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Simon Lester

Trade Policy Analyst, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies

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Simon Lester is a trade policy analyst with Cato's Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies. His research focuses on WTO disputes, regional trade agreements, disguised protectionism and the history of international trade law.

Before joining Cato, he worked for the trade law practice of a Washington, D.C. law firm, and also as a Legal Affairs Officer at the Appellate Body Secretariat of the World Trade Organization. In 2001, he founded the international trade law web site He has written a number of law journal articles, which have appeared in such publications as the Stanford Journal of International Law, the George Washington International Law Review and the Journal of World Trade. In addition, he has taught courses on international trade law at American University's Washington College of Law and the University of Michigan Law School.

He has a J.D. from Harvard Law School.

Media Contact: 202-789-5200
To Book a Speaking Engagement: 202-789-5269

Cato Studies

"Free Trade and Tobacco: Thank You for Not Smoking (Foreign) Cigarettes," Free Trade Bulletin no. 49, August 15, 2012.

Opinion and Commentary

"Do We Need an Investment Treaty with China?," National Interest (Online), December 3, 2012

"Thinking Big on Trade Policy," The Hill, November 27, 2012

"Plain Packaging and Protectionism: What Is Free Trade?," JURIST, October 24, 2012

"Advocates Need to Make the Important Case for Free Trade," Investor's Business Daily, September 18, 2012

"Global Human Rights Cop," The Hill (Online), August 31, 2012

[View more Opinion and Commentary]

Cato @ Liberty Blog Posts

"Exporting Natural Gas," December 10, 2012

"TAFTA We Hafta?," December 6, 2012

"Optimism and Skepticism on Trade Policy in Obama's Second Term," November 26, 2012

"Happy Imported Thanksgiving!," November 21, 2012

"'Going Big' on Trade," November 16, 2012

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Daily Podcast More 'Get Tough' Campaign Trade Rhetoric (October 24, 2012) [Daily Podcast, 07:49]

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