] leaving a generation confused about how to land a boyfriend or girlfriend.”

Writer Alex Williams interviews an assortment daters and experts and cobbles together various hypothesis as to why “traditional courtship” is biting the dust, especially for millennials: “Asynchronous communication” (classified as text, e-mail, IM and Twitter) absolving one of the need to be charming; hookup culture and the confusion about intimacy which it has spurned; online dating and the accompanying FOMO (fear of missing out); Facebook as a replacement for all the things one would normally learn about a person on a first date; the “mancession” and “the end of men”; confusion about gender roles. Etcetera. Keep reading »

“The Bachelor” Recap: The Claws Start To Come Out & Racial Diversity Is Actually Discussed

Last Week's Episode!
Check out what went down on the premiere of "The Bachelor." Read More »
Bachelor Manipulation
This season, Courtney taught us how to manipulate a man. Read More »

Dare I say it? I’m actually starting to seriously like and actually crush on Bachelor Bronze and it’s not just because if I close my eyes he sounds like Channing Tatum! I honestly think Sean may be, as Chris Harrison would say, the most sincere “Bachelor” in the history of the show, but also, gulp, the most openminded. I’m serious! He may be the most Aryan-looking “Bachelor” of all time, but it certainly seems like he’s not necessarily looking for the same in his eventual bride. This is by far the most diverse cast of bachelorettes ever — the women still on the show in episode two include three Black women, an Asian woman and a Persian woman — and while producers may have been more inclined to cast that way after receiving so much flack for the whiteness of previous casts, these women seem to reflect the variety of women Sean is genuinely attracted to. But more on that in a bit. Let’s get to recapping… Keep reading »