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Halt Backdoor Amnesty
Posted by Randy | July 12, 2011

Two weeks ago, the Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – the agency that is supposed to remove illegal and criminal immigrants – issued a memo that could potentially make millions of deportable illegal and criminal immigrants eligible for administrative amnesty. The memo was sent to the field, telling agency officials how to exercise “prosecutorial discretion” such as granting deferred action, “deciding whom to stop, question, or arrest,” deciding “who to detain,” and “dismissing” a removal proceeding. The ICE memo ordered agency officials to consider factors such as:

  • ICE’s immigration enforcement priorities. However, ICE has expressed little interest in deporting illegal immigrants who have not yet been convicted of “serious” crimes.
  • The illegal immigrant’s pursuit of education in the United States.  The Migration Policy Institute estimates that more than two million illegal immigrants would be eligible for amnesty under the DREAM Act.
  • Whether the illegal immigrant has a U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, child or parent; or whether the illegal immigrant or their spouse is pregnant.  The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that illegal immigrants have four million U.S.-born and thus U.S. citizen children.
  • The illegal immigrant’s length of presence in the U.S. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that millions of illegal immigrants have been in the U.S. since the 1990s.

Last year, a similar draft memo written by top officials at ICE suggested that the agency take steps to legalize illegal immigrants through deferred action or parole to an unrestricted number of illegal immigrants.

While the Administration has the power to parole illegal immigrants in the U.S. “on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit,” the Administration is abusing this authority by encouraging the irresponsible expansion of the use of prosecutorial discretion for the purpose of administrative amnesty.

Congress is the entity in charge of setting immigration policy. By implying that immigration law should not be fully enforced, the Administration is ignoring the will of Congress and the American people through a form of backdoor amnesty.

In response, I have cosponsored the HALT (Hinder the Administration's Legalization Temptation) Act. The bill will halt any current or planned administrative actions that will result in mass legalization of illegal immigrants and that imply immigration law should not be fully enforced.

You can read an op-ed on the issue by my colleague Rep. Lamar Smith here.

