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Two teachers currently training at the new Dowa Teachers Training College that opened in Malawi Nov. 30. The college was built with the help of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Food for Progress (FFP) program, and more than 250 qualified primary school teachers will graduate from there annually. The teachers will instruct children in the rural communities throughout Malawi. (Courtesy Photo)

FAS Program Helps Provide Qualified Teachers in Malawi

In the News

USDA Amends GSM-102 Credit Guarantees for Export Sales to Republic of Turkey (01/03/13)

U.S., China Conclude 23rd Session of Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (USTR, 12/20/12)

USDA Trade Mission Aims to Create Opportunities for U.S. Agriculture in Russia (11/29/12)

USDA Accepting Applications for 2013 Borlaug Fellowships (11/15/12)

GSM-102 Fees and Announcements for FY2013 (10/18/12)

Trans-Pacific Partnership (USTR)

Russia's Accession to the World Trade Organization


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Current World Production, Markets and Trade Reports

Export Sales

Quarterly Agricultural Export Forecast

Indonesia: Long-Term Prospects for U.S. Agricultural Exports (01/04/13)



FAS Strategic Plan FY 2012-2016

U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation

Agricultural Advisory Committees for Trade

Rebuilding Agriculture in Afghanistan

Consultative Group to Eliminate the Use of Child Labor and Forced Labor in Imported Agricultural Products

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