Braille Books 1997-1998 National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Washington 1999 Fiction Adventure Adventures of Huckleberry Finn BR 10687 by Mark Twain 3 volumes A comprehensive edition of Twain's 1885 tale about a boy who runs away from home and floats down the Mississippi on a raft with an escaping slave. Includes four episodes originally deleted from the first edition, an introduction by Twain biographer Justin Kaplan, and an addendum of explanatory and interpretive notes. Strong language. 1996. Captain Hawaii BR 10319 by Anthony Dana Arkin 2 volumes Captain Dan's Zodiac Pirate Tours sounds exciting to Arron, who is a nature lover. Unlike his parents, he didn't come to Hawaii just to sit by the pool. And he is pleased that Kate, the captain's daughter, is pretty too. But then events erupt when a rival tour company tries to put Captain Dan out of business, involving Kate and Arron in the process. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Classics Across the River and into the Trees BR 11204 by Ernest Hemingway 2 volumes In Hemingway's final novel, which is set in Venice near the end of the second World War, an aging and battle-scarred American colonel finds a renewed enthusiasm for life when he falls in love with a young Italian countess. Some strong language. 1950. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn BR 10687 by Mark Twain 3 volumes A comprehensive edition of Twain's 1885 tale about a boy who runs away from home and floats down the Mississippi on a raft with an escaping slave. Includes four episodes originally deleted from the first edition, an introduction by Twain biographer Justin Kaplan, and an addendum of explanatory and interpretive notes. Strong language. 1996. The Aspern Papers and Other Stories BR 11097 by Henry James 3 volumes First published in 1888, "The Aspern Papers" is set in a crumbling Venetian palazzo, where a determined scholar tries to charm its inhabitants--the Misses Bordereau--out of a collection of letters by the American poet Aspern. Three short stories first published in the 1890s complete the collection. 1983. The Blithedale Romance BR 11196 by Nathaniel Hawthorne 5 volumes Hawthorne's novel is based on his experiences living on Brook Farm, the experimental transcendentalist community in Massachusetts. The novel tells of Zenobia's love for Hollingsworth, an egotistic reformer who does not return her affection. First published in 1852. 1996. Cannery Row BR 11086 by John Steinbeck 2 volumes The story of a happy-go-lucky colony of bums on the Monterey, California, waterfront and of their friends, ladies of easy virtue in a nearby establishment. A sentimental theme is treated with realism and with the philosophy that poverty-stricken independence is better than commercial success. Some strong language. 1945. Daisy Miller BR 10809 by Henry James 1 volume First published in 1878, this short story tells how Daisy, an American girl, is ostracized for going sightseeing in Rome with a man but without a chaperone. 1878. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories BR 11088 by Nikolai Gogol 2 volumes These stories, by the father of Russian realism, are set both in his native Ukraine and in St. Petersburg, the city that was to have an obsessive effect on him. Critics have acclaimed the early nineteenth-century writer for his uncanny understanding of the development of mental illness. 1972. Erewhon BR 11198 by Samuel Butler 2 volumes An English traveler discovers the remote land of Erewhon inhabited by irrational people with exasperating ideas. A satirical novel aimed at lampooning nineteenth-century English society, customs, and manners. First published in 1872. 1970. The Europeans BR 11214 by Henry James 2 volumes A fortune-hunting European countess and her charming brother come to visit their straight-laced cousins near Boston. Their rich and imaginative, but immoral, way of living is contrasted with the dull, but upright, American way. 1878. Finnegans Wake BR 10256 by James Joyce 6 volumes A controversial experimental novel first published in 1939. The book is apparently a dream sequence representing one night in the unconscious mind of a Dublin tavern keeper. Joyce's unique style makes extensive use of slang, arcane puns, and obscure allusions. 1939. The Gambler BR 11100 by Fyodor Dostoevsky 2 volumes Set in a fashionable nineteenth-century German spa, this story tells of a young Russian tutor who becomes so addicted to the passion of gambling that everything else loses meaning for him. Originally written in 1866. 1964. Great Expectations BR 11178 by Charles Dickens 5 volumes Pip, a poor orphan boy, is befriended by an unknown benefactor and goes to London to live the life of a gentleman. The sequence of events and his meetings with strange and colorful characters change him from a shallow youth to a mature man. Includes an introduction by G.K. Chesterton. 1860. The Great Gatsby BR 11057 by F. Scott Fitzgerald 2 volumes First published in 1925, this classic is set in the ebullient Jazz Age of the 1920s. Wealthy Jay Gatsby strives desperately to recapture his past and his lost love, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby's hedonistic pursuit of the American dream leads him to a tragic fate. 1992. Hard Times BR 10964 by Charles Dickens 3 volumes A protest against materialism, set in an industrial coketown in mid-nineteenth-century England. Governed solely by self-interest, Thomas Gradgrind destroys his children, Louisa and Thomas, by a complete absence of sympathy and sentiment. 1854. The Hunchback of Notre Dame BR 11219 by Victor Hugo 5 volumes This historical romance, set in 1482, concerns Quasimodo, the hunchback bell-ringer of the Paris cathedral of Notre Dame, and his love for the gypsy girl, Esmerelda. 1831. Jane Eyre BR 10514 by Charlotte Bronte 4 volumes (Reissue) First published in 1847, this English novel is about a plain and intelligent woman who becomes the governess for an estate, is caught up in the mysteries of the manor, and falls in love with the master of the house. 1993. Laughing Boy BR 10379 by Oliver La Farge 2 volumes A Pulitzer Prize-winning novel set in the Navajo Southwest of 1915. In telling the haunting story of the young lovers, Laughing Boy and Slim Girl, the author depicts the lives of the Indians from his experience as an anthropologist. Some violence and some strong language. For high school and older readers. 1929. A Lost Lady BR 11262 by Willa Cather 1 volume A portrayal of the moral disintegration of a lovable woman as seen through the eyes of a boy. Some strong language. 1923. The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg BR 11193 by Mark Twain 1 volume A mysterious stranger leaves a sack of gold to an unknown citizen of Hadleyburg on the condition that the townsman can prove he is the kind person who once befriended a man in need. The temptation has a remarkable effect on the townspeople, who take great pride in their virtue. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1986. My Antonia BR 11320 by Willa Cather 3 volumes A lawyer recalls his Nebraska boyhood and the girl who was a strong influence on his life in this novel about pioneering conditions and the assimilation of immigrants. Contains a historical essay by James Woodress that describes the origin, writing, and reception of the book. 1918. Nineteen Eighty-Four BR 10312 by George Orwell 3 volumes Classic dark satire written in 1949. In a future time under a totalitarian regime, the people believe ignorance is strength and war is peace. For senior high and older readers. 1949. The Old Man and the Sea BR 10599 by Ernest Hemingway 1 volume (Reissue) An old Cuban fisherman hooks a giant marlin after eighty-five days without a catch. He then fights a losing battle with sharks that seek to deprive him of his triumph. Pulitzer Prize winner. Bestseller 1952. The Professor's House BR 11281 by Willa Cather 2 volumes A psychological study that concerns the emotional crisis of a fifty-year-old professor at a midwestern university who, at the height of his career, begins to be dissatisfied with himself. 1925. Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins BR 10430 by Mark Twain 3 volumes Two novels by an American humorist. In Pudd'nhead Wilson Twain provides a complex, ironical and morally disturbing account of human nature under slavery as a brilliant and inventive nineteenth-century lawyer attempts to prove his case by using the newfangled science of fingerprinting. Those Extraordinary Twins is about Siamese twins who share many amusing problems. 1894. The Red Pony BR 10887 by John Steinbeck 1 volume In this story, originally written in 1933, Jody Tiflin is only ten years old when he receives the red pony as a gift. As Jody matures, his experiences with horses, an old ranchhand, and the birth of a colt teach him about the interconnections between life and death. 1994. Redburn: His First Voyage; Being the Sailor-boy Confessions and Reminiscences of the Son-of-a- Gentleman in the Merchant Service BR 11203 by Herman Melville 4 volumes Wellingborough Redburn makes his first voyage to Liverpool, where there is widespread poverty and a lack of democracy. He enjoys a wild excursion in London and faces a harrowing voyage home. Based on the author's first voyage in 1837. 1849. The Rise of Silas Lapham BR 11064 by William Dean Howells 4 volumes First published in 1885. A wealthy, self-made businessman attempts to win acceptance for his family in high society of nineteenth-century Boston. 1996. Shadows on the Rock BR 11283 by Willa Cather 2 volumes Historical novel that records the last days of Count Frontenac and the daily life of frontier Quebec as seen through the eyes of a child. 1931. Silas Marner BR 11257 by George Eliot 1 volume A simplified retelling by Clare West of Eliot's 1861 novel. When an embittered weaver is robbed of his gold, he finds by chance a yellow-haired child who delights him and becomes his treasure. Also intertwined is the story of the local squire and his two sons. 1994. Sketches from a Hunter's Album BR 11373 by Ivan Turgenev 4 volumes Short stories by the Russian novelist who was born in 1818 and died in 1883. His work is noted for the poetic atmosphere of country settings, the contrast between hero and heroine, and the objective portrayal of heroes who represent the development of the Russian intelligentsia. A hatred of injustice marks all his writings. 1990. The Sorrows of Young Werther and Novella BR 11208 by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 2 volumes The eighteenth-century German romantic story of a young man who, while playing with the pistols of a friend, becomes distracted by his own unhappiness and passion for a married lady and idly decides to press the muzzle to his forehead. Originally published in 1774. Also includes the short story, "Novella." 1971. The Stranger BR 10394 by Albert Camus 1 volume An existential novel, set in Algiers, about a man who resists any commitment, rendering his life meaningless. He does not react to his mother's death nor to a killing he commits, and he becomes a placid prisoner convicted of murder. His own impending death, however, leads him to some realizations. 1988. Sweet Thursday BR 11062 by John Steinbeck 2 volumes To depict the common bonds of love that unite humankind, the author turns to the outcasts of a California skid row. Portrayed are an alcoholic, a prostitute, and a down-at-the- heels philosopher. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1954. A Tale of Two Cities BR 10640 by Charles Dickens 4 volumes Two men who bear a strong physical resemblance to each other love the same woman. The sacrifice of one, Sydney Carton, is the climax of this classic story set in London and Paris during the French Revolution. 1850. Tales of Mystery and Imagination BR 10839 by Edgar Allan Poe 6 volumes Forty-six popular tales including "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Premature Burial," "The Black Cat," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Masque of the Red Death," "The Oblong Box," and "The Purloined Letter." Some violence. 1993. Tender Is the Night BR 11055 by F. Scott Fitzgerald 3 volumes An American psychiatrist, studying in Europe in the 1920s, falls in love with a beautiful, wealthy patient in this 1934 novel about rich American expatriates. In their marriage, he reacts against her great dependence on him as both husband and doctor before he realizes his equal dependence on her. 1934. This Side of Paradise BR 10994 by F. Scott Fitzgerald 2 volumes The author's first novel, which catapulted him to fame at the age of twenty-three, relates the life and times of a young college man born healthy, wealthy, and extraordinarily good-looking. 1920. Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life BR 10985 by Herman Melville 4 volumes Records the adventures of a whaling voyage in the Pacific. First published in 1846 and based on the author's actual experience, this novel portrays a civilized man held captive by Polynesians, who were then practicing cannibalism. 1846. Ulysses BR 10287 by James Joyce 7 volumes Epic novel that deals with a single day--June 16, 1904--in the life of Leopold Bloom, a Dublin advertising salesman. The stream-of-consciousness style and the use of interior monologues expose the personalities of the characters. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1922. The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale, Supposed to Be Written by Himself BR 11061 by Oliver Goldsmith 2 volumes A pastoral tale written in the 1760s, told by an unworldly, generous, and kindly vicar. He and his family are forced to move to humbler dwellings. The vicar's fortitude prevails despite the seduction of his daughter and his imprisonment for debt. 1981. Washington Square BR 11098 by Henry James 2 volumes Classic American novel written in 1881. Shy, plain Catherine is courted by a dashing Morris Townsend. When he learns that Catherine's wealthy, sardonic father will disinherit her if she marries him, Townsend deserts the heartbroken young woman. 1982. The Wayward Bus BR 11090 by John Steinbeck 2 volumes A group of travelers interrelate when they are stranded overnight at a roadside gas station and lunchroom in California. Some strong language. 1947. What Maisie Knew BR 11099 by Henry James 3 volumes Each of the divorced parents of a perceptive twelve-year-old girl subsequently remarries, and she continues to spend six months of the year with each family. She observes the same adulterous activities by her stepmother and stepfather as she saw by her parents, but this knowledge matures rather than corrupts her. Written in the 1890s. 1996. Contemporary Alphabetical Africa BR 10553 by Walter Abish 1 volume A unique telling of a mystery tale. Alex, Allen, and Alva arrive in Antibes in the first chapter, which consists only of words beginning with the letter "a." Each chapter progresses a letter, until the story reaches Zambia and Zanzibar. Each subsequent chapter deletes a letter until "Africa another alphabet." In the process, a murder mystery punctuated with kinky sex is solved. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1974. Entertaining Angels BR 10721 by Marita van der Vyver 2 volumes South African prize-winner about Griet, a thirty-year-old woman dealing with miscarriage and divorce. With her quirky sense of humor and feminist viewpoint, she survives by rewriting fairy tales with contemporary settings. Adam, a golden, angelic hunk, appears to fulfill her emerging fantasies. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1994. The Lighthouse at the End of the World BR 10691 by Stephen Marlowe 3 volumes An experimental work combining biographical fiction, fantasy, and history. An impoverished Edgar Allan Poe sets out on a quest to recover an enchanted relic that his brother had secreted from a South Sea island. Poe enters a phantasmagorical realm, where he confronts his tragic past and encounters a gallery of characters of his own creation. 1995. Mister Touch BR 10445 by Malcolm Bosse 5 volumes A dark tale in which a virus has destroyed civilization, leaving a decayed world of ill people and wild dogs. The Skulls, a group of survivors, is lead by Mister Touch, a sleazy Wall Street criminal, who is named for his blindness. He leads a caravan on a dangerous epic journey to Arizona, where they hope to start a new civilization. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Mumbo Jumbo BR 10734 by Ishmael Reed 2 volumes Experimental novel combining form and substance. The people's movement of Jes' Grew comes from nowhere and spreads everywhere, rivaling the efforts of the Harlem Renaissance and causing consternation in the Harding cabinet. This imaginary cultural phenomenon appears in many voices that, like jazz elements, interact with a prevailing theme. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1972. The Stone Raft BR 10693 by Jose Saramago 3 volumes A parable about the European community. A series of ominous events leads to catastrophe as the Iberian Peninsula is inexplicably set adrift from the continent. The frantic residents band together in a bid to survive a world out of control. 1995. Family April and the Dragon Lady BR 10659 by Lensey Namioka 1 volume When April Chen is a junior in a Seattle high school, she begins dating Steve even though she knows her grandmother won't approve of a white boyfriend. Grandma's Chinese ways are tiresome, especially when she dotes on April's brother and widowed father and expects April to serve them all. When April's father decides to remarry and April begins to make plans for college, Grandma plots to stop them. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Dance Real Slow BR 10830 by Michael Grant Jaffe 2 volumes When his wife runs off to see the world, small-town lawyer Gordon Nash is left to care for their four-year-old son. Nash contends with the trials of fatherhood and develops a special relationship with his son. After two years, Nash's wife reappears and upsets the life that he has built. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. Faces in the Moon BR 10522 by Betty Louise Bell 1 volume "I was raised on the voices of women. Indian women." So begins the story of Lucie, who has returned to Oklahoma as her mother is dying. Memories of three generations of women talking around the oilcloth-covered table fill Lucie, reminding her of changes in the Indian culture over time. Stories told over and over shine down on her, just as her grandmother had promised to watch down from the moon after she died. 1994. Homecoming BR 11360 by Belva Plain 1 volume Annette Byrne, eighty-five, has had enough of the estrangement between her two sons and among other family members. She summons them all to her home on a wintry December day. Tensions are high, and harsh words begin to flow. Then a near tragedy puts a different light on the day for each of those present. Bestseller 1997. An Independent Woman BR 11309 by Howard Fast 3 volumes Barbara Lavette, matriarch of a diverse California family, writes columns for her ex-husband's newspaper. After being robbed in her home, Barbara refuses to prosecute her assailant, believing him a victim of society, and instead tries to rehabilitate him. Shortly after, while planning a family wedding, Barbara unexpectedly falls in love with the minister, Philip Carter. 1997. Jackie by Josie BR 11306 by Caroline Preston 3 volumes Josie should be writing her dissertation on an obscure poet, but when a celebrity biographer offers her a summer job researching Jackie Onassis, Josie surprises herself by accepting. This means staying in New England with her mother and toddler son, while her husband moves to Berkeley with their female friend. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1997. Talent Night BR 11053 by Jean Davies Okimoto 1 volume Although his sister claims Asians can't be rap artists, Rodney Suyama plans to prove her wrong. If that happens and Ivy Ramos becomes his girlfriend, life will be perfect. This fantasy is interrupted when Rodney's Japanese great-uncle demands proof that Rodney and his sister have retained their Japanese culture. