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NUNNELEE: House Votes to Put the Gulf Back to Work


NEWS RELEASE – May 11, 2011

NUNNELEE: House Votes to Put the Gulf Back to Work

(Washington, D.C.) – Today H.R. 1229, The Putting the Gulf Back to Work Act, passed in the House of Representatives.  Congressman Nunnelee is a cosponsor of the legislation which will end the Obama Administration’s de facto drilling moratorium in a safe, responsible, transparent manner – putting thousands of Americans back to work and increasing American energy production to help address rising gasoline prices. 

“Since the drilling moratorium was officially lifted in October, the Obama Administration has chosen to drag their feet and stall the permitting process in the Gulf,” said Nunnelee. “This stalling tactic is costing Americans jobs.  In fact, reports indicate that if the Obama Administration’s de facto moratorium is sustained for 18 months, it would cost the Gulf over 24,000 jobs.  Already, twelve rigs have left the Gulf for other regions.  This steady decline in oil and natural gas production is costing the United States $4.7 million a day in lost revenues.  By speeding up the drilling permitting process and increasing domestic energy production, we will put thousands of Americans back to work and help address the concerns of rising gas prices,” concluded Nunnelee.

Nunnelee is a member of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT).  HEAT consists of a committed group of House members that promote Republican energy policies that will address rising energy prices, create thousands of good jobs and enhance our national security by promoting energy independence for America. 

For more information on The Putting the Gulf Back to Work Act and the House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, click here.

Congressman Alan Nunnelee represents Mississippi’s First Congressional District and serves on the House Appropriations Committee.  This is his first term.

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