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  1. Congress renewed a law granting government the power to spy on your electronic communications with almost no debate. This was done intentionally by scheduling a vote on the bill mere hours before the law was about to expire.
  2. RecommendationsSee All
    • Édouard Josse
      The Cercle René Rémond is a French conservative think tank stated mission is to defend and promote pro-liberty public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, and traditional moral values.
      about 5 months ago
    • Robert S. Bingham
      The greatest resource to have is a strong knowledge of history and how history tends to repeat itself by those who ignore the lessons from history.
      about 10 months ago
    • Sammy Ari Dennison
      The Cato Institute is a think tank who regularly interact with the public to deliver expert economic analysis on a variety of media platforms for free. It serves as a resourceful vessel of academic production with practical and pertinent insight and is a partner in the global effort to unlock human potential, to progress humanity through the protection and deliverance of situations in which we can experience liberty. It collaborates with government, and representatives from all bands of the global populace, helping you connect with people who are on your level, above your level, or below your level; guaranteeing that you will learn something, make a friend, or be able to teach and lead people through the economic and political storm facing many of us, and targeting those with more sturdy holdings to help those who struggle to weather the storm do so. As the death toll in Ukraine increases, one has to ask why this is not happening quicker, and so it with this increased functionality that I deliver this recommendation to the Public.
      about 11 months ago
    • Regina Scheppler
      excellent resource...
      over a year ago
  3. LikesSee All
  4. "It is necessary to realize that the sources of many of the most harmful agents in this world are often not evil men but highminded idealists, and that in particular the foundations of totalitarian barbarism have been laid by honourable and well-meaning scholars who never recognized the offspring they produced."

    -FA Hayek, excepted from page 70 of Law, Legislation, and Liberty: Volume I
  5. The educational video site LearnLiberty is offering a great new opportunity, Learn Liberty Academy, which hosts 3-week courses with live interactive webcasts taught by professors from accredited universities to dig deeper into issues. If yo...u're not getting the most out of your formal education, perhaps it's time to shake things up.

    There's still time to register for their first program, "Everything You Need to Know About Economics," with professor Art Carden:
    See More
  6. It's 2013, which means it's time for Cato Vice President Gene Healy's roundup of last year's absolute worst in political commentary.
  7. Do you have some extra time on your holiday break? Look at these great internship opportunities for next summer. Reason Magazine, the Institute for Humane Studies, and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education are the most recent listings in our 12 Days of Internships project.
  8. Give yourself the gift of a summer internship. Explore the opportunities listed from the Foundation for Economic Education (Day 5) and The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) (Day 6), featured on our 12 Days of Internships page.
  9. Conservatives usually warn against panicked legislation written in the wake of a shooting, writes Gene Healy. This time, however, the NRA flubbed it.

    The NRA's proposition to put armed guards at every school in the country demonstrates a poor understanding of risk, and a poor approach to policy.
  10. After sitting on the data for four years, the Obama administration quietly released the embarrassing results of a study: the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on Head Start were a complete waste.
  11. With all the talk about tax hikes, tax breaks, tax codes, and tax evaders, it has become more important to know how the government is employing its taxing power. Get the inside scoop by interning for a tax policy think tank founded in the ...1930s. The Tax Foundation is featured as Day 3 in our 12 Days of Internships.

    For some related material, make sure to check out Cato's own project, Downsizing Government (
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  12. Always wanted to work in Hollywood? Want to advance free-market principles? Why not do both? The Moving Picture Institute places interns at some of the biggest production companies in the business. Check out the program, which is featured as Day 2 in our 12 Days of Internships.
    Cato On Campus is an online resource created for students by the Cato Institute, one of the nation’s leading public policy research foundations. With extensive content of its own, Cato On Campus also provides opportunities for events, internships and jobs; articles written specifically for students...
    Page: 3,126 like this
  13. Fossil fuels are often blamed for destroying the environment, but is that really the case?

    Fossil fuels also gave rise to modern civilization, and with it the technology that allowed man to reduce the percentage of the Earth devoted to cropland.
  14. The Institute for Justice has some great opportunities for clerkships, internships, and a summer conference. Check out these offerings and more as IJ is featured as "Day 1" of our 12 Days of Internships campaign!
  15. How should we respond to the Sandy Hook school shooting last week? Cato chairman Bob Levy weighs in on the topic, noting that "regulations must be fashioned with great care, not simply as a formulaic response to the Newtown tragedy."
  16. On today's date in 1944 the Supreme Court ruled that it is within the government's power to imprison American citizens based entirely on their race.

    Let's not forget that people who are still alive today were put in internment camps by Fra...nklin Roosevelt administration.

    From the Court's opinion: "When, under conditions of modern warfare, our shores are threatened by hostile forces, the power to protect must be commensurate with the threatened danger."
    See More
  17. "Securing the border can happen only if there is a viable way for most aspiring immigrants to enter the country legally in a timely manner. Immigration enforcement should act as a funnel guiding immigrants toward a viable lawful migration p...ath, not just as a bludgeon to remove otherwise law-abiding people." - Alex Nowrasteh, Cato policy analyst
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