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Whiteoaks of Jalna BR 10968 by Mazo de la Roche 3 volumes Finch, the awkward, misunderstood musical genius of the Whiteoak family, finds growing up difficult. Events reach a climax when his eccentric old grandmother dies and leaves her fortune to him. Sequel to Jalna (BR 4977) and prequel to Finch's Fortune (BR 5044). Some strong language. 1929. You Can't Get There from Here BR 11478 by Earl Hamner Jr. 2 volumes Sixteen-year-old Wes tells of a day spent combing New York in search of his father. As he recalls incidents of family life and various friends and relatives from Virginia, the juxtaposition of easy Southern country ways with the hectic pace of New York makes a droll contrast. 1965. Fantasy An Acceptable Time BR 10728 by Madeleine L'Engle 2 volumes In this companion to A House like a Lotus (BR 6368), sixteen-year-old Polly O'Keefe visits her grandparents' farm in Connecticut and discovers a "time gate" that takes her back three thousand years. There she meets Anaral, a Native American girl; Karralys, a druid expelled from Britain; and Tav, a warrior who has accompanied Karralys. For junior and senior high readers. 1989. Belgarath the Sorcerer BR 10904 by David and Leigh Eddings 6 volumes In this prequel to the Belgariad and the Malloreon series, Belgarath the Sorcerer is encouraged by his grandson, Garion, to explain how the evil god Torak split the world apart and how Aldur set it right again with Belgarath's help. 1994. The Dragon and the Djinn BR 10692 by Gordon R. Dickson 3 volumes In this sequel to The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll, (BR 10530), the Dragon Knight and his friend, Sir Brian, venture to the Holy Land in search of the father of Brian's betrothed. But the quest becomes a dangerous odyssey as they encounter pirates, sea giants, and the wizardly Djinn. 1996. The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll BR 10530 by Gordon R. Dickson 4 volumes In this sequel to The Dragon at War (BR 9385), Jim Eckert, the Dragon Knight, learns that hostile trolls have infiltrated and besieged the castle during the Christmas feast. Aided by his wife, his wolf, and a master magician, Jim battles the Dark Powers to keep chance and history in balance. 1994. Dragon's Blood BR 10937 by Jane Yolen 2 volumes Jakkin Stewart steals a hatchling dragon and trains it secretly in the desert. If Heart's Blood, the young dragon, can win in the gaming pits, his young owner can buy his freedom and win the love of a mysterious girl. Jakkin can't even think of what will happen if his dragon loses. First book of the Pit Dragon trilogy. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1982. Dream Spinner BR 10489 by Joanne Hoppe 2 volumes When Mary Barrone's widowed father remarries, the new family moves into an old Victorian house. For a high school project, Mary decides to experiment with lucid dreaming--willing herself to fly in her dreams. She succeeds, and night after night finds herself flying around her house but during an earlier time in history. She becomes involved with former residents of the house and tries to alter history. For junior and senior high readers. 1992. Ghost of Chance BR 10674 by William S. Burroughs 1 volume A cautionary fantasy tale about humankind, religion, and the environment. In the 1700s, Captain Mission founds a settlement on the coast of Madagascar. His strict laws to protect nature classify the killing of lemurs as a capital crime. But the destruction of a mysterious stone temple discovered by Mission wrecks the future of the gentle beasts and leaves a horrible legacy. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Green Mile: Part 1, The Two Dead Girls BR 10648 by Stephen King 1 volume In this first installment of a serial novel, death-row supervisor Paul Edgecombe thinks back to 1932 when John Coffey was brought in for the rape and murder of nine-year-old twin girls. Prequel to The Mouse on the Mile (BR 10649). Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. The Green Mile: Part 2, The Mouse on the Mile BR 10649 by Stephen King 1 volume In the second installment of a serial novel, elderly Paul Edgecombe continues his tale of death row in 1932. A mouse that has befriended a condemned man angers a hard-nosed guard, and a new inmate stirs up trouble from day one. Strong language and violence. Sequel to The Two Dead Girls (BR 10648). Bestseller 1996. The Green Mile: Part 3, Coffey's Hands BR 10650 by Stephen King 1 volume In the third installment of a serial novel, inmate John Coffey heals death row supervisor Paul Edgecombe's vicious urinary infection just by touching him. This and Coffey's gentle nature make Edgecombe question his guilt. Sequel to The Mouse on the Mile (BR 10649). Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. The Green Mile: Part 4, The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix BR 10651 by Stephen King 1 volume In the fourth installment of a serial novel, inmate John Coffey again proves his miraculous healing powers to death-row supervisor Paul Edgecombe, this time by coming to the rescue of Mr. Jingles, the mouse. Meanwhile, Edgecombe plots to get rid of a cruel guard. Sequel to Coffey's Hands (BR 10650). Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. The Green Mile: Part 5, Night Journey BR 10652 by Stephen King 1 volume In the fifth installment of a serial novel, death-row supervisor Paul Edgecombe sneaks inmate John Coffey out of prison to test his healing powers on the warden's ill wife. Sequel to The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix (BR 10651). Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996. The Green Mile: Part 6, Coffey on the Mile BR 10686 by Stephen King 1 volume The final installment of a serial novel. At 104, former death-row supervisor Paul Edgecombe finishes telling the story of huge inmate John Coffey, little mouse Mr. Jingles, and the other characters introduced in the first five parts. Sequel to Night Journey (BR 10652). Violence and strong language. Bestseller 1996. The Last Unicorn BR 10311 by Peter S. Beagle 2 volumes A beautiful white unicorn worries that she is the last of her species and so sets out in search of any surviving relatives. Accompanied by a second-rate magician and a sad, thin woman, the unicorn has fairy-tale adventures and finds her family enslaved by a wicked king. 1968. The Magic and the Healing BR 10524 by Nick O'Donohoe 3 volumes B.J. Vaughan's dreams of becoming a veterinarian are shattered when she discovers she has Huntington's chorea. However, before she leaves school, B.J. travels to Crossroads, a world where imaginary creatures live and where a unicorn needs her help. Prequel to Under the Healing Sign (BR 10525). For senior high and older readers. 1994. Neverwhere BR 11353 by Neil Gaiman 3 volumes En route to a formal dinner, London businessman Richard Mayhew spots a young woman lying wounded in the street. He takes the victim to his home and awakes the next day to find that he has lost his identity in the real world. Mayhew joins the now-healed woman in a perilous quest through an eerie subterranean realm. 1997. No One Noticed the Cat BR 10919 by Anne McCaffrey 1 volume The venerable Mangan, regent of Esphania, dies, ceding the throne to Prince Jamas and bequeathing his wisdom to his cat, Niffy. When Jamas becomes the target of usurpers and falls deeply in love, Niffy protects him from harm and guides him on a true path. 1996. Once upon a Galaxy BR 11067 by Josepha Sherman 2 volumes Forty-two tales of folklore, fantasy, and science fiction. Five categories, each prefaced by an essay, include the fantastic voyage, the child who becomes a heroic leader, the hero ignorant of his origins, the quest for a magic item, and the cunning of the trickster. Violence. 1994. Out of Time BR 10804 by Caroline B. Cooney 2 volumes In this sequel to Both Sides of Time (BR 10273), 1990s Annie Lockwood once again travels through time to see the friends she made in 1895. The young man she loves, Strat, has been institutionalized because of his description of Annie. She is his only chance for escape. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. The Tangle Box BR 11179 by Terry Brooks 3 volumes Ben Holiday, sovereign of the Magic Kingdom of Landover, allows confidence-man Horris Kew to return from exile on Earth. But Horris has become the unwitting dupe of the evil sorcerer Gorse, who plans to enslave the fairy folk of Landover and imprison Ben and his companions in the Tangle Box. Sequel to Wizard at Large (BR 7846). 1994. Under the Healing Sign BR 10525 by Nick O'Donohoe 3 volumes In this sequel to The Magic and the Healing (BR 10524), B.J. Vaughn, a young veterinarian, practices her work in Crossroads, an alternate world inhabited by imaginary creatures. When evil Morgan obtains the secret map to Crossroads, B.J. must battle Morgan's army to save the land. For senior high and older readers. 1995. Veronica BR 10719 by Nicholas Christopher 2 volumes A tale of magic and illusion. Leo falls in with the mysterious and beautiful Veronica, who needs him to contact her vanished magician father. She leads the compliant Leo on a mystical and spiritual quest through time and space. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Witches' Brew BR 11451 by Terry Brooks 2 volumes Ben Holiday, High Lord of the Magic Kingdom of Landover, is challenged by King Rydall of Marnhull for mastery of the realm. And Ben cannot refuse to do battle with the champions that Rydall sends against him, because Ben's daughter has been abducted through a witch's magic, and Rydall holds the key to her fate. Sequel to The Tangle Box (BR 11179). 1995. Wren to the Rescue BR 11175 by Sherwood Smith 2 volumes Wren and Tess have become close friends while living at Three Groves Orphanage, but Wren is still surprised when Tess announces she is really a princess and has been hiding from the evil King Andreus. The time has come for Tess to return home, and she takes Wren with her. But they are only there one day when Tess is kidnapped. Prequel to Wren's Quest (BR 11176). For junior and senior high readers. 1990. Wren's Quest BR 11176 by Sherwood Smith 2 volumes Exhilarated by saving Tess in Wren to the Rescue (BR 11175), Wren is eager for more excitement. She also wants to find her own parents now that she sees how happy Tess is to be back with her family. Wren, now attending magician's school, takes time out to look for her parents--and is off on another adventure. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. Wren's War BR 11177 by Sherwood Smith 2 volumes In this sequel to Wren's Quest (BR 11176), Princess Teressa is returning from a diplomatic mission when she sees her parents being brutally murdered. With the help of Wren, Tyron, Connor, and their magic, Tess prepares to take on the role of ruler. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Zod Wallop BR 10718 by William Browning Spencer 2 volumes Fictional Harry Gainesborough writes Zod Wallop while being treated in a psychiatric hospital following the death of his daughter Amy. The book becomes a bestseller, and a producer wants to make it into a movie. Also another patient at the hospital, who has read the book, wants to bring the characters to life. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Folktales Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable BR 10347 by Thomas Bulfinch 4 volumes A reprinting of the 1855 classic with a foreword by professor Norma Lorre Goodrich. Harvard-educated Bulfinch, a successful businessman, set out to counter common ignorance of mythology by presenting the stories as a "source of amusement." He details Greek and Roman legends from Prometheus to Aeneas and touches on the stories of Thor, the Druids, and others. 1995. Two Old Women: An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage, and Survival BR 10504 by Velma Wallis 1 volume Based on an Athabaskan Indian legend the author heard from her mother. Ch'idzigyaak, seventy-five, and Sa', eighty, are members of a migratory tribe. The winter has been harsh, and food has been scarce. So the tribe leader decides to abandon the two old women when it is time to move on--after all, they will soon die anyway. But the pair take courage and decide they will die trying to survive. 1993. The White Deer and Other Stories Told by the Lenape BR 10825 edited by John Bierhorst 1 volume Native American tales of the Lenape people, who were indigenous to New Jersey and its bordering states. The legends tell of magic dogs, lost children, and heroes. The title story depicts a white deer that can give game to hunters or can protect game by killing the hunters. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. General Absolution BR 10732 by Olafur Johann Olafsson 2 volumes He does not ask for forgiveness, but his life has been shaped by guilt over a crime of passion he committed in his youth. After fleeing his native Iceland, the wealthy and manipulative old man has spent his adult years in New York City. Estranged from his children, he reflects on the events of his life and sifts through his motivations and obsessions. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Athena BR 11377 by John Banville 2 volumes Freddie Montgomery of The Book of Evidence (BR 8400) and Ghosts (BR 9511) has changed his name to Morrow. Now in Dublin, he is hired to write descriptions of Flemish paintings stolen from the same house Freddie once burgled. Morrow also describes his affair with a mysterious woman he calls A. Some descriptions of sex and some violence. 1995. Blood Dance BR 10545 by James William Brown 2 volumes On an isolated Greek island, the village is steeped in tradition and gossip of the past and present. Amalia is a young, strong-willed woman who wants desperately to escape the island's hold, but the ties are powerful. The story is told several times by different people, and each telling has its own link to the past. The author is American, but lived in Greece for ten years. Some descriptions of sex and some violence. 1993. Child of God BR 10633 by Cormac McCarthy 1 volume Falsely accused of rape, Lester Ballard is driven out of his home and then allowed to roam free in the hills of Tennessee. He preys on the people in the area, collecting their bodies in a cave. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1973. Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age BR 10727 by Bohumil Hrabal 1 volume In one long sentence, the acclaimed Czech author presents the monologue of a spirited old shoemaker who has enjoyed a full life. His loves and lusts, the history of Czechoslovakia, and the pleasures of drink play roles in the shoemaker's story. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1964. Diana: The Goddess Who Hunts Alone BR 10822 by Carlos Fuentes 2 volumes A fictionalized account of a Mexican writer's love affair with an American film actress in 1970, a time of social and political turmoil. Their passionate interlude ends tragically with the woman's suicide when her reputation is ruined by government slander. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Don't Call It Night BR 10823 by Amos Oz 2 volumes A story set in a small Israeli town about the waning relationship of a stolid middle-aged engineer and his vibrant younger lover, a schoolteacher. After one of her students dies in a drug-related incident and the teacher becomes chief advocate for a drug rehab clinic, her new role tests the limits of the couple's bond. 1994. The Fatigue Artist BR 10766 by Lynne Sharon Schwartz 3 volumes At age forty, Laura, a New York writer, is beset by lethargy and other mysterious physical symptoms. She suspects these are reactions to her husband's tragic death and her current, desultory love affair. When medical approaches yield no help, Laura seeks and finds relief in a journey of self-discovery. 1995. Fire in the Canes BR 10689 by Glenville Lovell 2 volumes A novel of magic realism set in post-slavery West Indies. When the sensuous Peata and her nubile daughter, Midra, arrive in the village, they attract the men's attention and the women's jealousy. Midra becomes pregnant by the mysterious Prince, adding to the strange happenings. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. The Garden Where the Brass Band Played BR 10591 by S. Vestdijk 3 volumes As this Dutch novel begins, Nol, the central character, is a small boy who is exposed to the joys of music. As a judge's son, Nol enjoys a privileged life, but he is not immune to disappointments and hard-earned lessons ranging from resentment of an older brother to rejection by the girl he loves. 1950. The Golden Apples BR 11247 by Eudora Welty 2 volumes Interconnected short stories evoke a Southern small town in the early 1900s. In "June Recital," Virgie Rainey exhibits a talent that will support her independent streak--a quality that sets her apart from her more conventional friends. In "Moon Lake" a girl nearly drowns, and a Boy Scout performs his good deed. Children grow up, but do not necessarily fulfill their parents' expectations. 1949. Haveli BR 10586 by Suzanne Fisher Staples 2 volumes Continues the story begun in Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind (BR 8312). Shabanu and her young daughter are never safe from the cruelty within Rahim's family. Hoping for a better future, she begs to go with Rahim to his ancestral home in Lahore. But even there she remains in danger. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. Hollywood Husbands BR 10996 by Jackie Collins 5 volumes Depicts the brash hedonists of Tinseltown and centers on movie star Mannon Cable, studio executive Howard Soloman, and TV talk-show host Jack Python. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1986. Hollywood Kids BR 10967 by Jackie Collins 4 volumes Spoiled offspring of dysfunctional Hollywood families share love and adventure. Jordanna Levitt, a movie producer's daughter, assists handsome, cruel movie star Bobby Rush. Cheryl Landers runs a call-girl service with Grant Lennon, a struggling agent. Then an ex-convict turns on the heat. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. Bestseller 1994. Hollywood Wives BR 11051 by Jackie Collins 5 volumes Can Buddy Hudson hide his lurid past and go on to be the next Marlon Brando? Will voluptuous Gina Germaine satisfy her ravenous sexual appetite and land her first serious movie role? Does Elaine Conti ever win back husband Ross? The answers capture the essence of life lived on the fastest track of all. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1983. The Last Known Residence of Mickey Acu¤a BR 10334 by Dagoberto Gilb 2 volumes Mickey Acu¤a is staying at the YMCA in El Paso because he needs an address where he can get mail. He is waiting for a check. But as the weeks go by and the check doesn't come, Mickey takes on odd jobs, finally ending up as the desk clerk at the YMCA. He then learns someone is tampering with the mail, and he soon suspects imminent disaster. Some strong language. 1994. The Long Season of Rain BR 10921 by Helen Kim 2 volumes Eleven-year-old Junehee Lee lives a secure life in Seoul with her mother and three sisters, as her father is often away on business travel. Then her world begins to change when her family adopts an orphan boy and Junehee comes to realize that she will someday marry and leave home. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. The Magic Village BR 10447 by Rosanne Keller 1 volume A book for new readers. After an earthquake destroys her village in Guatemala, Lupe moves to Arizona to live with her brother. She is lonely and wants to make friends, so she takes a job in a bakery. Even there Lupe feels left out. She consoles herself by making figurines from leftover dough, creating a tiny village. 1990. Microserfs BR 10245 by Douglas Coupland 3 volumes In 1993 Dan, twenty-six, works at Microsoft and worships Bill Gates. He and five other microserfs live in a group home and realize that they have to give up their entire lives if they want to work on cool projects. When gifted Michael breaks away to form his own company, he offers to take the others with him. They move in with Dan's mother and father (who has been laid off from IBM) and begin "coding" in earnest. Strong language. Bestseller 1995. Moon Dancer BR 10594 by Margaret I. Rostkowski 1 volume Mira, fifteen, is on a camping trip with her sister Jenny, her cousin Emily, and Emily's friend Max. They are in the Utah canyons searching for historic drawings recorded in a long-ago journal by the subject of Emily's college paper, Katie Weston. By trip's end, Mira is seeing the place through the eyes of Katie and women before her and realizes that Max is attracted to her rather than beautiful Jenny. