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Setting Smart Expectations As A First-Time Job Seeker

Setting Smart Expectations As A First-Time Job Seeker

When I began my pre-graduation job search the advice and opinions seemed to pour in–my ears rang for a solid week. After compiling it with the information I’d gained throughout college, four years of working at my university’s student-run advertising and public relations, two internships and countless amounts of networking events, I was fairly certain I’d heard it all and was more than prepared to tackle my job search. More »

I Paid Off $90,000 Of Debt In Just Three Years

I Paid Off $90,000 Of Debt In Just Three Years

It’s funny how you can do all of the right things–go to college, get a job–and then one day wake up with crushing debt.

At 26, I was working hard and playing hard in Washington, D.C. I thought that I had everything under control–despite living practically paycheck to paycheck, having significant credit card debt and paying the minimum on my student loans.

Luckily, someone special woke me up to the reality of my financial situation. It took a lot of hard work–and some serious creativity–but three years later, I’m almost debt-free. Here’s my story. More »

Haters Gonna Hate, But The New Jessica Simpson Sitcom Will Be A Huge Hit

Haters Gonna Hate, But The New Jessica Simpson Sitcom Will Be A Huge Hit

A teenager in 2013 might be forgiven for having no idea that Jessica Simpson was once a singer and actress. In recent years she’s been way more famous for having babies, struggling with her weight, and, oh yeah, running a billion-dollar fashion empire. Now, however, she’s getting her own “Curb Your Enthusiasm-style” sitcom about her own life, and her producer is comparing her to Lucille Ball.
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What’s The New Definition Of Power Dressing For Women?

What�s The New Definition Of Power Dressing For Women?

In a recent interview, fashion legend Giorgio Armani made a very bold statement.  He said women no longer need to wear powerful-looking clothes in order to earn respect from their peers in the workplace. “[Women] have edged out their standing in the world. Today, they don’t have to wear a suit jacket to prove their authority.” This is pretty extraordinary considering this is a man who made the power suit for women a fashion staple. But is he right? Have women come so far that they don’t need to wear clothes to show they are powerful? Is the era of power dressing over? Or maybe women used to have wear certain clothes to show they were powerful and now they just wear clothing that gives them a little extra confidence.
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3 Big How-Tos For Using Twitter In Your Job Search

3 Big How-Tos For Using Twitter In Your Job Search

By this point, we all know that social networking should be on our radar during our job search. In fact, 42 percent of recruiters use Twitter to find job seekers, while 98 percent use LinkedIn and 33 percent use Facebook. Either way, your presence online is being noticed and the tools and techniques available to focus your job search using tools like Twitter are gaining some ground. More »

Kid Sends Perfectly Blunt Cover Letter For Wall Street Internship, And Now Tons Of People Are Trying To Hire Him

Kid Sends Perfectly Blunt Cover Letter For Wall Street Internship, And Now Tons Of People Are Trying To Hire Him

Sometimes we get forwarded applications for summer internships on Wall Street that are extremely embarrassing because the applicant is totally full of themselves or completely clueless. What happens is the letters go viral and the Street passes them around in long email chains blasting the applicant. They’re always funny, but a little bit sad.

That’s exactly what we thought was going to happen today when we received this one in our inbox. It turns that the cover letter originally sent to a boutique investment bank is exactly the opposite. More »