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Alan Reynolds

Senior Fellow

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Alan Reynolds is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and was formerly Director of Economic Research at the Hudson Institute. He served as Research Director with National Commission on Tax Reform and Economic Growth, an advisor to the National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education, and as a member of the OMB transition team in 1981. His studies have been published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Joint Economic Committee, the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and St. Louis and the Australian Stock Exchange. Author of Income and Wealth (Greenwood Press 2006), he has written for numerous publications since 1971 including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, National Review, The New Republic, Fortune and The Harvard Business Review. A former columnist with Forbes and Reason, his weekly column is now nationally syndicated.

Media Contact: 202-789-5200
To Book a Speaking Engagement: 202-789-5226

Books and Book Chapters

Income and Wealth (2006)

After Enron: Lessons for Public Policy: Chapter 3, "Political Responses to the Enron Scandal," and Chapter 17, "Compensation, Journalism, and Taxes" (2005)

Cato Studies

"Has U.S. Income Inequality Really Increased?," Policy Analysis no. 586, January 8, 2007.

"Deficits, Interest Rates, and Taxes: Myths and Realities," Policy Analysis no. 517, June 29, 2004.

"Microsoft's Appealing Case," by Robert A. Levy and Alan Reynolds, Policy Analysis no. 385, November 9, 2000.

Articles and Newsletters

Worse than a Bailout - A Blunder , National Review, October 20, 2008

Crises and Recoveries: Multinational Failures and National Successes, Cato Journal, vol. 23, no. 1, Spring/Summer 2003.

The Fiscal-Monetary Policy Mix, Cato Journal, vol. 21, no. 2, Fall 2001.

Some International Comparisons of Supply-Side Tax Policy, Cato Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, Fall 1985.

Why Gold?, Cato Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, Spring 1983.

Opinion and Commentary

"$646,214 Per Government Job," The Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2009

"Faith-Based Economics," National Review, January 28, 2009

"Falling Behind: How Rising Inequality Harms the Middle Class," Freeman, January 22, 2009

"Depressing Economics," Forbes, January 19, 2009

"Barack Obama and the Taxpayer," Forbes, November 6, 2008

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"Economic Stimulus: Facts and Fiction," February 4, 2008 [Capitol Hill Briefing]

"Has U.S. Income Inequality Increased?," January 11, 2007 [Policy Forum]

"24th Annual Monetary Conference: Federal Reserve Policy in the Face of Crises," November 16, 2006 [Conference]

Speeches and Testimony

"Taxes and Deficits: A 2008 Perspective," Alan Reynolds, Free Market Forum at Hillsdale College, September 26-28, 2008.

Taxes and Deficits (PDF), Speech, October 7, 2008.


Media Highlight Alan Reynolds discusses Cato's stimulus ad on CNN's "American Morning" January 29, 2009 [Flash Video, 04:46]

Media Highlight Alan Reynolds discusses Cato's stimulus ad on FOX January 28, 2009 [Flash Video, 03:28]

Media Highlight Alan Reynolds discusses the stimulus ad on WBAL's "The Ron Smith Show" January 28, 2009 [Flash Audio, 12:47]

Media Highlight Alan Reynolds discusses the stimulus ad on KOGO's "The Roger Hedgecock Show" January 28, 2009 [Flash Audio, 06:12]

Media Highlight Alan Reynolds discusses the economy on WIBA's "Upfront with Vicki McKenna" November 10, 2008 [Flash Audio, 17:15]

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