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. MotherTongue BR 10362 by Demetria Martˇnez 1 volume His nation of El Salvador had chewed him up and spit him out. Mary, nineteen, met him at the New Mexico airport after he was smuggled into the country. It was up to her to help him adjust to life in the United States, but she had also decided she would fall in love with him. Now twenty years later, Mary explains to their love child why their love had no future. 1994. Mr. Ives' Christmas BR 10918 by Oscar Hijuelos 2 volumes Abandoned as an infant, Edward Ives is adopted into a devout home, studies art, finds work in advertising, marries, and raises a family. When his teenage son is murdered on a city street, Ives faces a spiritual crisis that tests his faith in the meaning of life itself. Strong language. 1995. Much Ado about Prom Night BR 10493 by William D. McCants 1 volume Becca Singleton left her high school paper to start a peer counseling program for her classmates. It is successful but her much-admired former editor keeps writing critical articles about the program. To make matters worse, Becca's boyfriend cheats on her, and her counseling is not helping her brother cope with their parents' divorce. Meanwhile, Becca and her friends agonize over the upcoming prom. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. My Drowning BR 10877 by Jim Grimsley 2 volumes Story of a woman reminiscing about her girlhood in rural North Carolina, where she grew up poor and abused in a dysfunctional family. Haunted by a recurring dream of her mother drowning in a river, she analyzes the painful memories and reaches a new level of self-awareness. Strong language. 1997. The Persian Pickle Club BR 11261 by Sandra Dallas 2 volumes As the crops wither without rain, members of the Persian Pickle Club keep up their spirits by swapping gossip and fabric scraps while quilting. The bonds among the "stitch and itch" ladies are tested when a newcomer investigates a murder in the small Kansas town of the 1930s. 1995. Raintree County BR 10207 by Ross Lockridge, Jr. 10 volumes Epic novel describes a day in the life of a schoolteacher on July 4, 1892, when he participates in the holiday ceremonies in his small Indiana town. His meeting with two old boyhood friends sets off a series of flashbacks in which he relives his schooldays, Civil War experiences, and marriages. Some strong language. 1948. Rookery Blues BR 11344 by Jon Hassler 4 volumes During the turbulent sixties, five dissimilar professors find a common interest in music. Forming a jazz band, the Icejam Quintet, they try to enliven the small, isolated campus of Rookery State. But outside forces--the Vietnam War, union strife, and love affairs--threaten the harmony of college life. Some strong language. 1995. A Separate Peace BR 10776 by John Knowles 2 volumes The rivalry in the friendship of two roommates at a New Hampshire boarding school during the summer session of 1942 is dramatized by a crippling accident that leads to further tragedy. Some strong language. 1987. A Stone for Danny Fisher BR 11220 by Harold Robbins 4 volumes Chronicles the life of Danny Fisher from his eighth birthday through his Bar Mitzvah, his marriage, his loss of a child, and his attempts to survive the cutthroat underworld of New York City in the 1930s and 1940s while holding on to his dream of a happy, peaceful home and family. Some strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1951. Suttree BR 11251 by Cormac McCarthy 4 volumes After serving time in the workhouse, young Suttree chooses a ramshackle houseboat on the Tennessee River instead of his family's conventional lifestyle. Drifting through the seamy side of Knoxville in the early 1950s, he encounters whores, petty thieves, and derelicts, but remains emotionally detached from his surroundings. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1979. Under the Feet of Jesus BR 10658 by Helena Maria Viramontes 1 volume Thirteen-year-old Estrella and her mother, sisters, and brothers are migrant workers traveling from farm to farm with Perfecto, the mother's almost-husband. It is while they are picking peaches that Estrella meets Alejo and gives herself to him. But she will soon have to fight for Alejo's life when he is sickened by sprayed pesticides. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers BR 10613 by Lois-Ann Yamanaka 2 volumes During the 1970s, Lovey Nariyoshi lives with her poor Japanese American family in Hilo, Hawaii, and wants very much to be white (haole). As her teacher berates her and her classmates for not being able to speak standard English, Lovey has humorous fantasies of having Farrah Fawcett hair, store-bought clothes, an American name, and a haole husband with hairy legs. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996. The Year of the Frog BR 11216 by Martin M. Simecka 3 volumes Milan is a young Czechoslovakian intellectual who is prevented from attending college by communist authorities because of his father's dissident activities. Forced to work, he takes a series of menial jobs and turns to his two great passions: long-distance running and his soon-to-be wife, Tania. 1992 winner of the Pegasus Prize for Literature. 1993. Growing Up Annotations BR 10716 by John Keene 1 volume Acclaimed novel about an African American child coming of age in the St. Louis suburbs during the 1960s. In poetic prose, describes the narrator's discovery of racial, sexual, and intellectual identity during turbulent times. Some descriptions of sex. 1995. Another Way to Dance BR 10957 by Martha Southgate 1 volume Vicki Harris, fourteen, has been chosen to study at the School of American Ballet for the summer. Her family is concerned that Vicki will have to turn her back on her African American heritage to succeed in the mostly white world of ballet. As the summer progresses, Vicki must deal with her own concerns about race. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1996. Beyond Providence BR 10889 by Steven Schnur 2 volumes Twelve-year-old Nathan Burns lives with his family on a struggling Hudson River sheep farm. Life is hard, and his brother Eric and Pa are always fighting. In fact, their fighting drove Mama away. When Eric leaves, too, Nathan's cousin Kitty comes to help out and brings love back into the family. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. Cowboy Angst BR 10707 by Jasen Emmons 2 volumes When Dennis McCance comes home to Prairie View, Montana, he must break the news to his family that he has dropped out of law school. Their anger and dismay is compounded by learning of his alternate career choice: that of a drummer in a country music band. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Digging to Australia BR 10593 by Lesley Glaister 2 volumes Just as Alice escaped to Wonderland, Jennifer longs to escape her English hometown, her terribly odd parents, and her loneliness. As she turns thirteen, all is topsy-turvy: truths and dark mysteries about her birth mother, a deceitful friend, an ominous transient, and adolescence itself. By sorting through the mysteries she finds some, but not all, answers to her questions. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Fire on the Wind BR 11449 by Linda Crew 1 volume In the summer of 1933, the loggers of Oregon are facing fire threats and work shutdowns. Meanwhile, Storie has completed eighth grade and is confused about her future. Her mother wants her to go to high school in town and become something other than a logger's wife, but her father wants her to be a camp cook. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. From the Notebooks of Melanin Sun BR 10808 by Jacqueline Woodson 1 volume For the most part, thirteen-year-old Melanin Sun is happy living with his single mother, hanging out with his friends, and dreaming about a girl. But when forced to come to terms with differences in sexual preferences and race, Melanin Sun turns to his journal, where he records thoughts he can't speak out loud. For junior and senior high readers. Coretta Scott King Award. 1995. Letters from the Inside BR 10705 by John Marsden 1 volume Bored, Australian teenager Mandy answers an ad for a pen pal from a girl named Tracey. After the two develop a friendship through their letters, Mandy learns an astonishing fact about Tracey. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1991. Mary Wolf BR 11206 by Cynthia D. Grant 2 volumes When Mary Wolf's father loses his upscale position, he takes his family on the road in an RV for an extended vacation. Mary, sixteen, soon realizes they are actually homeless and broke, her pregnant mother shoplifts, and her angry father can't hold down even the most menial job. Some strong language and some violence. For senior high and older readers. 1995. Musical Moment and Other Stories BR 10725 by Yehoshua Kenaz 2 volumes Four stories of a young Israeli boy's coming-of-age in the 1940s and 1950s. In "The Three-Legged Chicken," the narrator recalls the day of his grandfather's funeral and the men who flocked to see the spectacle of a deformed chicken. In "Henrik's Secret," the narrator wants to know why someone is "bad friends" with him. 1995. Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida BR 10995 by Victor Martinez 1 volume A Chicano boy comes of age and is inducted into a gang in a hardscrabble California desert town. As his dysfunctional family suffers one setback after another, he struggles to overcome poverty and prejudice and grow up a respected person. Violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. Secret Lives BR 11286 by Caroline Macdonald 1 volume Australian Ian Ganty, fourteen, lives with his grandmother because his parents died. When she leaves town for a few days, Ian's life spirals out of control. First, his new older friend Gideon steals a car, and then Ian becomes a suspect in two other crimes. He tries to break free of Gideon, but can't escape his partner's overpowering influence. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. That Summer BR 11256 by Sarah Dessen 2 volumes The summer she is fifteen, Haven must endure the weddings of both her father and her sister, her mother's new lifestyle, her growth spurt to almost six feet, and her best friend's turning into a boy-crazy stranger. Missing her old life, Haven is relieved to meet a boy her sister dated during happier times. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. What Kind of Love? The Diary of a Pregnant Teenager BR 10412 by Sheila Cole 1 volume In her diary, Valerie worries about her late period. She's fifteen and has had sex only once with her boyfriend, Peter, so surely she can't be pregnant! When Valerie is finally tested, it is too late for an abortion. Peter decides they should marry, but Valerie's happiness is cut short when their parents find out. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Historical Berlin Encounter: Rendezvous with Destiny, Book 4 BR 10598 by T. Davis Bunn 1 volume The army isn't finished with Colonel Jake Burnes. Having seen French Resistance hero Patrique Servais return safely to Paris in Sahara Crosswind (BR 10597), Jake and his wife, Sally, are now in Germany. Jake is responsible for rescuing two rocket scientists from Stalin's regime. As he executes his plan, Sally learns his life is in mortal danger. But Jake's faith in God remains unshakable. 1995. Daughter of the Storm BR 10521 by Jeanne Williams 3 volumes Scottish Mairi Mor loses her baby after a skirmish with constables trying to evict Mairi's crofter clan. She agrees to take in orphaned Christy who, like Mairi, becomes a skilled harper, learns Gram's herbal cures, and dotes on Mairi's older son, David. Sad events send David away to the university to learn to defend his oppressed clan. As Christy awaits his return she gives her own kind of help. Sequel to The Island Harp (BR 10520). Some violence. 1994. Dreams beyond Tomorrow BR 10472 by June Masters Bacher 1 volume In this sequel to Journey to Love (BR 10471), Rachel and Colby's marriage of convenience has yet to be consummated as the wagon train arrives at its Oregon destination. Colby must now travel to Portland to finalize plans for the city he will build. Rachel and her adopted daughter remain with the other settlers and Rachel's friend Yolanda, whose family settled there earlier. But a traitor from the trail threatens everything, even the young women's friendship. 1985. Drums of Change: The Story of Running Fawn BR 11231 by Janette Oke 2 volumes In 1874, Martin Forbes, a young missionary, arrives in Alberta, Canada, to establish a school and bring Christianity to the Blackfoot Indians. Two star pupils, Running Fawn and Silver Fox--the chief's son--are then sent to school in Calgary, where Silver Fox is able to accept Christianity, but Running Fox returns home to her family and beliefs--at least for a while. 1996. The Fifth Conspiracy BR 10528 by Ted Jones 4 volumes This sequel to Hard Road to Gettysburg (BR 9743) portrays Civil War battles and espionage. Union officer Sam Wade becomes involved in clandestine operations deep in enemy territory, where he frees his brother from a rebel prison and discovers a plot to assassinate President Lincoln. 1995. The Ghost Road BR 10741 by Pat Barker 2 volumes Final book in World War I trilogy, following Regeneration (BR 10543) and The Eye in the Door (BR 10645). Psychologist William Rivers struggles with the dilemma of healing men who must then rejoin the battle. Patient Billy Prior wants to return to the French front, though the war is nearing an end. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995 Booker Prize winner. 1995. Gibraltar Passage: Rendezvous with Destiny, Book 2 BR 10596 by T. Davis Bunn 1 volume In this sequel to Rhineland Inheritance (BR 10595), Major Pierre Servais and Lieutenant Colonel Jake Burnes learn that Pierre's twin brother, Patrique, may still be alive. Together they make the treacherous passage through Gibraltar. With help from Jasmyn, who Pierre believes once betrayed him, they begin the dangerous search for Patrique. As they persevere, Jake is able to share his faith with Pierre. 1994. Homecoming: The Holts; an American Dynasty, Volume 9 BR 10569 by Dana Fuller Ross 3 volumes In this sequel to Pacific Destiny (BR 9770), Henry Blake is discouraged by the protracted war in Manila, but falls in love with a local woman. Frank returns from the Yukon, only to be drawn back to the West. Aspiring artist India Blackstone must fight to pursue her dreams. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1994. A House Divided: Good Earth Trilogy, Volume 3 BR 10743 by Pearl S. Buck 3 volumes In this sequel to The Sons (BR 9578), Wang Yuan, son of Wang the Tiger, returns home after six years abroad to find his native China in the midst of a peasant rebellion. While his sister dishonors the family with her premarital pregnancy, and his warlord father stubbornly adheres to traditional ways, Wang Yuan tries to restore peace to his family. 1930. The Island Harp BR 10520 by Jeanne Williams 3 volumes On a Scottish island in 1844, Mairi's home is torched, and the handsome Iain MacDonald enters her life. An ancient harp, for which Mairi's grandfather sacrificed his life, becomes her symbol of strength as she leads her family to rebuild. Prequel to Daughter of the Storm (BR 10521). Explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. 1991. Istanbul Express: Rendezvous with Destiny, Book 5 BR 11079 by T. Davis Bunn 2 volumes Colonel Jake Burnes, his wife Sally, and the newlyweds, Major Pierre Servais and Jasmyn, have been dispatched to Istanbul to oversee a massive aid program in the Mediterranean. But as they travel on the Orient Express, the wives receive a message that their husbands are in great danger. Sequel to Berlin Encounter (BR 10598). 1995. Journey to Love BR 10471 by June Masters Bacher 1 volume After her mother dies, Rachel Buchanan watches her father drink away her inheritance. His sober moments are spent trying to find a wealthy man to marry Rachel. Horrified, Rachel asks Colby Lord to take her with him on a wagon train to Oregon Territory. Like Rachel, Colby is a Christian, and he agrees to help her escape. He suggests a marriage in name only to keep other men from bothering her. 1985. The Knight and the Dove BR 10699 by Lori Wick 3 volumes King Henry VIII has ordered a marriage between Bracken of Hawkings Crest and a daughter of Lord Vincent of Stone Lake. When Marigold refuses, Vincent offers his youngest, Megan. She and Bracken get off to a shaky start, but matters worsen when Marigold learns Bracken is to become a duke. Sequel to Who Brings Forth the Wind (BR 10698). 1995. Kristin Lavransdatter: Volume 2, The Mistress of Husaby BR 10086 by Sigrid Undset 4 volumes Set in medieval Norway, the story of Kristin's stormy married life and her struggle to preserve an estate for her seven sons. Sequel to The Bridal Wreath (RC 40412, BR 10085). 1925. Kristin Lavransdatter: Volume 3, The Cross BR 10087 by Sigrid Undset 4 volumes A historical novel set in fourteenth-century Norway, concerning Kristin's problems with her husband and children, her retirement to a convent, and the horrors of the Black Plague. Sequel to The Mistress of Husaby (BR 10086). 1927. Laughing Boy BR 10379 by Oliver La Farge 2 volumes A Pulitzer Prize-winning novel set in the Navajo Southwest of 1915. In telling the haunting story of the young lovers, Laughing Boy and Slim Girl, the author depicts the lives of the Indians from his experience as an anthropologist. Some violence and some strong language. For high school and older readers. 1929. Let the Drum Speak: A Novel of Ancient America BR 10654 by Linda Lay Shuler 4 volumes In this sequel to Voice of the Eagle (BR 8887), Antelope is chosen by her mother, Kwani, to succeed her as the people's revered leader. Antelope journeys with her mate and child to the City of the Great Sun, yet is torn between enjoying her newfound power here or returning home to warn her people of impending doom. 1996. Love's Children BR 10786 by Judith Chernaik 2 volumes The stories of four women surrounding romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1816 and 1817. Fictional journals and letters tell of the loves and lives of Shelley's first wife, Harriet Westbrook; his second wife, Mary Godwin; her half-sister, Fanny Godwin; and Mary and Fanny's stepsister, Clare Clairmont. 1991. Milton in America BR 11207 by Peter Ackroyd 2 volumes "What if the outspoken seventeenth-century English poet John Milton had fled England in 1660 to avoid arrest and emigrated to Puritan America?" supposes Ackroyd. In his scenario, the aging and blind agitator establishes a settlement named New Milton, where he rules with an iron hand and wages war on a neighboring colony of Roman Catholics. 1996. Now Face to Face BR 10371 by Karleen Koen 6 volumes 1721. Financially ruined by her late husband's involvement in a scandal, Barbara Devane, twenty, flees to Virginia to grow tobacco on her grandmother's plantation. Meanwhile, George I and James III battle for control of the British crown. When a more mature Barbara returns to England, she becomes caught up in the Jacobite plots. Sequel to Through a Glass Darkly (BR 6696). Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995. The Ornament Tree BR 11448 by Jean Thesman 2 volumes Orphaned at fourteen, Bonnie Shaster goes to live with her mother's female relatives in Seattle in 1918. They welcome her, even though they, too, have fallen on hard times and are forced to take in boarders--including a young man blinded in the Great War. An ornament tree, which grants secret wishes, helps Bonnie settle into her unusual new home. