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The Investigative Project on Terrorism
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About The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Steven Emerson

The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) is a non-profit research group founded by Steven Emerson in 1995. It is recognized as the world's most comprehensive data center on radical Islamic terrorist groups. For more than a decade, the IPT has investigated the operations, funding, activities and front groups of Islamic terrorist and extremist groups in the United States and around the world. It has become a principal source of critical evidence to a wide variety of government offices and law enforcement agencies, as well as the U.S. Congress and numerous public policy forums. Research carried out by the IPT team has formed the basis for thousands of articles and television specials on the subject of radical Islamic involvement in terrorism, and has even led to successful government action against terrorists and financiers based in the United States.

The IPT accepts no funding from outside the United States, or from any governmental agency or political or religious institutions. Tax deductible contributions should be made to its fund-raising arm, the Investigative Project on Terrorism Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Founder and executive director Steven Emerson is an internationally recognized expert on terrorism and national security and author. Consulted by the White House, National Security Council, FBI, Justice Department, Congress and intelligence agencies, Mr. Emerson is in great demand as one of the most astute, insightful and knowledgeable experts in the world today on the threat and prospects of militant Islamic terrorism. He has been quoted in more than 500 news articles and has appeared frequently on network television. His 2002 best-selling book, American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us, provides the first context and understanding for how one of the most notorious terrorist groups in the world could have plotted the worst terrorist attack on American soil without detection or scrutiny by American authorities.

What others say about Emerson and the Investigative Project on Terrorism:


"The Investigative Project on Terrorism is critical to our nation's security. There is no other non-governmental group that has better intelligence or data on the threat to the United States and our allies. Making do with a bare bones budget, the IPT is a national treasure whose influence and achievements are unparalleled."
U.S. Representative Pete Hoekstra, Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

"[The Investigative Project] was a decade ahead of its time in focusing on the terrorist threat to the United States and to our homeland from Islamic extremism..."
U.S. Representative Brad Sherman, D-CA

"The Investigative Project is the only one out there who is really doing substantial research into what is going on in the world and here in America. They are actually researching, they are recording, they are verifying how this [radical jihadist] movement is taking place ... I don't know of anyone else who is doing the same thing."
U.S. Representative Sue Myrick, R-NC, Chairman of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus

"When FBI said there were no Web sites in the U.S. that were recruiting jihadists for training in Afghanistan or soliciting money for terrorist front groups, I asked Steve Emerson to check. Emerson had written the book American Jihad, which had told me more than the FBI ever had about radical Islamic groups in the U.S. Within days, Emerson had a long list of Web sites sitting on servers in the United States. I passed the list to Justice and the FBI..."
Richard A. Clarke, Chief Counter-Terrorism Advisor for the National Security Council, Author of Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror.

"Steven Emerson's Investigative Project on Terrorism, a not-for-profit research group, repeatedly told me things about terrorists on the web and terrorists in the United States that neither the CIA nor the FBI knew. Often he was right."
Richard A. Clarke in Your Government Failed You

"The Investigative Project has been one of the most important sources of accurate and timely information on the real goals and objectives of the wide spread and powerful Islamist movement."
Oliver "Buck" Revell, former head of FBI Investigations and Counter-Terrorism

"Steve Emerson and the Investigative Project (IP) do a really terrific job and the IP is a good repository for information. My experience with the IP is that they have been very methodical and very detail oriented in developing their information. They can look at an organization, particularly a complex organization and through public source information identify potential terrorist threats and possible links to terrorism."
Dennis Lormel, Former Chief of Terrorist Financing Operations at the FBI.

"Gathering information, the gathering of intelligence information about these terrorists organizations is the single most critical thing that we can do to prevent the next act of terrorism occurring in this country and to me the hallmark and characteristic of the Investigative Project is that they are truly a unique institution in the private sector doing a very important job that nobody else does."
Steven Pomerantz, Former Chief of Counterterrorism at the FBI

"Steve has been on the cutting edge of this for many years and if you look back over time and take a hard evaluation of the things he has accomplished and the kind of information he has made available to the public, the Congress, and to law enforcement, I think he has done an extremely valuable service."
Bob Blitzer, Former Counterterrorism Chief at the FBI

"....Emerson was helpful in preparing to cross-examine defense witnesses in the [1993 World Trade Center bombings] case....He's a valuable source of information and knowledge. And in terms of trying to find places to look for evidence, he's a very good person to talk to. He's got a lot of insight."
Andrew McCarthy, Assistant U.S. Attorney who prosecuted the 1993 World Trade Center bombings


"Steve Emerson is one of the nation's best national security correspondents. His investigative work on radical Islamic fundamentalism is absolutely critical to this nation's national security. There is no one else who has exhibited the same expertise, courage and determination to tackle this vital issue."
A.M. Rosenthal, late-managing editor of the New York Times.

"With a largely young staff, including Arabic speakers, his outfit subscribes to Arab-language publications, surfs the Internet to visit radical sites, and use public documents to track overlapping directorships among groups. He also collected an impressive array of tapes, videos, and literature distributed by the groups, full of calls for jihad against the West and solicitations for cash..."
Douglas Farah, Blood From Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror.

"Steve, you have been following this guy [Sami Al-Arian], you have been tracking this guy. You've been - you've been demanding that they do something about this guy ... in fact, if there's one person in the nation who's probably single-handedly responsible for it [the arrest of Al-Arian], Steve Emerson."
Dan Abrams, The Abrams Report

"Obviously, you're one of the foremost experts on terrorism, not only in America, but across the world."
Joe Scarborough, MSNBC's Scarborough Country

"Steve Emerson knows what he's talking about with terrorism."
Chis Matthews, Hardball

"You, ladies and gentlemen of the IPT, are crucial to the education of policy-makers and aware citizens in the US and beyond. You demonstrate with every publication of the newsletter, the power of open source intelligence. I am proud of your work and of you."
Jeff Kamen, Co-Author of Final Warning: Averting Disaster in the New Age of Terrorism

"...[The] Investigative Project, the most comprehensive counter-terrorist institute in the world today. The Investigative Project is uniquely effective in tracking the activities of Islamic militant groups."
Stephen Schwartz, Author

"Researcher Steven Emerson digs deeper into the threat of Islamic terrorism than most journalists who cover the topic. That might be one reason why many journalists rely on his information for their own reporting. Using a staff of Arabic translators, the Freedom of Information Act, and his contacts at the FBI, Emerson generates the best information available on radical Islam and is increasingly consulted by Congress and other governmental bodies."
Eli Lake, The New York Sun

"No serious study of the terrorist threat to America and the West can take place without studying the work of Steve Emerson. He has been at it for longer than most, and to ignore his work is to imperil ourselves. He is a brave and serious scholar and investigator who helps show the way and is deserving of nothing less than the Presidential Medal of Freedom."
Bill Bennet, Host: The Bill Bennet Show, Author: The Fight of Our Lives