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David H. Rittgers

Legal Policy Analyst

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David H. Rittgers is a legal policy analyst who concentrates on civil liberties, counterterrorism, and criminal justice. Prior to joining Cato, Mr. Rittgers served in the United States Army as an Infantry and Special Forces officer, including three tours in Afghanistan. During his military career, he was awarded an Army Commendation Medal with a "V" Device for valorous action and two Bronze Star Medals. While attending law school, Mr. Rittgers completed two years of Arabic Studies and is moderately fluent in both Arabic and French. He earned his J.D. from the University of North Carolina and is a member of the Virginia bar.

Media Contact: 202-789-5200
To Book a Speaking Engagement: 202-789-5226

Opinion and Commentary

"Gitmo & National Security Courts: Poor Law, Poor PR,", January 24, 2009


Daily Podcast "A New Tone on Al Qaeda" featuring David H. Rittgers, January 30, 2009 [Flash Audio, 58:56]

Media Highlight David H. Rittgers discusses the remaining detainees at GITMO on NPR's "All Things Considered" January 28, 2009 [Flash Audio, 04:17]

Media Highlight David H. Rittgers discusses the closing of GITMO on WTOP Radio January 26, 2009 [Flash Audio, 00:47]

Media Highlight David H. Rittgers discusses the closing of GITMO on WTOP Radio January 26, 2009 [Flash Audio, 00:43]

Daily Podcast "Close Guantanamo Bay" featuring David H. Rittgers, January 22, 2009 [Flash Audio, 07:27]