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. The Peculiar People BR 10419 by Jan de Hartog 3 volumes The final novel, covering the 1830s, in a trilogy on the Quakers in the United States. The struggles within the church are chronicled through the lives of Mordecai Monk, who becomes a Society of Friends evangelist, and Lydia Best, an Indiana schoolteacher who champions the rights of Indians and escaped slaves. Sequel to Peaceable Kingdom (BR 2590), but can stand alone. Some descriptions of sex. 1992. Pride of Lions BR 10690 by Morgan Llywelyn 3 volumes In this sequel to Lion of Ireland (BR 4971), Donough, Brian Boru's son, vies for his father's crown after the latter's death in 1014. Plotting against Donough, however, is his formidable mother, Gormlaith, who was exiled by Boru. And Donough must choose between his bride, Neassa, and Cera the druid, of whom the church staunchly disapproves. Some descriptions of sex. 1996. Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of Tears BR 10845 by Diane Glancy 2 volumes A tale based on the 1838 forced migration of some thirteen thousand Cherokee from their southeastern homeland to Oklahoma. The story follows the journey of a young woman and her family as they face cruelty, cold, and hunger in their struggle to survive the torturous Trail of Tears. Violence. 1996. Rhineland Inheritance: Rendezvous with Destiny, Book 1 BR 10595 by T. Davis Bunn 2 volumes With just seven weeks of duty left, Captain Jake Burnes is given a new assignment. He and Frenchman Captain Pierre Servais are to monitor the border between Germany and France for suspected smuggling of Nazi goods. Jake puts many people's lives in danger as he seeks the truth. When he ends up in trouble himself, Jake finds a new faith in God. Prequel to Gibraltar Passage (BR 10596). 1993. Runs with Horses BR 10655 by Brian Burks 1 volume Based on events beginning in 1886, when Geronimo, Chief Naiche, and a band of Chiricahua Apaches break out of the Arizona Fort Apache reservation and hide in the Sierra Madre mountains. There they train the young men to become warriors. In this fictionalized account, Runs with Horses is being trained by his father to become the best warrior of the group. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Sahara Crosswind: Rendezvous with Destiny, Book 3 BR 10597 by T. Davis Bunn 1 volume Having outmaneuvered Sultan Musad al Rasuli, Colonel Jake Burnes and Major Pierre Servais successfully rescued Pierre's brother Patrique in Gibraltar Passage (BR 10596). But Patrique's life is still in danger. He has uncovered Nazi collaboration in the upper levels of the French government, and it is up to Jake and Pierre to see that Patrique makes a safe return to Paris--after they cross the Sahara desert. 1994. Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind BR 11428 by Alexandra Ripley 7 volumes Continues the saga of Scarlett O'Hara which began in Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind (BR 11427). Scarlett returns to Tara after Melanie's funeral, but then makes her way to Ireland where she struggles to get Rhett Butler back into her life. The author was chosen by Mitchell's heirs to write the sequel. Bestseller 1991. Seasons of Love BR 10473 by June Masters Bacher 1 volume In this sequel to Dreams beyond Tomorrow (BR 10472), pioneer Rachel Lord mourns the death of her newborn daughter. But she soon returns to teaching, realizing that "God was pointing out a path of service that would ease her sorrow." Meanwhile Rachel's husband prepares their grand new home, and the neighbors learn that gold has been found near their Oregon town. 1986. A Tale of Two Cities BR 10640 by Charles Dickens 4 volumes Two men who bear a strong physical resemblance to each other love the same woman. The sacrifice of one, Sydney Carton, is the climax of this classic story set in London and Paris during the French Revolution. 1850. A Time for Silence BR 11210 by Philippa Carr 3 volumes Britishers Lucinda and Annabelinda, who have been friends since childhood, are delighted when they both have the chance to attend an exclusive finishing school in Belgium. But an indiscretion on the part of Annabelinda and the beginning of World War I send both girls fleeing back to England and an uncertain future. 1991. Tree of Heaven BR 10724 by R.C. Binstock 2 volumes China, 1938. In this tale of forbidden love, Japanese officer Kuroda, stationed in China, prevents his men from raping Li and then offers her his protection. The two will come to trust and love each other, but will also realize the impossibility of a future together. 1995. White Nights, Red Morning: The Russians, Volume 6 BR 11194 by Judith Pella 4 volumes As 1905 draws to an end in St. Petersburg, Anna Fedorcenko faces more tragedy. Still overwhelmed by her husband's death, Anna must deal with paralyzing strikes and the desire of her youngest son to avenge his father's death by becoming a revolutionary. Sequel to The Dawning of Deliverance (BR 10264). 1996. Human Relationships Be I Whole BR 10765 by Gita Brown 2 volumes Sizway, an herbalist and member of a community of black gypsies known as the Ki, marries Papa Job, a bellboy, in the 1950s. They settle down in Ohio to raise a family, but after the death of a child, Papa Job turns to gambling and alcohol. Sizway then seeks help from the Ki community to bring the family back together. 1995. Blue Italian BR 10722 by Rita Ciresi 3 volumes Hospital social worker Rosa Salvatore thinks her husband is fatigued from having an affair while teaching night school, working at the Legal Council, and studying for the bar exam. She learns that, instead, at thirty-one Gary has cancer. Rosa reflects on their flawed courtship and three-year marriage. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. The Body Is Water BR 10607 by Julie Schumacher 2 volumes Jane Haus quits another in a line of teaching jobs and arrives pregnant at her father's house in Sea Haven, New Jersey. As she waits for the birth of her child, Jane tries to figure out her own confusing childhood with a mother who has since died of cancer; a father who used to sit by her bed and tell her lies about the universe; and a brilliant sister, Beatrice, who has now arrived to help. Some strong language. 1995. Don't Think Twice BR 10829 by Ruth Pennebaker 2 volumes In 1967, Anne Harper is shocked to be living in a home for unwed pregnant teenagers. She has always been studious and shy. At first Anne thinks of the baby as a tumor and her housemates as idiots, but her mood gradually changes. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. Go Ask Alice BR 10978 by Anonymous 1 volume Based on the diary of a fifteen-year-old girl who turned to drugs because of her feelings of loneliness and rebellion against the world. Though she tries to stop, she dies of an overdose three weeks after her seventeenth birthday. Strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1971. Hometown BR 10799 by Marsha Qualey 3 volumes Sixteen-year-old street kid Border Baker is unhappy when his divorced father moves the two from Albuquerque to his small Minnesota hometown. Border's father dodged the draft during the Vietnam War, and now with the Gulf War heating up and patriotism surging, Border must bear the brunt of the town's animosity toward his father. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. I Am an Artichoke BR 10376 by Lucy K. Frank 1 volume Sarah, fifteen, wants desperately to get away from her family for the summer. When she learns of a job as a mother's helper, it seems a dream come true. But writer Florence Friedman is not a typical mother, and Sarah can't understand why Florence needs help with her twelve-year-old daughter, Emily. Emily doesn't do anything except exercise and avoid food. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. An Imaginative Experience BR 10763 by Mary Wesley 2 volumes When Londoner Sylvester Wykes's commuter train hisses to an emergency halt, he is impressed to see a woman passenger leap to the aid of a stranded sheep. Later the housecleaner he hires turns out to be the same altruistic woman, and Wykes falls in love. 1994. In Your Dreams BR 10703 by Colin Neenan 2 volumes Hale, fifteen, and his older brother, Tom, are at the beach when they first see Sheri. Hale is attracted to her but knows that with his looks he doesn't stand a chance. When Tom starts dating Sheri, Hale's crush continues. Hale is mortified when Clay, a new girl in his class, catches him spying on the couple. Since Clay is a friend of Hale's younger sister, who hates him, his secret is bound to come out. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Lost Son BR 10795 by Brent Spencer 2 volumes It's been six months since Ellen left Redmond, her live-in lover of twelve years. Feeling guilty about also leaving her sixteen-year-old son, Nick, Ellen is on her way back to explain and find closure. Meanwhile, Nick and Redmond are waging a silent war against each other. As each of the three reflects on what led to this point, Redmond's abusive father reappears. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. Love and Houses BR 11250 by Marti Leimbach 2 volumes Novelist Meg Howe is seven months pregnant when her husband's chronic fear of commitment prompts him to move out, leaving her with mortgages on an apartment and the house they are remodeling. Meg's former boyfriend, an extremely successful author, reenters her life when he buys the building in which she lives. Some strong language. 1997. Necessary Madness BR 11065 by Jenn Crowell 2 volumes Novel by a seventeen-year-old tells of a young American widow in London. As Gloria Burgess helps prepare a show of her late English husband's paintings, she reflects the contrast between her short marriage and the unhappy union her parents endured after Gloria's father lost the love of his life. Some strong language. 1997. The Other Side of Silence BR 10803 by Margaret Mahy 1 volume Twelve-year-old Hero of New Zealand is the middle child in a family of prodigies. Hero, who has chosen not to talk to anyone, lives in two worlds. Her outward world is the one at home, but her true life is the one she experiences up in a tree and with her neighbor Miss Credence, whose house guards a shocking secret. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Past Forgiving BR 11266 by Gloria D. Miklowitz 1 volume Fifteen-year-old Alexandra can't believe popular senior Cliff is her boyfriend. When they both get summer jobs at the Y, Alexandra is surprised by Cliff's temper and jealousy, but she refuses to believe her friends' warnings about him. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Pippa Passes BR 10494 by Rumer Godden 2 volumes The romance of Venice captures the imagination of Pippa on her first tour with the ballet company. At seventeen, she is a beautiful ingenue and enjoys captivating a handsome gondolier. She learns, however, that there is a darker side to attractiveness in the same way that there is a gritty side to Venice and to life itself. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. The Price of Land in Shelby BR 11192 by Laurie Alberts 3 volumes The Chartrain family of Shelby, Vermont, live on crazy hope. Over a thirty-year span, each of the five siblings born to Lowell and Anne Chartrain grow, change, and survive into adulthood, although often at great emotional cost. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Quiet-Crazy BR 10309 by Joyce Durham Barrett 2 volumes When depression causes her to stop working at a pants factory, twenty-eight-year-old Elizabeth Miller leaves her parents' home to go to a mental hospital. There she reflects on the problems she has with her domineering mother. When Elizabeth's older sister was four, Mrs. Miller accidentally ran over her. Thereafter Mrs. Miller acted strangely, especially toward her second daughter. Strong language. 1993. Rabbit Redux BR 10982 by John Updike 4 volumes In this sequel to Rabbit, Run (BR 10965), it's the summer of 1969, Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom is ten years older, and now it's his wife who is leaving. Harry takes an eighteen-year-old runaway into his home, becoming her lover as well as her father-protector. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1971. Rabbit, Run BR 10965 by John Updike 3 volumes Weary of his marriage, Henry leaves his pregnant wife and job and lives with a prostitute. He returns home after his child is born but leaves again at the death of the infant. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1960. Rain BR 10337 by Kirsty Gunn 1 volume Twelve-year-old Janey adores and mothers her little brother, Jim, who is five. While her parents spend the summer socializing, Janey and Jim search for hidden places at the lake to play and picnic. Until the unthinkable happens. 1994. Range of Motion BR 11234 by Elizabeth Berg 2 volumes After her beloved husband is hit by a piece of ice that falls from a rooftop, Lainey must learn to cope with the uncertainty of his comatose state. Helping her is her neighbor, who is going through a crisis of her own, and the spirit of the woman who lived in Lainey's house in the 1940s. 1995. Seventeenth Summer BR 10584 by Maureen Daly 2 volumes A woman recalls her seventeenth summer when she lived in a small Wisconsin town in the leisurely days before World War II and fell in love for the first time. 1942. The Shadow Brothers BR 10625 by A.E. Cannon 1 volume Marcus admires his Navaho foster brother, Henry. Henry's widowed father sent him to live with Marcus's Mormon family in Utah when both boys were seven. Now sixteen and in high school, Henry stars in academics and sports. Although Henry is popular, Marcus knows that secretly Henry feels his brown face is a symbol of how complete the white man's victory was. And his growing discontent is causing tension between them. For junior and senior high readers. 1990. Sights Unseen BR 10434 by Kaye Gibbons 1 volume Five years after Maggie Barnes's death at sixty-two, her daughter, Hattie Barnes, remembers the times before her manic-depressive mother was stabilized. Hattie and her brother were raised primarily by maid Pearl Wiggins, but they still had to ride out Maggie's storms. Some strong language. 1995. Smithereens BR 10798 by Susan Taylor Chehak 2 volumes Sixteen-year-old May Caldwell lives a dull life with her Iowa family, waiting for something to happen. And happen it does with the unexpected arrival of Frances (Frankie) Crane, a slightly older girl from Appalachia whom the family has financially sponsored. Amoral and vibrant, Frankie unlocks the latent wildness in May's troubled psyche. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. Spinsters BR 10571 by Pagan Kennedy 1 volume In the 1960s, Fran and her older sister, Doris, are unmarried and in their thirties when their ailing, widowed father dies. Growing old with Doris sounds fine to staid Fran, and the sisters accept an invitation to move in with a spinster aunt. But Doris soon becomes restless and takes reluctant Fran on a long road trip. 1995. Taking It BR 10802 by Michael Cadnum 1 volume Anna Charles, seventeen, runs away to her brother's house, leaving behind her wealthy well-known father, her newly married mother, her confused feelings about her stepfather, and the latest in a string of shoplifting accusations. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Tears of a Tiger BR 10779 by Sharon M. Draper 1 volume Andy Jackson is consumed with guilt when his drinking causes an accident that kills his best friend Robert Washington, a star athlete. Journal entries, letters, homework assignments, newspaper articles, and conversations tell the tragic story of Andy's inability to deal with his depression. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Three NBs of Julian Drew BR 10787 by James M. Deem 1 volume Julian Drew's notebooks are his lifeline to survival since the death of his mother and the subsequent abusive treatment from his cruel stepmother and his indifferent father. While forced to endure isolation and starvation in his room, Julian uses cryptic codes and veiled terminology in his journals. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. A Time for Dancing BR 10714 by Davida Wills Hurwin 2 volumes High school girls Sam and Jules spend the summer before senior year preparing for a dance concert, struggling over Jules's breakup with her boyfriend, and agonizing about odd symptoms that baffle Jules's doctors. When she is diagnosed with cancer, the girls' friendship is put to a severe test. Strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. When She Hollers BR 10540 by Cynthia Voigt 1 volume One morning Tish warns her stepfather, Tonnie, that she is carrying a knife at all times. Her mother ignores the conversation. As Tish walks to school with the knife tucked in her boot, she thinks about Miranda, the classmate who hanged herself last week. Tish knows she and Miranda shared the same problem, but Tish doesn't want to die. Some strong language. For high school and older readers. 1994. You Will Learn to Love Me BR 10333 by Susan Chace 1 volume Kate adores her small daughter, Eliza, but Kate realizes that she does not love Hank, her husband of eight years. Like Eliza's friend's mother who is dying, Kate must learn to withdraw, to say goodbye. Some strong language. 1994. Humor Big Babies BR 11376 by Sherwood Kiraly 2 volumes A lengthy, humorous letter to his unknown birth mother describes the life of A.J. Fleger and that of his older brother, Sterling. Sterling's acting career is halted for years after an embarrassing error, and his comeback brings out his own odd birth family. Meanwhile A.J. finally stumbles into a career in child safety and provides Sterling's big break. Strong language. 1996. Blood Lake and Other Stories BR 11290 by Jim Krusoe 2 volumes A collection of eight darkly humorous short stories, each revealing a bizarre twist on ordinary events. The title tale opens with two men fishing in a leaky boat on a lake of actual blood, so that occasionally they need to dip their lures in anticoagulant. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. A Dog's Life BR 10858 by Peter Mayle 1 volume The author presents the autobiography of the "mutt" Boy, who was abandoned at an early age by his mother, mistreated by his master, and eventually adopted by the Mayles family. Boy tells how he learned to please and manipulate "the management" and mixes a lighthearted account of his adventures with advice on dealing with the human species. Bestseller 1995. Fresno Stories BR 11333 by William Saroyan 1 volume A collection of eleven of the author's humorous short stories that span the length of his career. Each story revolves around ethnic families in Fresno, California, in the early part of the century. 1936. Miss You like Crazy BR 10682 by Eliza Clark 2 volumes Marylou travels to Florida where Flossie, who was her mother and best friend, died playing gin rummy. The trip back to Kansas with her father becomes an adventure filled with odd characters, including the flighty neighbor, CeCe, who leaves her doltish husband and beetle-eating young son. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Politically Correct Holiday Stories: For an Enlightened Yuletide Season BR 10730 by James Finn Garner 1 volume Garner, who wrote Politically Correct Bedtime Stories (BR 9870) and Once upon a More Enlightened Time (BR 10132), now rewrites holiday favorites for the 1990s. Includes "'Twas the Night before Solstice," "Frosty the Persun of Snow," and "Rudolph the Nasally Empowered Reindeer." In "A Christmas Carol," Marley is visited by spiritual facilitators. Bestseller 1995. Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins BR 10430 by Mark Twain 3 volumes Two novels by an American humorist. In Pudd'nhead Wilson Twain provides a complex, ironical and morally disturbing account of human nature under slavery as a brilliant and inventive nineteenth-century lawyer attempts to prove his case by using the newfangled science of fingerprinting. Those Extraordinary Twins is about Siamese twins who share many amusing problems. 1894. Straight Man BR 11294 by Richard Russo 4 volumes A week in the life of Hank Devereaux, interim chairman of a mediocre English department at West Central Pennsylvania University. He maintains a sense of humor as he deals with budget problems, paranoid colleagues, and family crises. Some strong language. 