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  • Frank Wagner commented on 7/12/2011
    I am so sick about all the stupidity that our government exhibits that I am convinced that we are living through the Decline and Fall of the American Empire.
  • Thomas G commented on 7/13/2011
    This legislation does virtually nothing to solve the problem. At best it is a political maneuver. The president has urged congress to address this issue comprehensively and outside the Dream Act, which deserved passage, they have done little...abandoning a billion dollar disaster on the failed border fence of the Bush era one notable exception. Pass the Dream Act, grant amnesty like Reagan did and enforce serious, even permanently destructive penalty on American corporations who hire illegals. We are NOT going to put MILLIONS of people on trains out of the country...come on.
  • Desert Cactus commented on 7/14/2011
    We are growing less and less supportive of this Federal Failure Of A Government. We will not be ignored in coming years; our patience is at an end.
  • Dorothy Bedard commented on 7/16/2011
    Somewhere along the line, you who support this HALT act, seem to have forgotten the basic tenet of your Christianity, " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!" Where does mercy and conscience fit into your negativity at anything that is done to relieve the suffering of so many who come here for work. This is work that they need to support their families and that WE here in the US need done but for which we are unwilling to pay a decent wage. I support the DREAM Act, the comprehensive reform of our immigration laws, and the cessation of the deportations of thousands of folks who have been supporting our way of life all these years, while Americans refuse to take the jobs and do the hard work that these immigrants do. If you want folks to "obey" our laws concerning immigration, those laws need to be fair, the quotas need to be quickly adaptable to the demand for jobs, and they need to allow families to be united and travel together, as well as visit back and forth to their homelands. "The greatest of these is LOVE." Where is yours??
  • Gary M Moore commented on 7/17/2011
    Stop the bull crap illegal is illegal do not reward them by amisty there are to many leagal americans looking for work.Send them back and close the borders.
  • Dorothy Bedard commented on 7/17/2011
    I am very discouraged that "so called" Christians would support this HALT type of legislation. The great majority of immigrants in this country are here to work at jobs American citizens refuse to do. They seek jobs here, due to poor economic conditions in their countries, caused partly by American economic policies such as exporting subsidized corn, chickens and beans to Mexico and other Central American countries. They work hard despite not receiving benefits, loosing all monies set aside in the Social Security system, and difficult working conditions. All they wish is to feed and house their families. ICE may be deporting those responsible for serious crimes, but they are catching too many innocent folks in their nets. Where is your response to the call to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Our immigration system is in serious need of reform, while Congress fiddles. There are much fairer recommendations on the table for a more adaptable and balanced system that would protect both American workers as well as immigrant families. We should stop the scare tactics and work together. Please remember the concept of mercy and please remember the words of St Paul: "The Greatest of These is LOVE".
  • cathy wu-yu commented on 7/25/2011
    Well every government has its own way of doing things. lets wait for the best and see what comes next. Regards Cathy www.pregnancy-miiracle.com
  • Phillip Turner commented on 8/24/2011
    Of-course the initiative actions are quite good. I believe that the fair actions will be taken to maintain the security. On the other hand I don't think that there is need to deport such immigrants who are not convicted. http://goo.gl/pC4KO
  • Peter Russell commented on 8/25/2011
    Any form of amnesty and / or granting to citizenship to illegals is an insult to those who immigrated to this country legally. Our government needs to enforce existing immigration laws and mandate the use of e-Verify in the workplace. This country needs to stop providing government benefits to those not entitled to recieve the benefits. Come legally or dont come.
  • Eric Rakes commented on 8/25/2011
    I think it would be great to have more working taxpaying citizens in the US, but we should go about the issue in a legal and responsible way. Amnesty is not responsible. Enforcing borders and streamlining the legal immigration process would be responsible.
  • Matt Spirko commented on 8/25/2011
    Let me ask you a question and perhaps you can pass it on to ICE. How is it considered that illegal entry into our country in and of itself is not considered a serious crime? This seems to be typical, illogical Washington DC way of thinking. There isn't a country in the world with borders as porous as ours and that needs to change quickly
  • Richard Libby commented on 8/25/2011
    I do not support the dream act or across the board amnesty. Illegal immigrants is just that ILLEGAL. It is no different than somebody breaking into your house and telling you, I’m here to stay and you have to feed me, take care of my medical needs, my education and provide me with money and I don't have to do anything. First we need to lock down all borders, deport illegal immigrants that are in prison, and one's that break the laws as they are found. The problem is are the ones I feel deserve a look at and consideration of going through the process are the ones that have been here for 10 plus years and raised a family paid taxes owned business and or a home because nobody has enforced the laws. If the Illegal Immigration Laws had been enforced we wouldn't be having this discussion.
  • Donald Parker commented on 8/25/2011
    I have no problem with ICE targeting resources toward those less savory illegal immigrants who are committing crimes. I am particularly sensitive to children who have grown up in this country and are lawabiding and contributing people.
  • Nellie CA Last Name commented on 8/25/2011
    I live close to the Mexican borders. We are having a hard time in this area. We are experiencing more people from countries besides Mexico. This has been going on for a long time but much worse sense Obama has been in office, There is more Middle East, Chinese and South American. Not many angelo as our ICE director states. This don't mean that there is not anglo terrors but the profile of a terrors is Middle East. Obama wants to run the country with "HIS" laws. We need to stop this by making sure "NO JOBS" are given to illegals. If they can't get work they will go home. The documents are really perfect and unless you use E-verify and stay on top of this you are hiring illegals. Many places like Palm Spring Bakery was raided and they had 76 illegals working at night. These illegals and refugees bring a lot of health problems to our country. HIV, AIDS, TB AND ?? WHO WANTS TO EAT FOOD PACKED BY A REFUGEE OR AN ILLEGAL? IS THE GOVERNMENT BUYING CHICKEN FROM PACKING PLANTS FOR F.I.N.D? BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE NOT BUYING REFUGEE PACKED FOOD? We need to work on budget and not bring in 50,000 Refugees for the states to figure out how to support! This is not fare to the state, county or small towns. Tax payers are burdened with the cost while the government takes away the money from Seniors and Military. Obama needs impeached! GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY. We need a birthright law or the American tax payers are going to be paying for illegals and refugees for a long time. I think we should concentrate on safety on our borders. Keep the Mexican trucks out of the country, this has created more drugs, human traffic and counterfit peoducts. Our Borders can't inspect all of the trucks. The check points have to be ?? miles from borders and they are busy. Go on web for Border patrol and see what is happening. GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY
  • Jeff Bonner commented on 8/25/2011
