Global One TV: Multimedia for Mystics

"Show me the face you had before your parents were born"

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Created by Eric Allen Bell Mar 15, 2009 at 9:15am. Last updated by Eric Allen Bell Nov 30, 2012.


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"The true nature of Intelligence is Inquiry"

- J. Krishnamurti


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“I leave my human nature to unfold according to its destiny. I remain as I AM.”

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Blog Posts

Closer to You than Yourself


 Out of One come the many.  Within the many exist the One.

Unity in Diversity





 "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is…


Posted by Eric Allen Bell on December 25, 2012 at 2:59pm — 1 Comment



Here, there and everywhere.…


Posted by Eric Allen Bell on December 22, 2012 at 4:56pm — 1 Comment

Resting in Oneness

Where you place your attention

will determine your experience

in this moment and partly

your experience in the future.

So if your attention

is fixed on the 'me'

my problems, my desires,

my beliefs, my success,

even my enlightenment,

then you remain in a state

of separation and conflict.

You will always feel…


Posted by Kip Mazuy on December 21, 2012 at 2:14pm

Meditations on Ego and Enlightenment - by Eric Allen Bell


Over a long enough period of time, the survival rate for your body is zero.  Contained within the body is the brain and one of the functions of the brain is the ego.  The ego is the self concept of the brain-body organism and it does not like what was just said one bit.…


Posted by Eric Allen Bell on December 20, 2012 at 11:10am — 28 Comments

L O V E - by Eric Allen Bell


Love is the cosmic gateway to deeper understanding.

It's forms are many.

Love inspires both…

Posted by Eric Allen Bell on December 15, 2012 at 7:35am — 2 Comments

Religion and Religiousness - by Eric Allen Bell


No religion is entirely wrong. …


Posted by Eric Allen Bell on December 14, 2012 at 1:42pm — 4 Comments

A Boundless Field of Possibilities - by Eric Allen Bell

Non-Local Consciousness is the ground of all being.

Everything is made up of consciousness.…


Posted by Eric Allen Bell on December 13, 2012 at 4:34am — 11 Comments

How to Attain The "No Mind" State in Meditation

In meditation

try letting go

of every thought

that arises.

Do not try and push

the thoughts away.

Rather, stop grabbing

hold of them.

Or if you already

have grabbed hold of the thought,

stop holding on to it.

Let it go on its own

and in this way



Posted by Kip Mazuy on December 13, 2012 at 4:32am — 2 Comments

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Lee Tamplain replied to Eric Allen Bell's discussion Non-Local Consciousness = GOD
"Eric, so often I feel you are a diamond in the rough in need of polishing.  Your posts are so close and hit upon essential points, but miss the mark that leads to clarity.  Do you have a guide or teacher? Anything that becomes…"
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Healing Sexual Abuse

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I AM - the documentary

I AM is an utterly engaging and entertaining non-fiction film that poses two practical and provocative questions: what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do to make it better?   The filmmaker behind the inquiry is Tom Shadyac, one of…See More
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Non-Local Consciousness = GOD 1 Reply

 Science, through the study of Quantum Physics, is running into some tough questions about whether or not so-called "reality" is not in fact subjective. Raising this question causes certain types of Atheists to become rather upset - and insist that this type of science is being distorted to conveniently support the idea of a "god" or something that is Infinite. From the meditative state however, it becomes self-evident that consciousness is…Continue

Tags: spiritual-forums, spiritual-blogs, spiriutal-networks, spiriutality, non-local-consciousness

Started by Eric Allen Bell in Consciousness and Self Realization. Last reply by Lee Tamplain 2 hours ago.

Crisis 3 Replies

The way that so-called "education" works in America is such that these conformity factories spit out a huge inventory of linear thinkers, people who are tragically unable to access their creativity in a constructive way toward understanding problems and engaging in the process of solving them. Those struck worse…Continue

Tags: Christianity, religion, evolution, revolution, spiritual-blogs

Started by Eric Allen Bell in Consciousness and Self Realization. Last reply by Ken Turner Dec 17, 2012.

Waves of Consciousness 31 Replies

The recognition that essentially you are the world, that there is no subject/object split, that there is no separation between you and "all that is" - this realization, even at the conceptual level, changes consciousness. When this realization gets in deeper and becomes more self evident, consciousness changes again, and again, and again as one lives their life more consciously. And this elevated state of consciousness affects all consciousness around it - like ripples on the pond of collective…Continue

Tags: collective-consciousness, spiritual-blogs, consciousness, nonviolent-revolution, revolution

Started by Eric Allen Bell in Consciousness and Self Realization. Last reply by Debrah McCabe Sep 23, 2011.

Wishful Thinking: A Cheap Alternative to Inquiry 35 Replies

The newer popular alternatives to religion, that come in the form of new age spirituality such as "The Secret" are just as loony as the promise of heaven for the believer, and a lake of hellfire for the nonbeliever. This ever so intoxicating form of delusion is simply more escapism - a new belief system to impose upon reality, in order to avoid true, honest and courageous self inquiry.In this form of wishful thinking the egoic mind is "meant" to have whatever it visualizes and this gets…Continue

Tags: new-age, the-secret, online-spiritual-groups, spiritual-networks, inquiry

Started by Eric Allen Bell in Consciousness and Self Realization. Last reply by Ron Rose Apr 28, 2012.

Love is Literally Everywhere - by Eric Allen Bell 7 Replies

 The subatomic particles love each other so much they form an atom which loves the other atoms that form a molecule, which loves the other molecules so much they bind together and create matter, which loves other matter so much that it creates and creates and creates - and life is born and love amplifies. To not recognize the overwhelming amount of love present in the world is to be blind. - Eric Allen Bell    Continue

Tags: spiritual-blogs, self-realization, spiritual-groups, spiritual-networks, spirituality

Started by Eric Allen Bell in Consciousness and Self Realization. Last reply by Sharon White Nov 19, 2012.

Can We Rise Above the Insanity of the World? 12 Replies

 When you look down, as if from a mountain top, at the battlefield that is life, what do you see?  Is there a place for you in it?  As the story unfolds, of this tribe against that, of a society which has told you who you are from birth, what to believe, who to be, how to live, what to aim for, do you see a place for you in it?  Is there anything inviting you into the story?  Can you look at it, from this place, high upon the mountain top,…Continue

Tags: nonviolent-revolution, military-industrial-complex, radical-inquiry, revolution, gita

Started by Eric Allen Bell in Consciousness and Self Realization. Last reply by Donna Lynn Suthard on Monday.

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