1997. Where You Are BR 11241 by George Constable 2 volumes Lake Stevenson has just inherited a house from his late Aunt Ilsa, but her will stipulates that Lake live in the house with her springer spaniel, Randall, until the dog dies. Wanting to sell the house, Lake begins thinking of ways to get Randall out of the picture. 1996. Wilkes: His Life and Crimes BR 11304 by Winston Schoonover 3 volumes As reported by his law partner Schoonover, Wilkes is more colorful than most of his New York clients. The two attorneys are jailed in contempt of court and participate in a jailhouse riot. Wilkes's cases involve him in a rigged TV game show, in defending a pimp from his prostitutes, and even in obstructing his own election to a judgeship. Strong language. 1981. Literature The Book of Hrabal BR 10536 by Peter Esterhazy 2 volumes Esterhazy looks at the changes taking place in countries once behind the iron curtain through the eyes of a writer, his wife, and two angels. Anna is pregnant with her fourth child and wants to have an abortion. Her husband, who is writing a book about Czech author Bohumil Hrabal, objects. So does God, who sends two angels to keep an eye on Anna to make sure she does not have the abortion. Some strong language. 1993. Caprice BR 11361 by Ronald Firbank 1 volume Sally Sinquier, a provincial clergyman's daughter, steals from her family in order to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. After fleeing to London, she discovers a new world, both complex and humorous. 1917. Deep River BR 10737 by Shusaku Endo 2 volumes Novel of spiritual questioning by award-winning Japanese author. Four Japanese travelers visit the Ganges River in India, where they confront the dramas of their lives. The river has symbolic significance, especially evoking the convergence of the Buddhist, Christian, and Hindu religions. 1994. A Devil in Paradise BR 11336 by Henry Miller 1 volume Autobiographical novel set in Big Sur, California, after World War II. An acquaintance from Miller's Paris days soon wears out his welcome, especially after Miller discovers his evil secrets. 1956. The Garden of Eden BR 11272 by Ernest Hemingway 2 volumes Salvaged from three manuscript versions, this early novel is set in the 1920s in France and Spain. Young and successful writer David Bourne is honeymooning with his wife, Catherine. She has her hair cropped as short as a boy's and tells David of her yearning to play sex-role games. David temporarily acquiesces, but trouble begins to brew. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1986. 1961. In Our Time BR 11224 by Ernest Hemingway 1 volume Collection of Hemingway's earliest stories including parts one and two of "Big Two-Hearted River" and "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife." Some strong language. 1925. Old New York: Four Novellas BR 10570 by Edith Wharton 2 volumes Originally published in 1924, these four stories offer a glimpse of New York life in the 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, and 1870s and cover topics dealing with infidelity, illegitimacy, the class system, and the treatment of women. "False Dawn," set in the 1840s, shows a father's contempt for a son who does not follow his instructions to the letter. "New Year's Day," set in the 1870s, reveals the motivation behind a woman's infidelity. 1924. Sapphira and the Slave Girl BR 11305 by Willa Cather 2 volumes In the period prior to the Civil War, Sapphira Colbert develops an irrational jealousy of one of her house servants, Nancy. Henry Colbert, Sapphira's husband, is fond of Nancy and doesn't take the matter seriously. Their daughter Rachel, however, decides to take matters into her own hands. Her decision changes Nancy's life forever. Some strong language. 1940. She Came to Stay BR 11252 by Simone de Beauvoir 4 volumes Originally published in 1943 as L'Invitee. In Paris on the brink of World War II, two intellectuals try to establish intimacy with a newcomer. Francoise probes her feelings of love and jealousy when her long-term relationship with Pierre becomes threatened by Xaviere, a younger woman. Xaviere is determined to stay, regardless of the consequences. 1954. Mystery and Detective The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes BR 10562 by Arthur Conan Doyle 4 volumes Collection of twelve stories that originally appeared in Strand magazine. In the first story, "A Scandal in Bohemia," Holmes finds himself defeated by "the woman"--Irene Adler. In "The Beryl Coronet," a bank officer is greatly distressed when stones go missing from the coronet given to him for safekeeping. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Richard Lancelyn Green. 1993. Bay of Sorrows BR 10458 by Gaylord Dold 2 volumes For Deputy Sheriff Tom Poole, life has become as suffocating as the acrid and thick air on the Texas Gulf coast. He is tired of corpses, but he knows that the old Vietnamese fisherman shot through the head was not a suicide, contrary to the bloated sheriff's decree. Even clashes between local and Vietnamese shrimpers don't account for what Poole begins to uncover. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. The Betrayal: The Fear Street Saga, Volume 1 BR 10368 by R.L. Stine 1 volume In Wickham Village, Massachusetts, in 1692, Susannah Goode and her mother are accused of witchcraft by Benjamin Fier, the father of the boy Susannah loves. They may be burned at the stake. And in 1900 in the village of Shadyside, Nora Goode stands before the Fear mansion listening to the screams of those trapped inside the blazing house. Prequel to The Secret (BR 10369). For junior and senior high readers. 1993. The Burning: The Fear Street Saga, Volume 3 BR 10370 by R.L. Stine 1 volume New Orleans, 1845. Simon Fier has changed his name to Fear and moved to New Orleans in hopes of escaping the curse that has afflicted his family for generations. But the curse seems to persist. And in 1900 in the village of Shadyside, Simon's grandson meets Nora Goode and they fall in love. Sequel to The Secret (BR 10369). For junior and senior high readers. 1993. The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes BR 10559 by Arthur Conan Doyle 3 volumes Originally published in 1927, this was Doyle's last collection of stories featuring Sherlock Holmes. The twelve cases include "The Illustrious Client," "The Veiled Lodger," and "Thor Bridge." Includes an introduction by editor W.W. Robson and Doyle's chronology. 1993. The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern BR 10321 by Lilian Jackson Braun 2 volumes Jim Qwilleran, a prize-winning reporter, and Koko, the Siamese cat with extraordinary talent and a flair for mystery, are joined by Yum Yum--a lovable Siamese adored by Jim and Koko. This unusual detective team investigates a very clever murderer. 1967. The Cat Who Tailed a Thief BR 10979 by Lilian Jackson Braun 2 volumes A rash of petty thievery, newcomers in Pickax, a wedding, and a couple of murders Down Below keep Qwilleran, who has bought a condo for the winter, and his cats, KoKo and Yum Yum, busy during the holiday season. Bestseller 1997. A Certain Justice BR 11358 by P.D. James 4 volumes Commander Adam Dalgliesh and his team investigate the murder of respected, though disliked, lawyer Venetia Aldridge. Among the likely suspects is one of her last successfully defended clients, Garry Ashe, a sociopath and murderer who is dating her daughter. Several other suspects turn up, but as a review of the court system reveals, justice is not always served. Bestseller 1997. Dover: The Collected Short Stories BR 10750 by Joyce Porter 2 volumes Eleven stories published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine between 1968 and 1985. Vulgar British Chief Inspector Dover fits his investigations around his more important activities: eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. Includes a foreword on Porter's work by writer Robert Barnard and an afterword by Porter's brother. 1995. The Edge of the Crazies BR 10474 by Jamie Harrison 3 volumes Archaeologist Jules Clement has returned to his hometown of Blue Deer, Montana, at the edge of the Crazy Mountains, where he follows in his late father's footsteps as sheriff. He finally has a case of substance when someone shoots screenwriter George Blackwater through his office window. George survives, but when his bitter wife becomes a target, she is less fortunate, which eliminates her as Clement's main suspect. Strong language and violence. 1995. The Far Side of the Dollar BR 10335 by Ross Macdonald 2 volumes Detective Lew Archer seeks a youth who escaped from a private school for delinquents. The search reveals the disturbing values of a California coastal society. 1964. For the Sake of Elena BR 10400 by Elizabeth George 4 volumes Scotland Yard detectives Thomas Lynley and Barbara Havers are assigned to the murder case of Cambridge college student Elena Weaver, who was killed during her morning run along the river. Why had she told her running partner--her stepmother--that she was not running that morning? Or had someone else used the visual display telephone, pretending to be the deaf Elena? Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. "G" Is for Gumshoe: A Kinsey Millhone Mystery BR 10854 by Sue Grafton 2 volumes Kinsey Millhone has just taken the job of locating Irene Gersh's mother, Agnes, who has not been heard from for six months. Then Kinsey learns there is a contract out on her own life. As she pursues Agnes, Kinsey works under the watchful and romantically interested eye of security expert Robert Dietz. Strong language. Bestseller 1990. The Ghostway BR 10363 by Tony Hillerman 2 volumes Navajo Albert Gorman is injured in a shoot-out, and the other man dies. Albuquerque tribal policeman Jim Chee is with the FBI when they find Gorman's body at his elderly relative's hogan. The hogan's owner has vanished but not before mailing a warning letter to his granddaughter. The double-murder case is being handled by the FBI, but Chee conducts an investigation into the disappearance of the granddaughter. Some strong language and some violence. 1984. His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes BR 10567 by Arthur Conan Doyle 3 volumes Seven stories by Doyle and three unsigned pieces by P.G. Wodehouse. In "His Last Bow," Holmes, crippled by attacks of rheumatism, comes out of retirement to help the British government track down a German agent. In "Wisteria Lodge," Mr. Eccles asks Holmes for help when he awakens one night at the lodge to find everyone gone, even his host. Introduction by Owen Dudley Edwards. Includes a Doyle chronology. 1993. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Another Adventure of Sherlock Holmes BR 10565 by Arthur Conan Doyle 1 volume The evil of Sir Hugo, master of the lonely Baskerville manor on the moors, began the curse of the Baskervilles in the seventeenth century. Now, generations later, the legendary hound howls and Sir Charles Baskerville dies. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson move in to solve the crime. Includes introduction by editor W.W. Robson and Doyle's chronology. 1993. The Knotted Strings BR 11332 by Jake Page 2 volumes A movie of the Pueblo Rebellion of 1680 is being shot on the reservation, but some of the Native Americans are unhappy. Blind sculptor Mo Bowdre, whose Hopi girlfriend has a small part in the film, becomes involved when the leading man and the agent who leased the land to Hollywood are murdered. Strong language and some violence. 1995. Listening Woman BR 10390 by Tony Hillerman 2 volumes Navajo detective Joe Leaphorn investigates the dual murder of an old soothsayer and a young girl, the bizarre kidnapping of a Boy Scout troop, and attempts on his own life. Some strong language and some violence. 1978. "M" Is for Malice BR 10667 by Sue Grafton 3 volumes In this sequel to "L" Is for Lawless (BR 10162), private detective Kinsey Millhone is hired to locate a missing person. Years ago, as a young drug and alcohol abuser, Guy Malek left home in disgrace. Now his father has died, and Guy's brothers are outraged to learn Guy is still in the will. Some strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1996. Manila Time BR 10696 by Jack Trolley 3 volumes In this sequel to Balboa Firefly (BR 10531), detective sergeant Donahoo can't understand why a local crime boss is trying to bribe him. What Donahoo doesn't know is that his dead partner had been blackmailing the criminal and hinting that Donahoo was involved. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes BR 10563 by Arthur Conan Doyle 4 volumes Follows the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (BR 10562). Doyle offers eleven more tales of Holmes and Dr. Watson, including Holmes's meeting with Moriarty, the Napoleon of crime. In a final note, Doyle explains Holmes's demise. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Christopher Roden. 1993. Missing Joseph BR 10620 by Elizabeth George 5 volumes When the St. Jameses visit Lancashire, they are shocked to learn that an acquaintance, the vicar, has died of poisoning. They are also disturbed because the constable handling the case is having an affair with Juliet Spence, the herbalist responsible for the "accidental" poisoning. But, since the vicar was trying to help Juliet with her troubled thirteen-year-old daughter, would she kill him? Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1993. Murder at the God's Gate BR 10626 by Lynda S. Robinson 2 volumes The young pharaoh Tutankhamen is beset by problems: a crumbling empire, invaders at the gates, and unrest within his court. Pharaoh's adviser, Lord Meren, suspects a conspiracy and uses ingenious investigative methods to uncover a plot that threatens the Egyptian empire. Sequel to Murder in the Place of Anubis (BR 10186). 1995. Murder at the National Gallery BR 11218 by Margaret Truman 3 volumes Luther Mason, curator at the National Gallery for more than twenty years, is finally getting the Caravaggio exhibit he has dreamed of. But Luther also has other visions--he plans to keep one of the original paintings and substitute a forgery. Some violence. Bestseller 1996. Oxford Exit BR 10605 by Veronica Stallwood 2 volumes Novelist Kate Ivory is asked to help identify who is stealing books from the Oxford Bodleian Library and deleting their records from the computer database. Posing as a cataloger, Kate investigates the handful of people with the necessary computer access. She also looks for a link to the recent murder of a library trainee. Meanwhile, a friend of Kate's is getting odd essays from a student in the creative writing class she teaches. Some violence. 1994. Payment in Blood BR 10398 by Elizabeth George 3 volumes Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley and Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers, introduced in A Great Deliverance (BR 07624), are investigating the murder of playwright Joy Sinclair. She and a group of theater people had gone to a remote Scottish estate for the reading of her play, and there she was murdered. Lynley's ability to solve the crime is hampered by the fact that the woman he loves is one of the suspects. Some strong language. 1989. Presence of Mind BR 10397 by Fred Hunter 2 volumes Elderly Emily Charters recognizes the faces of two murder victims in the newspaper, but can't place them. When her friend Meg also dies, she finally remembers. They were three of a handful of people who attended a community play. She takes her findings to Detective Jeremy Ransom, who has been stumped by the first murder. He agrees there must be a connection, but why would anyone kill off an audience? Violence and some strong language. 1994. Rainbow's End: A Richard Jury Novel BR 10314 by Martha Grimes 4 volumes Scotland Yard's Superintendent Richard Jury has been called in to investigate the deaths of three women, all from "natural causes." The first victim, a young American from Santa Fe, New Mexico, died in Salisbury. The other two, who were British, died in London and Exeter. When Jury learns that all three had been in New Mexico at the same time, he is off to the U.S. to sleuth. Some strong language. 1995. Red Sky at Night BR 11235 by James W. Hall 3 volumes As private detective Thorn is investigating the mysterious slaughter of eleven captive dolphins, he is assaulted and left paralyzed from the waist down. Though beset with pain and anguish, Thorn must match wits with a doctor who is driven by a diabolical obsession. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1997. The Return of Sherlock Holmes BR 10568 by Arthur Conan Doyle 4 volumes Ten years after the fictional death of Sherlock Holmes, Doyle bows to public pressure and breathes new life into his creation. Using incidents from his own life, Doyle provides thirteen adventures for his amateur detective and Holmes's frequently baffled colleague, Dr. Watson. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Richard Lancelyn Green. 1993. Second Skin BR 11211 by Eric Lustbader 5 volumes In this sequel to Floating City (BR 9818), Mafia boss Mick Leonforte schemes to take over the Japanese underworld from an old friend of Nicholas Linnear. Linnear's own livelihood and personal safety are also threatened as he moves to thwart the mob. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Secret: The Fear Street Saga, Volume 2 BR 10369 by R.L. Stine 1 volume Wickham Village, Massachusetts, 1737. Ezra Fier and his family return to Wickham where Ezra vowed revenge against George Goode, the brother of Susannah Goode, who was burned at the stake. Now Ezra has found the Goodes at last. And in 1900 in the village of Shadyside, Nora Goode must continue to write the story of what happened in Wickham years earlier. Sequel to The Betrayal (BR 10368). For junior and senior high readers. 1993. Spare Parts BR 10444 by Rick Hanson 2 volumes Ex-cop turned sculptor Adam McCleet lives in fear of his sister Margot. Now Margot is demanding that Adam find the latest of her many husbands, orthodontist Phillip Stang, who went to Seattle for a convention but failed to check in with her. This is so uncharacteristic of the staid Phil that Adam reluctantly agrees to go to Seattle to play detective. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. Spirit Seeker BR 10777 by Joan Lowery Nixon 2 volumes Holly Campbell is furious with her police detective father. Once again he is working late, missing an anniversary celebration with her mother. But when Mr. Campbell does arrive, he has some shocking news: Holly's boyfriend may be a suspect in the murder of his parents. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Stolen Gods BR 10360 by Jake Page 2 volumes When Santa Fe gallery owner Walter Meyers is murdered, FBI agent Larry Collins tries to prove Meyers was involved in stolen Hopi religious symbols. Local blind sculptor Mo Bowdre is also intrigued with Meyers's death, especially when it turns out to peripherally involve his half-Hopi girlfriend. As the FBI track one lead across the Southwest, Bowdre turns to the reservation for clues. Strong language and some violence. 1993. Stress BR 10783 by Loren D. Estleman 2 volumes Companion to Edsel (BR 10156). It is New Year's Eve 1972 when a Detroit cop moonlighting at a posh party shoots and kills three intruders. On the case is officer Charlie Battle, who knows the department is protecting its own yet doggedly pursues the truth up to the startling courtroom climax. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996. A Study in Scarlet BR 10561 by Arthur Conan Doyle 3 volumes Published in 1887 when Doyle was twenty-five, this, his first book, introduces the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Holmes tackles a gruesome case that begins with the murder of a girl and her lover in Utah, spreads to the capital cities of Europe, and reaches a fatal climax in England. Includes an introduction by editor Owen Dudley Edwards and a chronology of Doyle's work. 1993. Under My Skin: A Hannah Wolfe Mystery BR 10507 by Sarah Dunant 2 volumes London private investigator Hannah Wolfe is hired when someone begins sabotaging Castle Dean, a women's health spa. Hannah soon identifies the staff member who put maggots in the yogurt and pulled other pranks to ruin business. But whoever paid the saboteur has also targeted the spa owner's plastic-surgeon husband and is still at large. Some strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995. The Valley of Fear BR 10660 by Arthur Conan Doyle 3 volumes Sherlock Holmes grapples with the criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty to solve a foul murder that takes place in a Sussex manor house. The investigation uncovers an earlier and grimmer history of lawlessness and wholesale slaughter in a mining valley in the United States. Includes Doyle's chronology and an introduction by editor Owen Dudley Edwards. 1993. The Venus Deal BR 11089 by Ken Kuhlken 3 volumes In this prequel to The Loud Adios (BR 9977), it's 1942 and private eye Tom Hickey is part owner of a supper club. When crowd-pleasing seventeen-year-old singer Cynthia Moon doesn't return from her vacation, Hickey, using clues from her startling diary, sets out to bring her back. Some strong language and some violence. 1993. Well-Schooled in Murder BR 10399 by Elizabeth George 4 volumes Scotland Yard Inspector Thomas Lynley is asked to look for a boy who has disappeared from boarding school. In deference to old school ties with the boy's housemaster, Lynley reluctantly agrees. He enlists the help of Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers and forensic scientist Simon Allcourt-St. James. When the missing schoolboy's body is found, their investigation uncovers some secrets in this privileged and loyal community. 1990. When Death Comes Stealing BR 10429 by Valerie Wilson Wesley 2 volumes Now a private detective, Tamara Hayle quit her job on the police force when her young son, Jamal, was harassed by cops just because he was black. Her ex-husband, DeWayne Curtis, has four other sons, all by different women. When two of the sons die, DeWayne begs Tamara to find out if someone killed them. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1994. Occult Darkness, I: Third in the Blood Opera Sequence BR 10663 by Tanith Lee 3 volumes Continues the saga of the vampiric and elegant Scarabae. Rachaela gives birth to Anna, who may be a reincarnation of Rachaela's first daughter. Anna grows to adolescence in two years and is kidnapped to Cain's ancient and evil underground. Sequel to Personal Darkness (BR 10865). Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994. A Fate Totally Worse than Death BR 10800 by Paul Fleischman 1 volume The Huns are a group of very rich students at Cliffside High School. Earlier three Hun girls arranged the death of an outsider who tried to date a Hun. Now Helga, a new girl, is showing interest in a Hun boy. But as the girls make their plans for Helga, their bodies start aging rapidly. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Noctuary BR 11091 by Thomas Ligotti 2 volumes A discussion of the genre of weird fiction, followed by twenty-seven short weird tales, presented in three parts. "The Medusa" probes the power of classical myth in modern life, "Conversations in a Dead Language" explores the tradition of trick or treating at Halloween, and "Autumnal" examines death. 1994. Personal Darkness: Second in the Blood Opera Sequence BR 10865 by Tanith Lee 3 volumes The Scarabae vampires settle in an elegant house outside London after being burned out by young Ruth, who flees her clan. She finds her way through London by drinking the blood of her unwitting hosts. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1993. The Time of the Vampires BR 10868 edited by P.N. Elrod and Martin H. Greenberg 3 volumes Eighteen stories of vampires down through history, from ancient Greece to the modern day. Some are tales of terror, while others seem poignant and even humorous. In the opening story, the undead spirit of a slain Athenian soldier returns to convince Socrates of death's horror and to guide him into the netherworld. Violence. 1996. Political Themes The Garlic Ballads BR 10775 by Yan Mo 3 volumes A tale of oppression and revolt in rural China. When a glutted garlic market in 1987 forces farmers to let their crop rot in the fields, the farmers rise in revolt against the Communist government. The resulting official retribution brings together three prisoners who reveal the hardships they have suffered. Strong language and violence. 1995. It Can't Happen Here BR 10789 by Sinclair Lewis 3 volumes Inspired by events that were unfolding in Europe, this 1935 cautionary tale portrays America descending into totalitarianism. In 1936, the newly elected president determines that extreme measures are needed for dealing with the liberal press and with certain groups in society. His actions bring horrifying results. 1993. Religious Themes The Bluebird and the Sparrow BR 10427 by Janette Oke 2 volumes Berta gets a new playmate, a baby sister. But it is a long time before Glenna is old enough to play with, and her arrival upsets Berta's world. As they grow into young women, Berta finds herself resenting the lovely Glenna and vows to be her complete opposite. Berta soon drives a wedge between herself, the rest of the family, and her God. It will take a family tragedy to change Berta's attitude. 1995. The Gift BR 10453 by T. Davis Bunn 1 volume Grace Mendez, middle aged and very devout, has finally given in and entered the hospital to have her hip operated on. While she is recuperating, Leslie Denton, an independent and ambitious young woman, becomes her roommate. Leslie, who broke her ankle on an escalator and just happened to be rescued by Grace's son, at first has no time for Grace and her love for God. But as the two become friends, each finds herself growing in spirituality. 1994. God on a Harley: A Spiritual Fable BR 11380 by Joan Brady 1 volume Disillusioned with love and life, an unmarried trauma nurse encounters a mysterious, alluring biker in a bar. He proceeds to guide her on a spiritual journey, helping her to overcome her self-defeating attitudes and accept a set of "new commandments" that lead to her self-renewal. 1995. Romance The Bar Sinister BR 11209 by Sheila Simonson 2 volumes Emily Foster is a widow who wants a companion for her four-year-old son, Matt. Captain Richard Falk needs someone to care for his two children, both under three, while he is away from home. It seems the perfect solution for Emily. However, Richard's life is in danger, and that affects not only his children, but also Emily and her son. 1986. A Difficult Truce BR 10857 by Joan Wolf 2 volumes Niall MacCarthy, the earl of Clancarthy, is dead. He was the last survivor of the great chiefs of old Ireland, and the Catholics would have risen to follow him and become a nation again. Can his nineteen-year-old daughter Christina take his place as head of the clan? Dreams are dashed when enemies capture Christina. Her only hope lies in her marriage to Charles Standish, duke of Dacre. But she must not allow herself to fall in love with him. 1981. The Dreadful Debutante BR 11282 by Marion Chesney 1 volume Drusilla and Mira Markham are to have their London season together. But while the beautiful Drusilla looks forward to the event, plain, tomboyish Mira does not. The only good thing to Mira is that Lord Charles Devere, her longtime friend, will be there. When Charles falls for Drusilla, Mira's jealous reaction draws the attention of a marquess. For high school and older readers. 1994. For Your Eyes Only BR 11189 by Rebecca York 2 volumes Jenny Larkin lost her sight in a car accident in high school. She blames herself, though no one else does. Ben Brisco has always loved Jenny, yet never expressed it. Their feelings come to the surface when Jenny becomes a possible witness in her best friend's murder. Some descriptions of sex. 1997. A Heart Speaks BR 10977 by LaVyrle Spencer 3 volumes Two novellas. In Forsaking All Others, Allison Scott, photographer, is looking for the perfect man for a book cover contract. She finds him in Richard Lang--who becomes more than just a model. In A Promise to Cherish, Lee Walker, a construction estimator, grabs the wrong suitcase at the airport and ends up meeting Sam Brown of Brown and Brown, whose bid just happens to be lower. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1983. Hidden Fires BR 10417 by Sandra Brown 3 volumes Lauren Holbrook, daughter of a preacher, leaves her North Carolina home and comes to Texas to work for Ben Lockett. But when she arrives, she learns that Ben died that very morning. Now what is she to do? When Ben's wife, Olivia, asks Lauren to enter an in-name-only marriage with son Jared, Lauren agrees but suspects the motives behind the request. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 1982. I'll Be Seeing You BR 11441 by Lurlene McDaniel 1 volume Carley Mattea is in the hospital yet again when Kyle Westin is admitted. Kyle has been temporarily blinded by a chemistry experiment gone awry, so he cannot tell that Carley's face has been disfigured by cancer. Kyle falls in love with the Carley he knows, but she is determined that he will never see her after he recovers. For senior high and older readers. 1996. Incidents in the Rue Laugier BR 10675 by Anita Brookner 2 volumes After her mother's death, Maffy finds a pink silk kimono and a cryptic diary. Surprised, Maffy creates a story about her parents' lonely lives. In this tale, Maud's passion for a playboy leaves her pregnant, and the seducer's reserved friend offers the protection of marriage. Some strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995. The Love Letter BR 10710 by Cathleen Schine 2 volumes Helen MacFarquhar is a flirtatious bookshop owner and divorced mother in her forties whose well-ordered life is disrupted by an anonymous love letter. She becomes consumed with finding the author, which leads to a secret affair with Johnny, her twenty-year-old summer employee. Some strong language. 1995. Masquerade BR 11270 by B.J. Hoff 2 volumes Danni St. John has returned to her hometown of Red Oak, Alabama, to work as the editor of the newspaper being published by the Colony, a cult that has established a compound just outside of town. She soon finds herself involved in a series of terrifying events, which she investigates with the aid of Sheriff Logan McGarey, with whom she is falling in love. 1996. Old Lover's Ghost BR 10976 by Joan Smith 2 volumes Charity Wainwright's father has the unusual power of being able to communicate with ghosts. Thus Charity and her father spend a lot of time traveling, and she has little time for herself--or romance. But their visit to Keefer Hall does hold some promise. 1994. Once upon a Rose BR 11255 by Judith O'Brien 3 volumes Young country-music writer and singer Deanie Bailey has come to England to record a music video at Hampton Court Palace. When taping is over for the day, she decides to investigate the maze. Shortly after entering, Deanie is transported back to 1540 and is rescued by Kit Neville, Duke of Hamilton, who also seems to be from another time. 1996. The Patch of Blue BR 10806 by Grace Livingston Hill 2 volumes For Chris Walton, life is great. He is part of a warm and loving family, and in a few weeks he will return for his senior year in college with a brand new car. But his world is turned upside down when his bank-president father must close the bank. Chris soon learns that one person in town understands his new circumstances. 1932. Surrender BR 10375 by Amanda Quick 3 volumes Victoria Huntington, twenty-four, is not above getting into mischief. With her friend Annabella, she plans to leave the ball and go to the fair, escorted by Annabella's brother. Fortunately he has confided in Lucas Colebrook, the earl of Stonevale, for the earl's presence will be needed. But Victoria is suspicious of the earl, because she fears all men are out to get her fortune. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Twice a Hero BR 11347 by Susan Krinard 3 volumes In 1997, at her dying grandfather's request, MacKenzie Sinclair reluctantly visits the ruins of Tikal to apologize to the spirit of Liam O'Shea, a man betrayed by a Sinclair in 1885. She then finds herself transported back through time into O'Shea's arms. Explicit descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. 1997. The View from the Summerhouse BR 10694 by Barbara Whitnell 3 volumes Memories come flooding back to David Holt when his son Simon calls to say he has been commissioned to write an article on Caleb Carne, a broadcaster during World War II. David often visited Caleb, his wife, and their daughters during the war and was in love with one of the girls, but it is the memory of a terrible night just before D-Day that David has tried to forget. Simon's search for information on Caleb is interwoven with David's memories. 1994. A Visit to Highbury BR 10339 by Joan Austen-Leigh 2 volumes The great-great-great-niece of Jane Austen has taken some of the minor characters from Austen's Emma (BR 8733) and allowed them to come into the spotlight. Letters between Mrs. Goddard, the school headmistress in Highbury, and her recently remarried sister, Mrs. Pinkney, in London speculate on events in the lives of residents of both locations--especially a few romances. 1993. Who Brings Forth the Wind BR 10698 by Lori Wick 3 volumes Having grown up in the country, Stacy Daniels is hesitant to go to London. But at her family's urging, Stacy goes and is quickly caught up in the social season of 1853. A chance meeting with Lord Tanner Richardson soon brings happiness and then turmoil into her life. Sequel to Wings of the Morning (BR 9604). 1994. Science Fiction Brothers in Arms: A Vorkosigan Adventure BR 10666 by Lois McMaster Bujold 3 volumes Just as he is lamenting the peace that has idled his Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet, Miles discovers that brigands have stolen the Dendarii payroll. The fact that he himself has been cloned presents Miles with the additional problem of unraveling his personal identities and loyalties. Prequel to Mirror Dance (BR 10665). Violence and strong language. 1989. Cetaganda: A Vorkosigan Adventure BR 10688 by Lois McMaster Bujold 3 volumes While Miles Vorkosigan and his dim-witted cousin Ivan are on a diplomatic mission to the Cetaganda Empire, the Cetagandan empress dies. After another mysterious death, Miles investigates and is drawn into a treacherous game of court politics and romance in an alien land. 1996. The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall BR 11188 by Anne McCaffrey 2 volumes Five stories about the early adventures of humans on the dragon planet, Pern. Includes stories on the discovery of Pern by humans, the human liaison with the indigenous flying dragons, the first battle with the deadly Threadfall, and the final isolation of the planet from the rest of humanity. Sequel to All the Weyrs of Pern (BR 8699). 1993. The Devil's Heart BR 10428 by Carmen Carter 3 volumes Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise investigate the suspicious deaths of a team of Vulcan archaeologists on a barren planet. As a result, Picard finds the Devil's Heart, a legendary artifact that imparts unimaginable power to its possessor. It is an object that many are willing to kill for, and even a man of Picard's character may not be able to resist its seductive powers. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. 1993. The Dolphins of Pern BR 11186 by Anne McCaffrey 3 volumes As the struggle against the deadly Thread spores continues in the Dragonriders of Pern series, humans rediscover the planet's long-forgotten dolphins. Rebuilding the connection between land and sea rekindles the old dream of an ideal Pern. Sequel to The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall (BR 11188). 1994. Door Number Three BR 10695 by Patrick O'Leary 3 volumes A comely patient confides to therapist John Donelly that aliens have allowed her one year to convince a sane person that she is not of this earth. Donelly agrees to be that sane person and commences a bizarre year in which he falls in love, discovers the meaning of dreams, and saves the earth. Strong language. 1995. Dragonseye BR 11187 by Anne McCaffrey 3 volumes It's been over two hundred years since the deadly silver strands called Thread fell from the skies of Pern. Now a new generation of Dragonriders unite in their efforts to prepare for the next cycle of Threadfall. But one of the Lord Holders refuses to cooperate and jeopardizes the safety of all. Sequel to The Dolphins of Pern (BR 11186). 1997. Manhattan Transfer BR 10761 by John E. Stith 3 volumes Without warning, all of Manhattan is swept into space by an alien force and encased in a giant bubble. The trapped humans soon discover that their city is but one of many that have been kidnapped. A small group devises a way to escape and attempts to communicate with people in other bubbles. Some strong language. 1993. The Martian Chronicles BR 10324 by Ray Bradbury 2 volumes Science fiction classic covering the period from January 1999 through October 2026. Closely connected short stories chronicle repeated visits by humans to Mars. The Earth people attempt to create a new world, but they get an unfriendly reception from the Martians. For high school and older readers. 1958. The Masterharper of Pern BR 11464 by Anne McCaffrey 4 volumes Child prodigy Robinton, born at Harper Hall, is popular among the harpers, who teach the culture of Pern through their music. But the harpers are losing credibility because the dreaded Thread has not fallen for centuries. And in the north, the hatred of Robinton is growing. Falls between Dragonflight (BR 5797) and Dragonsdawn (BR 7601). 1998. Memory: A Vorkosigan Adventure BR 11295 by Lois McMaster Bujold 4 volumes The dual identity of Miles Vorkosigan as Admiral Naismith and Lord Miles is central to this adventure. After Naismith is ousted from the military, an assassination plot against Simon Illyan, security chief of the Barrayar empire, gives the Admiral's other identity, Lord Miles, a chance to prove his worth. Sequel to Mirror Dance (BR 10665). 1996. Mining the Oort BR 10999 by Frederik Pohl 3 volumes There isn't much wrong with Mars that a decent atmosphere wouldn't fix. So Mars's Dekker DeWoe is happy humans are mining comets from the Oort cloud and sending them to Mars to create a livable atmosphere. When he has to move out of the comets' path, Dekker heads to Earth hoping to become a member of the mining team. But surprises await. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1992. Mirror Dance: A Vorkosigan Adventure BR 10665 by Lois McMaster Bujold 4 volumes In this sequel to Brothers in Arms (BR 10666), Miles Vorkosigan discovers that his clone-brother and rival, Mark, has impersonated Admiral Naismith and led a raid on planet Jackson's Whole. When the mission goes awry, Miles is killed and put in cryogenic suspension. Mark revives his brother's body, then falls victim to an old foe. 1994. PartnerShip BR 11172 by Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball 3 volumes As a brand-new member of the elite Central Worlds' Courier Service, shellperson Nancia, half human and half spaceship, undertakes her first mission, carrying a group of young aristocrats across the galaxy. She faces a dilemma when her passengers hatch a conspiracy to acquire power and wealth. Sequel to The Ship Who Sang (BR 11171). Strong language. 1992. Podkayne of Mars BR 11197 by Robert A. Heinlein 2 volumes Indomitable young Podkayne (Poddy) Fries jumps at the chance to accompany her uncle Tom on a mission to Earth. The only drawback is that she'll have her loathsome little brother along for the trip. But even greater dangers face the niece of a diplomat from Mars who has powerful enemies. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1963. Random Acts of Senseless Violence BR 10684 by Jack Womack 6 volumes The diary of twelve-year-old Lola Hart records the crises of her deteriorating family life in a crumbling, futuristic New York City. When misfortune forces her family to move to the poor and violent Upper East Side, Lola takes to the mean streets with the Death Angels, a girls' gang. Some strong language. 