    Really? You are killing the economy with your uninformed positions on revenue increases and spending cuts. You have absolutely no idea how, historically, government stimulus, much higher than what Obama did, has been necessary to get us out of our economic issues. Yet, this is what you now choose to focus on? You are an embarrassment to the district and are part of the reason we are in such dire straights right now. By the way, unless you are totally ignorant, you do realize there is no way our economy can sustain the deportation of millions of illegals who buy in our stores, pay taxes on their income and pay into social security, yet they will never collect, right? Time for you to man up and lead- you are killing us!
  • Connie Williams commented on 8/25/2011
    I do not support spending time and money deporting law abiding people. It smacks of racism and has no place in American politics. I support the Dream Act and am proud of the President for seeing that the Americn Dream lives on. Please spend your time as my representative in more worthwhile pursuits.
  • Terrance McGowan commented on 8/25/2011
    Immigration both legal and illegal is what has made this country great. While other countries in Europe and Japan are aging America is not because of immigration. How hypocritical some of the people are on here who claim to not want these illegal immigrants but welcome their cheap labor when it comes to digging ditches, landscaping, restaurant, hotel workers, etc. The dirty little secret is the government has a system called "E-verify" which can identify the status of all workers on corporation payrolls but the Chamber of Commerce doesn't want it imlemented because it works. Corporations want these illegals because it is cheap labor and this is the reason why we have no coherent immigration policy. How silly is it to try to close the border. This bumper sticker argument will never work. Why in the world would we educate these kids with our tax dollars who have the aptitude to attend college and graduate who are not legal and then want to send them back to some other country that will benefit from their education. America is great because we recognize brain power ans we want the best and brightest in the world who want to come here and contribute to our great society. We are all immigrants except for the American Indians. It's time to get political leaders in office who are critical thinkers. If you a re not educating your kids and you feel as though illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from you, I think you are the problem. These people want to live the American dream and will most times out work some americans. I have no problem with this.
  • Sharon Kye commented on 8/25/2011
    We are a country of immigrants. I would insist that anyone who wishes to remain in this country carry their fair share, to include employment, taxes and medical care.
  • Michelle J commented on 8/26/2011
    I find it deeply troubling that so many people fall back on the "illegal is illegal" excuse as an excuse to ignore the human issue of men and women and children looking for a better experience for their families--just as my ancestors did 200 years ago. If we truly adhered to such an idea (that illegal is illegal regardless of the reasons or the circumstance and and should be punished) we would be pushing legislation to remove half the drivers from the road--after all, speeding is illegal and illegal is illegal, and to protect ourselves and enforce our laws properly, speeders shouldn't be allowed the opportunity to be responsible drivers. This is just one more example of "conservative" big government interference in people's private lives. Start learning to live in the real world and find your inner pragmatism. You want to talk about wasting money in the government? This is a waste of time and money that we can't afford. Sit down and figure out a way to let people that want to work and be a part of this country do so (the DREAM Act was a perfect opportunity that until ya'll tossed it away), and kick the deadbeats and criminals out--then do a better job at keeping people out in the first place. We could use the extra taxpayers, since you aren't willing to let billionaires pay the same rate that I do.
  • Patricia Wagner commented on 8/26/2011
    Here's a thought . If the authorities come accross a person who is illegal, but otherwise a non- criminal, why not issue them some sort of citation. Say 60-90 days to become legal or be subject to deportation, including their entire family. Perhaps a fine.--you'r the lawmakers, figure it out.
  • Stephanie Roberts commented on 8/26/2011
    It's time we get tough on immigration. We need to lock down our borders, track those that are allowed here for work and school and make sure they leave when their time is up. Anyone found here illegally should be deported regardless of whether they are a criminal. We sure as hell should not be educating their children, handing them welfare checks, giving them medical care or social security payments. If we stop giving them hand outs our country would be so much better off!
  • Larry Manley commented on 8/27/2011
    I do not support giving free entry into this country by anyone. Our forefathers did legally and eveyone else should be required to do it the same way. It is causing our country many finanical and other problems. It is also effects our National Security.
  • Timothy Kilpatrick commented on 8/27/2011
    Honestly, I have not seen one thing good come out of Washington. Positioning yourself to be a dictator never has a good ending. Choose what Federal laws to enforce and not to enforce. Answering to the U.N. and not listening to the American people. Passing laws that destroys the middle class and put more people on food stamps. Running guns into the hands of the drug cartel that killed agents and cops and then demonizes the Second Amendment for it. Using policies to enforce laws that didn't pass the congress destroying jobs while giving breaks to buddies..ie GE. Companies receive stimulus money and they still move jobs off shore. One young lady mention in this blog about filling prison with people that has done a serious crime, I agree, deport them back to their country. The only people I want to see in jail right now are the Constitution shredding fake Americans in Washington and the rich cronies that keep giving them campaign money witch is just a legal bribe to push an American destroying agenda.
  • Stephen Dexter commented on 8/27/2011
    As usual the "designer" of this poll has taken a complex issue and over simplified it to deceive Mr. Forbes constituents. Reprioritizing the focus of deportation efforts makes considerable sense. To characterize this as back door amnesty is not helpful. This is as non-helpful as focusing attention on our "porous" borders while neglecting adminstration efforts to make it tougher for employers to hire/retain illegal workers - a dishonest portrayal.
  • William Skinner commented on 8/27/2011
    This week a group of Mexican church leaders sent a letter to announce their split from the Presbyterian Church (USA) over the issue of ordination of gays. But they misunderstand that the PC(USA) church is leaving it up to the local church to decide and to the Presbyteries to decide Another group of Mexicans wrote to tell the PC(USA) to control the Congress and stop it from cutting money for poor people because they are depending on it to support their Mexican people. We have too long let the good times roll. We must break, cut, stop illegal immigration and the concommitant collection of benefits and perks AND we must suggest that citizens of other countries start reading about how to earn money legally serving each other where they live.
  • Heather Weatherly commented on 8/31/2011
    I support measures allowing children or young adults who by their parents' bringing them illegally to the United States at a young age now are for the most part culturally American but cannot obtain a drivers' license, etc because of their status to more easily become citizens. These individuals did not choose the situation they are in and cannot easily return to their native country. Otherwise, protect our borders, get rid of welfare, and work towards having every American supporting his or her own family...THEN we can appropriately consider changing the policies for obtaining work visas, etc. Thanks!
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