Editorial Backlash Against President Obama’s Job-Destroying Keystone Decision Continues

President Obama’s jaunt to Disney World yesterday bought him no reprieve from the onslaught of editorials criticizing his decision to forgo 20,000 new American jobs by rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline.  Further proof that the president’s policies are making the economy worse, here is another round-up of what newspapers across the country are saying about President Obama’s job-destroying move: 

  • “President Barack Obama is Willing to Wait and Wait and Wait for … 20,000 Desperately Needed Jobs...”  “For someone whose operating slogan is ‘We Can’t Wait,’ it's curious that President Barack Obama is willing to wait and wait and wait for the Keystone XL Pipeline project and the 20,000 desperately needed jobs it promises. … If the ‘can’t wait’ president keeps dragging his feet, he will hand the Chinese yet one more competitive advantage over the United States.” (Editorial, The Detroit News, 1/20/12)
  • “[President] Obama Needs to Find a Way to Fast-Track the Pipeline, Like the Republicans Tried to Do…” “The proposed 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas - the one rejected Wednesday by President Barack Obama - is remarkable for its economic and geopolitical potential. … [President] Obama needs to find a way to fast-track the pipeline, like the Republicans tried to do - for the sake of U.S. and Canadian workers who need jobs, if not for his own.” (Editorial, Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 1/20/12)
  • “The President Has Made A Cynical Political Calculation...” “[P]resident Obama on Wednesday rejected the private-sector project and the thousands of jobs that come with it. The president’s own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness issued a ‘Road Map to Renewal’ the day before, recommending the United States build more fuel pipelines as a key component of our economic recovery. … The president has made a cynical political calculation that -- at least until November -- he would rather curry favor with shiver-in-the-dark environmental extremists than with the union interests the project would put to work.” (Editorial, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1/20/12)
  • [President] Obama’s Decision Forgoes all the Project’s Jobs.” “[President] Obama’s decision forgoes all the project’s jobs. … Whatever the figure, it’s in the thousands and thus important in a country hungering for work. And Keystone XL is precisely the sort of infrastructure project that [President] Obama claims to favor.” (Robert Samuelson, Op-Ed, The Washington Post, 1/20/12)
  • “President Obama’s Choice is a Bad One. He Needs to Reconsider.” “A lack of urgency regarding energy independence is only one of the reasons President Barack Obama is being shellacked this week by Republicans and Democrats alike for his disappointing decision regarding the Keystone XL transcontinental oil pipeline.  … That foot-dragging runs counter to the recommendations of the president’s own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. President Obama's choice is a bad one. He needs to reconsider.” (Editorial, The Arizona Republic, 1/20/12)
  • “…A Disaster for American Workers...” “The White House’s pre-emptive strike on the Keystone XL oil pipeline is a disaster for American workers and consumers. President Obama continues to demonstrate that he has no idea how real jobs are created or how the economy works.” (Editorial, The Washington Times, 1/19/12)
Yesterday’s reviews were no kinder to President Obama, calling his decision “politics at its worst” and a “missed economic opportunity” (see more here). The Obama administration is also under fire by labor unions, governors and even congressional Democrats who say the Keystone delay “is just playing politics with American jobs and American energy security.”   The blowback is not surprising, as the project has the broad bipartisan support of Congress and is backed by a majority of the American people.  The president’s misguided decision is just another example of how Democrats’ policies are destroying the economy and making it harder to create jobs.  Republicans are listening to the American people, and will continue fighting for the Keystone pipeline to bring jobs and energy security to America.