1993. The Ship Who Sang BR 11171 by Anne McCaffrey 2 volumes Born a deformed human, Helva wins the title of shellperson and her brain is transferred into the control center of an intergalactic scout ship. Traveling among the stars, she shares her missions with one normal human, and Helva finds that even a spaceship can fall in love. 1969. The Ship Who Searched BR 11173 by Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey 2 volumes A mysterious disease leaves seven-year-old Tia completely paralyzed. With no possibility of a normal life, she becomes a shellperson, the human brain of an interstellar spaceship. On her odyssey across the galaxy, she learns about extinct civilizations, seeks a cure for the disease that afflicted her, and eventually falls in love. Sequel to PartnerShip (BR 11172). 1992. The Ship Who Won BR 11174 by Anne McCaffrey and Jody Lynn Nye 3 volumes Searching the galaxy for alien life, Carialle, whose brain controls spaceship SSS-900, and Keff, her human partner, discover a strange planet ruled by a race of magical wizards. The arrogant wizards are hard enough to deal with, but Carialle and Keff discover even more mysterious things about the new world. Sequel to The City Who Fought (BR 9865). 1994. Star Wars: Darksaber BR 10460 by Kevin J. Anderson 3 volumes Luke Skywalker and Han Solo return to the desert planet Tatooine on a quest to restore Jedi powers to Luke's beloved Callista. Meanwhile, the Hutt crime syndicate, headed by Jabba's successor, Durga, is building a new death star to terrorize the galaxy, and the ever-vengeful Admiral Daala of the Empire is marshalling forces to crush the New Republic. Sequel to Champions of the Force (BR 10104). Bestseller 1995. 3001: The Final Odyssey BR 11095 by Arthur C. Clarke 2 volumes After being killed and abandoned in space, twenty-first-century astronaut Frank Poole is revived a thousand years in the future. He finds that humanity has spread throughout the solar system and lives in a state of near utopia. But all is not well in the third millenium. The mysterious black monoliths are still present and may now pose a threat. Sequel to 2061: Odyssey Three (BR 7226). 1997. The Vor Game BR 10544 by Lois McMaster Bujold 3 volumes Miles Vorkosigan, son of Lord Vorkosigan of the planet Barrayar, hasn't lost his knack for getting into trouble and embarrassing his family. Nevertheless, despite his physical disabilities, he graduates from the Imperial Academy, hoping for space duty. He is assigned to an arctic weather station instead. Even here he finds trouble, and he is reassigned across the galaxy for more unexpected adventures. 1990. War Drums BR 11072 by John Vornholt 2 volumes On the colony world of Selva, a small band of Klingons, survivors of a long-ago space wreck, have reverted to a savage state and are attacking the human settlement. Lieutenant Worf of the starship Enterprise leads a landing party to contact the Klingons. An allout war between the Klingons and the human colonists appears to be inevitable. In addition, Worf learns that a more deadly force is at work on the planet. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. 1992. Short Stories The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes BR 10562 by Arthur Conan Doyle 4 volumes Collection of twelve stories that originally appeared in Strand magazine. In the first story, "A Scandal in Bohemia," Holmes finds himself defeated by "the woman"--Irene Adler. In "The Beryl Coronet," a bank officer is greatly distressed when stones go missing from the coronet given to him for safekeeping. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Richard Lancelyn Green. 1993. The Aspern Papers and Other Stories BR 11097 by Henry James 3 volumes First published in 1888, "The Aspern Papers" is set in a crumbling Venetian palazzo, where a determined scholar tries to charm its inhabitants--the Misses Bordereau--out of a collection of letters by the American poet Aspern. Three short stories first published in the 1890s complete the collection. 1983. The Best of O. Henry BR 10794 by O. Henry 2 volumes Twenty-six short stories, originally published in the New York World newspaper, about city life in the early 1900s. Includes such well-known tales as "Gift of the Magi" and less familiar ones, such as "Memories of a Yellow Dog." While their themes vary, the stories share O. Henry's incisive humor, irony, and pathos. 1978. Blood Lake and Other Stories BR 11290 by Jim Krusoe 2 volumes A collection of eight darkly humorous short stories, each revealing a bizarre twist on ordinary events. The title tale opens with two men fishing in a leaky boat on a lake of actual blood, so that occasionally they need to dip their lures in anticoagulant. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1997. Bone by Bone: Stories BR 10549 by Gary Krist 2 volumes Collection of thirteen short stories whose characters are middle-class Americans. In the title story, a woman cuts herself off from the outside world and retreats into insanity. In "Baggage," a young man reflects on his insensitivity in leaving his girlfriend, who uses a wheelchair. "Eclipse" relates a divorced father's outing with his sons to watch a solar eclipse. Some strong language. 1994. Camaro City BR 10331 by Alan Sternberg 2 volumes Ten stories about working-class life in a Connecticut factory town. Work, however, is scarce and monotonous, so anything that breaks the routine is welcome. In the title story, the townspeople insist on buying Camaros, even though proliferation of the cars makes the town a target for professional thieves. And in "Blazer," a teenager hanging out in a fast-food parking lot sets himself afire. Some strong language. 1994. The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes BR 10559 by Arthur Conan Doyle 3 volumes Originally published in 1927, this was Doyle's last collection of stories featuring Sherlock Holmes. The twelve cases include "The Illustrious Client," "The Veiled Lodger," and "Thor Bridge." Includes an introduction by editor W.W. Robson and Doyle's chronology. 1993. The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall BR 11188 by Anne McCaffrey 2 volumes Five stories about the early adventures of humans on the dragon planet, Pern. Includes stories on the discovery of Pern by humans, the human liaison with the indigenous flying dragons, the first battle with the deadly Threadfall, and the final isolation of the planet from the rest of humanity. Sequel to All the Weyrs of Pern (BR 8699). 1993. Collected Stories BR 11296 by Carson McCullers 4 volumes Short stories from the southern writer including "The Member of the Wedding" and "The Ballad of the Sad Cafe," which are considered McCullers's best works. Many of the stories are autobiographical and feature southerners, either at home or transplanted to the north. Some violence and some strong language. 1987. The Collected Stories of Louis Auchincloss BR 10420 by Louis Auchincloss 4 volumes Collection of nineteen short stories written between 1949 and 1994. Himself a Wall Street lawyer, Auchincloss is of the world of upscale New York City, and, like his major influences Edith Wharton and Henry James, he examines the mores and strictures of that society. His often-ironic approach provides insights into seemingly insular characters with a strong code of manners and ethics. Some strong language. 1994. The Cricket on the Hearth and Other Christmas Stories BR 11334 by Charles Dickens 2 volumes Three short Christmas tales written in the 1850s. In "The Cricket on the Hearth" and "The Holly-Tree," misunderstandings between lovers are cleared up in time to make the holiday cheerful. Similarly, in "The Haunted House," lovers are eventually united. 1994. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories BR 11088 by Nikolai Gogol 2 volumes These stories, by the father of Russian realism, are set both in his native Ukraine and in St. Petersburg, the city that was to have an obsessive effect on him. Critics have acclaimed the early nineteenth-century writer for his uncanny understanding of the development of mental illness. 1972. Dover: The Collected Short Stories BR 10750 by Joyce Porter 2 volumes Eleven stories published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine between 1968 and 1985. Vulgar British Chief Inspector Dover fits his investigations around his more important activities: eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. Includes a foreword on Porter's work by writer Robert Barnard and an afterword by Porter's brother. 1995. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories BR 11092 by Robert Louis Stevenson 2 volumes In the title story, a short psychological novel of the war between good and evil within the human personality, a kindly physician commits diabolical crimes when his suppressed personality is released. "The Body-Snatcher" and "A Lodging for the Night" pursue moral issues, "Markheim" and "Thrawn Janet" are stories about the supernatural, and "The Misadventures of John Nicholson" is a Gothic tale. 1885. Eight Stories BR 10963 by Dylan Thomas 1 volume Eight short stories by the noted Welsh writer and poet. Includes "The End of the River," "The School for Witches," "The Peaches," "Just like Little Dogs," "Old Garbo," "One Warm Saturday," "Plenty of Furniture," and "The Followers." 1954. The Fireman's Wife and Other Stories BR 10527 by Richard Bausch 2 volumes Ten stories about relationships among husbands, wives, siblings, and parents. Includes tales of marriage, divorce, and death. In the title story, three firemen have been friends since childhood, and their wives forge a friendship against the backdrop of the hazards facing the men. In "Consolation" a widowed new mother tries to understand her in-laws' reticence toward her baby. 1990. Fresno Stories BR 11333 by William Saroyan 1 volume A collection of eleven of the author's humorous short stories that span the length of his career. Each story revolves around ethnic families in Fresno, California, in the early part of the century. 1936. A Heart Speaks BR 10977 by LaVyrle Spencer 3 volumes Two novellas. In Forsaking All Others, Allison Scott, photographer, is looking for the perfect man for a book cover contract. She finds him in Richard Lang--who becomes more than just a model. In A Promise to Cherish, Lee Walker, a construction estimator, grabs the wrong suitcase at the airport and ends up meeting Sam Brown of Brown and Brown, whose bid just happens to be lower. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1983. His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes BR 10567 by Arthur Conan Doyle 3 volumes Seven stories by Doyle and three unsigned pieces by P.G. Wodehouse. In "His Last Bow," Holmes, crippled by attacks of rheumatism, comes out of retirement to help the British government track down a German agent. In "Wisteria Lodge," Mr. Eccles asks Holmes for help when he awakens one night at the lodge to find everyone gone, even his host. Introduction by Owen Dudley Edwards. Includes a Doyle chronology. 1993. In Our Time BR 11224 by Ernest Hemingway 1 volume Collection of Hemingway's earliest stories including parts one and two of "Big Two-Hearted River" and "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife." Some strong language. 1925. Krik? Krak! BR 10749 by Edwidge Danticat 1 volume Ten short stories that reflect, to some degree, the violence and despair of the author's native Haiti. "Children of the Sea" is an exchange of letters, never sent, between a young woman and her lover, who is aboard a leaky boat en route to Miami. "Nineteen Thirty-Seven" describes the harsh treatment of a Haitian woman imprisoned for witchcraft. 1995. Lizard BR 10389 by Banana Yoshimoto 1 volume Collection of six stories, most featuring Japanese professionals who learn to blend traditional ways with modern values. In "Newlywed" a husband finds himself talking with a stranger on a commuter train; in the title story a man salvages his relationship with his lover when he talks about childhood secrets; and in "Helix" two young people, alone in an empty restaurant, discover they are an "archetypal couple." 1995. Louisa May Alcott Unmasked: Collected Thrillers BR 10285 by Louisa May Alcott 10 volumes A collection of twenty-nine spellbinders dealing with the dark side of life by the author of Little Women (BR 9758). Strong and beautiful women figure in complex plots, often involving an intriguing piece of jewelry or clothing. Themes include murder, struggles between the sexes, and narcotic addictions. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 1995. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes BR 10563 by Arthur Conan Doyle 4 volumes Follows the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (BR 10562). Doyle offers eleven more tales of Holmes and Dr. Watson, including Holmes's meeting with Moriarty, the Napoleon of crime. In a final note, Doyle explains Holmes's demise. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Christopher Roden. 1993. Musical Moment and Other Stories BR 10725 by Yehoshua Kenaz 2 volumes Four stories of a young Israeli boy's coming-of-age in the 1940s and 1950s. In "The Three-Legged Chicken," the narrator recalls the day of his grandfather's funeral and the men who flocked to see the spectacle of a deformed chicken. In "Henrik's Secret," the narrator wants to know why someone is "bad friends" with him. 1995. The Night Trilogy: Night, Dawn, The Accident BR 11185 by Elie Wiesel 2 volumes "Night" is the story of a Jewish boy who is deported with his family and community from Hungary to the horrors of the infamous Auschwitz. In "Dawn," Elisha, the sole survivor of his family, becomes a Jewish terrorist in Palestine and is ordered to execute an Englishman. In "The Accident," a concentration camp survivor tries to rebuild his life in New York City. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 1972. Noctuary BR 11091 by Thomas Ligotti 2 volumes A discussion of the genre of weird fiction, followed by twenty-seven short weird tales, presented in three parts. "The Medusa" probes the power of classical myth in modern life, "Conversations in a Dead Language" explores the tradition of trick or treating at Halloween, and "Autumnal" examines death. 1994. Once upon a Galaxy BR 11067 by Josepha Sherman 2 volumes Forty-two tales of folklore, fantasy, and science fiction. Five categories, each prefaced by an essay, include the fantastic voyage, the child who becomes a heroic leader, the hero ignorant of his origins, the quest for a magic item, and the cunning of the trickster. Violence. 1994. The Oxford Book of Hebrew Short Stories BR 11303 by Glenda Abramson 4 volumes These thirty-two stories, each by a different writer, offer an introduction to the development of Hebrew-language fiction in the late nineteenth century and its evolution in Israel. Arranged in rough chronological order, they explore a broad range of social, political, cultural, and family issues. Each selection is preceded by a brief biography of its author. 1996. The Oxford Book of Travel Stories BR 11202 edited by Patricia Craig 5 volumes The author defines travel stories as oriented to the actual act of traveling, rather than to the destination. This collection of more than thirty such tales spans more than a century and includes works by Evelyn Waugh, Rebecca West, Edith Wharton, Anthony Trollope, Paul Theroux, and William Trevor. 1996. A Plague of Dreamers: Three Novellas BR 10624 by Steve Stern 2 volumes Stories set in the Pinch, an isolated Jewish community in Memphis, and flavored with Yiddish phrases. Events often have a mystical quality and reveal universal longings. In the first story, "Zelik Rifkin and the Tree of Dreams," a wimpy young boy gains stature when he looks into the lives and dreams of his neighbors. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994. The Price of Tea in China BR 10377 by E. Shaskan Bumas 2 volumes Eight stories that explore the struggles people have in defining their relationships--either to others or to their current circumstances. 1995. Rattlebone BR 10499 by Maxine Clair 2 volumes Rattlebone is a mostly black community outside of Kansas City, Kansas. Eleven interconnected stories tell of Rattlebone in the 1950s and feature Irene Wilson as she comes of age. Entries focus on the troubled marriage of Irene's parents, the death of a boy who has a crush on Irene, and Irene's falling for a boy from an unusual settlement by the railroad tracks. 1994. The Return of Sherlock Holmes BR 10568 by Arthur Conan Doyle 4 volumes Ten years after the fictional death of Sherlock Holmes, Doyle bows to public pressure and breathes new life into his creation. Using incidents from his own life, Doyle provides thirteen adventures for his amateur detective and Holmes's frequently baffled colleague, Dr. Watson. Includes a chronology of Doyle's work and an introduction by editor Richard Lancelyn Green. 1993. Same Place, Same Things BR 10847 by Tim Gautreaux 2 volumes Twelve tales about working-class people and Cajun culture in rural Louisiana. In "Returnings," set in 1967, a woman is startled when a Vietnamese aviator lands his helicopter on her farm. The hapless pilot, a trainee from an American military base, has lost his way. Obligingly, the Cajun woman guides him home to his airfield. 1996. Selected Short Stories of William Faulkner BR 10343 by William Faulkner 2 volumes Thirteen short stories (most written in the 1930s) by the Nobel Prize-winning American novelist who died in 1962. In "Barn Burning," a man burns his enemies' barns, and his son tries to warn the victims. "That Evening Sun" recounts the tale of a black laundress who fears her lover after he learns she is pregnant by a white man. In "A Rose for Emily," a woman hides the corpse of her lover in an upstairs room. 1942. Selected Stories BR 10819 by Alice Munro 6 volumes Twenty-eight short stories first published from 1961 through 1994 by the renowned Canadian writer. Lake Huron's small towns and farms provide the setting for stories that feature elaborate personalities in seemingly ordinary circumstances. Includes "Dance of the Happy Shades," "The Beggar Maid," "The Progress of Love," and "Vandals." 1996. Skeleton Crew BR 10512 by Stephen King 6 volumes Stories primarily collected from magazines, written by a master of horror. Includes such tales as "The Jaunt," a science fiction/horror hybrid; "The Monkey," a familiar tale of a demonic toy; and "Big Wheels," a humorous and macabre account set in rural Maine. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1985. Sketches from a Hunter's Album BR 11373 by Ivan Turgenev 4 volumes Short stories by the Russian novelist who was born in 1818 and died in 1883. His work is noted for the poetic atmosphere of country settings, the contrast between hero and heroine, and the objective portrayal of heroes who represent the development of the Russian intelligentsia. A hatred of injustice marks all his writings. 1990. South Sea Tales BR 10580 by Jack London 2 volumes Eight tales of adventure on the seas of the South Pacific. Salty, often violent characters pit themselves against each other and against nature. In "The Seed of McCoy," a smoldering ship is boarded at Pitcairn by a descendant of one of the famous Bounty's survivors, who guides the ship to safety. Introduction by A. Grove Day tells of London's own adventure in the south seas, which inspired and financed his writing. Some violence. 1911. Tales from Watership Down BR 10905 by Richard Adams 2 volumes Twenty-four years after writing Watership Down (BR 2514), Adams now offers nineteen short stories about the lives of the rabbits since they defeated General Woundwort. Many of the stories focus on the hero El-ahriarah, and all deal with the theme of the human enemy versus the animal. 1996. Thirteen Stories BR 10478 by Eudora Welty 2 volumes A collection of short stories celebrating "the lyrical impulse" by the award-winning southern storyteller. Although the settings and moods are regional, Welty's theme of the changing mystery of human relationships does not limit itself. In "The Wide Net" a young, pregnant wife's pique sets off a community effort to drag the river. A spoiled, conniving sister is to blame in "Why I Live at the P.O." Contains two winners of the O. Henry Award. 