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(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Congressman Alan Nunnelee announced the launch of American Job Creators, an initiative that works directly with Mississippians to learn how government regulations are negatively impacting their business.   

“Having started a small business from scratch, I understand the rewards and challenges of entrepreneurship - and those challenges shouldn’t include a regulatory environment that is choking our businesses. Just this year, the Obama Administration has identified 219 new regulations that have an estimated annual cost of $100 million each. Every American job creator deserves the opportunity to grow and succeed in the United States. Unfortunately, too many burdensome government regulations are standing in the way,” Nunnelee said.    

“The regulations that we comply with are numerous, and one that is expensive to comply with for small convenience store owners is the EPA issued national emission standards designed to reduce air pollution from facilities in the gasoline distribution,” said Rex Gillis, President of Dutch Oil Company.  “Obviously, such vapor recovery systems are costly to implement and maintain. While we applaud the goals of the Clean Air Act, we wonder if regulations such as this are afforded a rigorous cost/benefit analysis before a final decision is made. We also believe that the affected business communities should be brought into these discussions early as partners in achieving the legislative goals and not as adversaries.”

American Job Creators is an initiative in coordination with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Mississippi businesses can participate by visiting Congressman Nunnelee’s website and clicking on American Job Creators.  Their stories will be used to publicly educate Congress and the American people about the challenges facing U.S. job creators.

“I invite businesses across Mississippi to visit my website, click the American Job Creators link and share their story.  I want to know exactly how government regulations are negatively impacting businesses in our state. Together, we can knock down these barriers and give Mississippi businesses the confidence they need to grow and create jobs,” Nunnelee concluded.  

For more information visit AmericanJobCreators.com or nunnelee.house.gov.


Congressman Alan Nunnelee represents Mississippi’s First Congressional District and serves on the House Appropriations Committee.  This is his first term.

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