1965. The Time of the Vampires BR 10868 edited by P.N. Elrod and Martin H. Greenberg 3 volumes Eighteen stories of vampires down through history, from ancient Greece to the modern day. Some are tales of terror, while others seem poignant and even humorous. In the opening story, the undead spirit of a slain Athenian soldier returns to convince Socrates of death's horror and to guide him into the netherworld. Violence. 1996. Trouble No More: Stories BR 10917 by Anthony Grooms 2 volumes Twelve stories reflecting poignant episodes of life for African Americans during the civil rights era. In "Sweet Milton," Milton, confined to a mental institution, thinks he is the devil. In "Hollow and Far Away," an African American family experiences the terror of being stopped by white police. Some strong language and some violence. 1995. Valley of the Sun: Frontier Stories BR 10446 by Louis L'Amour 2 volumes Nine short stories about the gunmen, gamblers, outlaws, and tough men- and womenfolk of the old West. In "We Shaped the Land with Our Guns," sixteen-year-old Rye Tyler loads his guns and polishes his reputation to defend the ranch. In "Valley of the Sun," Brett Larane is double-crossed and left to die by his riding partner. Violence. 1995. The Value of Kindness BR 10486 by Ellyn Bache 2 volumes A collection of sixteen short stories about ordinary women whose middle-class lives are graced by kindnesses given or received. In the title story, Cora finds a sense of importance through anonymous gifts of her time and respect. This collection won the Willa Cather Fiction Prize in 1992. Some descriptions of sex. 1993. Walking the Dog and Other Stories BR 10533 by Bernard MacLaverty 2 volumes Nine short stories that explore unsettling aspects of Irish life. In the title story, a man is kidnapped by the IRA while walking his dog and is disgustedly released. In both "Compensations" and "Just Visiting," the main characters must deal with the impending death of a loved one. Strong language. 1994. While the Messiah Tarries: Stories BR 10623 by Melvin Jules Bukiet 2 volumes Nine stories, at times magical or comic and at other times mundane or tragic, describing the lives of Jews in America. In "Gematria," a woman's visit to New York's diamond district leaves the jeweler thinking about gematria, the transliteration of names and numbers, and about his own death. In "The Golden Calf and the Red Heifer," Kleinberg the butcher tries to hide the facts that he is a vegetarian and that his knife is not kosher. 1995. Working Men: Stories BR 10316 by Michael Dorris 2 volumes Some of Dorris's working men, such as the pond-building protagonist of "The Benchmark," are long wedded to their jobs. Others experience spur-of-the-moment employment: a man's new wife encourages him to fake his way into a position teaching high-school French in "Oui" and rescues him just as his fraud is about to surface. A returned draft dodger marries an older divorc‚e and buys a gas station rather than take a parent-pleasing path. 1993. Farm Team BR 10506 by Will Weaver 2 volumes The high school baseball coach has hopes for Billy Baggs, but Billy's farm chores take priority over ball. Then Billy's father is sent to jail, and Billy knows his baseball days are over. But Billy's mother has an idea: Why not start a team that holds games Friday nights after chores? The odd assortment of players, including Billy's dog, are soon good enough to challenge the town team. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. The Rebounder BR 11240 by Thomas J. Dygard 1 volume Hamilton High's basketball coach, Doug Fulton, fantasizes each year that a superb player will transfer to his school. This year he thinks his dream has come true when he spots tall, athletic Chris Patton. But Chris denies being a basketball player until Coach Fulton learns the disturbing truth from Chris's former school. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. The Squared Circle BR 10805 by James Bennett 2 volumes Despite his mediocre grades, high school all-American basketball star Sonny Youngblood wins a full college scholarship. Achieving national celebrity, he soon comes under official scrutiny and begins to reexamine his priorities. Strong language and violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1995. Wrestling Sturbridge BR 10908 by Rich Wallace 1 volume In the small town of Sturbridge, Pennsylvania, high school wrestling is a big deal. Ben, a senior, wants to become state champion, but he will have to beat out at least one of his three higher-ranked best friends to do it. For junior and senior high readers. 1996. Suspense Balboa Firefly BR 10531 by Jack Trolley 2 volumes Six months ago, San Diego police sergeant Tommy Donahoo received an anonymous note warning that the airport, which has caused property values to plummet in the Balboa Park area, must be relocated. The note was written by desperate realtor Joseph Foley, who has multiple personalities and plans to shoot a plane out of the sky. What Foley and Donahoo don't realize is that someone else is hatching a similar plan. Strong language and violence. 1994. Catch Your Breath BR 11268 by Jessica Auerbach 3 volumes Recently separated from her policeman husband, Rosie Sloan panics when their two-year-old son, Jason, begins having trouble breathing. Because her first child died of SIDS and her father was a doctor, Rosie is very careful to follow Jason's doctor's advice to the letter. So why has someone reported her as an unfit mother? Some strong language. 1996. The Dancing Floor BR 11274 by Barbara Michaels 3 volumes Heather Tradescant has come to England to visit some of its famous gardens. One of her greatest hopes is to see the ones at Troytan House. When she is denied permission, Heather attempts to get a glimpse of the fabled landscape by crawling through a wall of thick brush. What awaits her is not what she expects. 1997. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories BR 11092 by Robert Louis Stevenson 2 volumes In the title story, a short psychological novel of the war between good and evil within the human personality, a kindly physician commits diabolical crimes when his suppressed personality is released. "The Body-Snatcher" and "A Lodging for the Night" pursue moral issues, "Markheim" and "Thrawn Janet" are stories about the supernatural, and "The Misadventures of John Nicholson" is a Gothic tale. 1885. Fast Forward BR 10975 by Judy Mercer 3 volumes A woman wakes up in a torn-apart house, wearing bloody clothes, and with no idea who she is. The face in the mirror is unfamiliar, and her overweight body repulses her. Eventually learning that she is television producer Ariel Gold, she attempts to hide what must be amnesia while she searches for clues to what happened. Some violence. 1995. The Halls of Justice BR 11212 by Lee Gruenfeld 4 volumes Feeling betrayed by the legal system she has worked so hard to uphold, Santa Monica attorney Diane Pierman and her sister seek revenge against their attacker after he is acquitted on a technicality. They find themselves at the center of a web of legal intrigue with unexpected personal and political implications. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1996. Hostage to Fortune BR 10392 by Elizabeth Chaplin 2 volumes When housewife Susan Bentham wins a football pool of more than a million pounds, her attorney husband, Jeff, doesn't expect to change his own life much. He takes a mistress, buys a Rolls, and feels very lucky. But Susan quietly carries out a devious plan until their roles have completely reversed. Jeff is now jobless, in a house he didn't choose, with no money of his own. So he devises his own plan. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Louisa May Alcott Unmasked: Collected Thrillers BR 10285 by Louisa May Alcott 10 volumes A collection of twenty-nine spellbinders dealing with the dark side of life by the author of Little Women (BR 9758). Strong and beautiful women figure in complex plots, often involving an intriguing piece of jewelry or clothing. Themes include murder, struggles between the sexes, and narcotic addictions. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 1995. Now or Never BR 11258 by Elizabeth Adler 3 volumes A serial killer carefully stalks and murders young women. When Boston police detective Harry Jordan finally gets a partial description, he desperately turns to a national television figure for help. Mallory Malone's show has been the downfall for many criminals, but oddly, Malone refuses to profile Jordan's case. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1997. Pandora's Clock BR 10529 by John J. Nance 4 volumes After American 747 flight 66 leaves Germany, a passenger has a heart attack. Pilot James Holland is shocked when London refuses to let him make an emergency landing. The passenger was exposed to a mysterious virus and no country (not even the United States) wants to handle a possible epidemic. Doctor Sanders of the CIA is Holland's only real ally, but Sanders must convince the pilot of that in time to save him. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1995. The Proposal BR 11350 by Angela Hunt 2 volumes A case of mistaken identity causes problems for new author Theodora Russell. An editor confuses her manuscript about Down syndrome with that of successful novelist Theodore Russell, who submitted a proposal to the same publisher for a book linking breast cancer with first-pregnancy abortion, an unpopular idea. Now both writers' lives are in danger. 1996. The Runaway Jury BR 10516 by John Grisham 4 volumes Using jury consultants with elaborate and illegal research techniques, the tobacco companies have managed to win each lawsuit brought against them. Now, in Mississippi, a man has purposely placed himself on the jury of the latest tobacco trial. Strong language. Bestseller 1996. Sacred BR 11352 by Dennis Lehane 3 volumes Boston PIs Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro are still reeling from a tragic case when billionaire Trevor Stone convinces them to get back to work. Stone, who is dying of cancer, wants to find his grown daughter, who is missing. Kenzie's mentor was already sent after her, but he has vanished too. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1997. Sacrifice BR 11300 by Mitchell Smith 3 volumes After seven years in a Kansas prison, Tyler Pierce has just pulled off the bank heist of his career when he learns that his park-ranger daughter has been killed in Florida. Tyler uses his windfall from the robbery to fund his search for her murderer, a serial killer whose victims are women in uniform. Strong language, violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1997. See How They Run BR 11343 by Bethany Campbell 3 volumes Teacher Laura Stoner and her twin autistic students witness a drive-by shooting. The eight-year-old boys' ability to reel off the license number and describe the shooter puts them in grave danger because the victim is a Mafia don. The trio reluctantly go into protective custody but soon learn that may not help them. Strong language, violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996. Silent Night BR 10612 by Mary Higgins Clark 1 volume The Dornan family is in New York City on Christmas Eve because Tom Dornan has just had surgery for leukemia. When his wife drops her wallet, Cally Hunter, desperate for Christmas money, picks it up. Young Brian Dornan follows her, because inside the wallet is a recuperative St. Christopher medal for his dad. But Cally's brother, an escaped convict, is waiting in her apartment, and he has plans for the money and for Brian. Some strong language. 1995. The Whispering Wall BR 10821 by Patricia Carlon 2 volumes Middle-aged widow Sarah Oatland is paralyzed and mute from a stroke. Although her doctor, home nurse, and greedy niece Gwenyth don't realize it, Sarah is awake and cognizant, and she can hear through the wall at her headboard. When Gwenyth rents out Sarah's lower rooms, Sarah is horrified to hear the tenants plotting a murder. 1969. War Stories The Eye in the Door BR 10645 by Pat Barker 2 volumes London, 1918. As Britain faces defeat by Germany, pacifists and homosexuals are scapegoated as potential traitors. It is unfortunate for Lieutenant Billy Prior, a bisexual who has a split personality, that when he is released from Craiglockhart War Hospital, he is assigned to British Intelligence. Once again he needs the help of Dr. Rivers. Sequel to Regeneration (BR 10543). Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1993. The King BR 10387 by Donald Barthelme 1 volume Satirical resetting of Le Morte d'Arthur during World War II. Lancelot, Guinevere, King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table-- they are all here. But now, while England is at war on several fronts, leaders from Germany, Italy, and the United States and even Winston Churchill interfere with the crusades. 1990. Regeneration BR 10543 by Pat Barker 2 volumes Based on the true story of two men who met during World War I--Dr. William Rivers, a psychiatrist, and Siegfried Sassoon, an officer and poet. In July 1917, Sassoon writes a letter protesting the war. Because of his position, he is sent to the Craiglockhart War Hospital instead of being court-martialed. There the relationship between him and Dr. Rivers helps him deal with his struggle between responsibility and conscience. 1991. Tomorrow, When the War Began BR 10509 by John Marsden 2 volumes A group of Australian teenagers decide to spend a week in the bush instead of attending the annual fair with their families. At their remote campsite, they notice an unusual number of planes flying over but think nothing of it until they return home. There they find their families gone, their pets left to die, and the phones and electricity out. Some violence. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1993. When the Rainbow Goddess Wept BR 10627 by Cecilia Manguerra Brainard 2 volumes When the Japanese attack the Philippines during World War II, nine-year-old Yvonne and her family flee for safety. The horrors of war are inescapable, and young Yvonne witnesses slaughter and atrocities. For strength and hope, she turns to the legends of her people: the Woman Warrior and the Rainbow Goddess. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1994. Westerns Backtrail: Seth Strummar Series, Book 2 BR 11430 by Elizabeth Fackler 2 volumes Western gunman Seth Strummar may have had a reason to kill, but he is now an outlaw with a price on his head. He flees after arranging an escort to safety for his young wife, but she is kidnapped and he again seeks revenge. Sequel to Blood Kin (BR 11426). Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1993. Blood Kin: Seth Strummar Series, Book 1 BR 11426 by Elizabeth Fackler 2 volumes In Texas in the 1880s, sixteen-year-old Johanna Devery is forced to work in her stepfather's bordello after she refuses to marry Beau Olwell, the man who brutally raped her. She escapes and falls for hired killer Seth Strummar, who is returning to El Paso on a mission of vengeance. Prequel to Backtrail (BR 11430). Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 1991. Blood Meridian; or, The Evening Redness in the West BR 10635 by Cormac McCarthy 3 volumes The child is pale and thin with only ragged clothes to wear, his father lies in drink, and his mother is dead. For the Kid, there is no reason to stay in Tennessee. And so at fourteen he runs away. The Kid relates his journey west and the skirmishes with Indians that took place along the Texas-Mexico border in the 1850s. Violence and strong language. 1985. The Diablo Grant BR 10832 by James M. Reasoner 2 volumes In this sequel to Stark's Justice (BR 9708), Juan Espina, the town drunk of a New Mexico territory settlement, claims historical rights to nearby ranch property and has an ancient land grant to prove it. The dispute goes before Judge Stark, who rules for Espina, thus unleashing chaos in the frontier town. 1994. The High Graders BR 106476 by Louis L'Amour 2 volumes Gunslinger Mike Shevlin is hired by pretty Laine Tennison to keep the miners from stealing gold ore from her claim and to challenge the cattlemen who swear to close the dig because the range waters are being poisoned. Some strong language and some violence. 1965. Hope Valley War BR 11381 by Brock Thoene 2 volumes After nine years on the trail, John Thornton returns to the Utah territory in 1858 to face a grim situation. His brother Lucky has been lynched, Lucky's widow is hiding out, and another brother is in jail. As he struggles to sort things out, John himself becomes a target of the conspiracy that led to the murder. 1997. I, Tom Horn BR 11226 by Will Henry 3 volumes In this fictional autobiography of the legendary cavalry scout, rodeo rider, and Pinkerton detective, the author deals with the question, "Did Tom Horn kill fourteen-year-old Willie Nickell in 1901, or was he, in fact, framed?" Strong language. 1975. Kerrigan BR 10619 by James A. Ritchie 2 volumes Cowboy Clay Kerrigan, now known as Brent Griffin, has been on the run for a year since Roland Thornton challenged Kerrigan to a gunfight and died. Thornton's father vowed to kill Kerrigan, and Kerrigan has since had to kill another Thornton son. When Kerrigan accepts a job on a Wyoming ranch and falls in love with the rancher's daughter, he knows she'll be in danger unless he can somehow end the feud. Violence. 1993. Lando BR 10378 by Louis L'Amour 2 volumes After stewing for six years in a Mexican prison and becoming a bare-knuckle prizefighter, Orlando Sackett of Cumberland Hills will stop at nothing to get even with the men who betrayed him. Violence. 1962. The Legend of Storey County BR 10715 by Brock Thoene 2 volumes Seth Townsend, a reporter from San Francisco, is in Virginia City, Nevada, in September 1938 to write a story on the final run of the V&T Railroad. But Seth gets a much better story when the train captain sends him to see Jim Canfield, a one-hundred-year-old escaped slave, Civil War soldier, and holder of a stake in the richest vein of silver in Nevada. 1995. Ronicky Doone's Treasure BR 10498 by Max Brand 2 volumes "Horse-breaker, mischief-maker, adventurer by instinct," Ronicky Doone loves a good fight, especially when it's for an underdog. As reward for helping Hugh Dawn and his daughter escape the savage revenge of gang leader Jack Moon, Doone is invited to share in the search for the gold Dawn is hunting. But first they must get past the vicious Jack Moon. Some violence. 1922. The Scout BR 10422 by Harry Combs 6 volumes In this sequel to Brules (BR 9399), narrator Cat Brules recounts his days as an Indian scout with the U.S. Army. Describes in detail Custer's debacle against the Sioux, the army's pursuit of the Nez Perce, and other brutal events. Strong language and violence. 1995. This Savage Race BR 10196 by Douglas C. Jones 4 volumes A historical western about the efforts of a pioneer family to carve out a better life for themselves. Mr. Jefferson was president when Boone Fawley took his wife, his sons, and his sister and struck out from St. Louis. But instead of heading west, they made their way south into the Arkansas wilderness. The life they found was often wretched, but they met all difficulties with a resilient spirit. Some strong language. 1993. Valley of the Sun: Frontier Stories BR 10446 by Louis L'Amour 2 volumes Nine short stories about the gunmen, gamblers, outlaws, and tough men- and womenfolk of the old West. In "We Shaped the Land with Our Guns," sixteen-year-old Rye Tyler loads his guns and polishes his reputation to defend the ranch. In "Valley of the Sun," Brett Larane is double-crossed and left to die by his riding partner. Violence. 1995. We Are Witnesses: Five Diaries of Teenagers Who Died in the Holocaust BR 10662 by Jacob Boas 2 volumes A collection of diary excerpts from five Jewish teenagers--David Rubinowicz, Yitzhak Rudashevski, Moshe Flinker, Eva Heyman, and Anne Frank--who lived in Nazi-occupied Lithuania, Hungary, Belgium, and Holland between 1940 and 1944. Boas, a Holocaust survivor, provides biographical information and compares individual experiences. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1995.