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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Kline Welcomes New and Returning Committee Members
January 2, 2013  - WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) today announced the Republican committee members for the 113th Congress. “I am pleased to welcome new and returning members to the House Education and the Workforce Committee,” said Chairman Kline. “We ...More

Roe Statment: Hearing on “Challenges Facing Multiemployer Pension Plans: Evaluating PBGC’s Insurance Program and Financial Outlook”
December 19, 2012  - Today’s hearing is our second opportunity in recent months to examine the multiemployer pension system. In June, we discussed broadly the policies governing the system and its structural challenges. Since that hearing, news reports have reminded us of the problems plaguing many pension plans and the...More

Committee Leaders Request Information on Health Care Law’s Employer Mandate
December 18, 2012  - Dear Secretary Geithner, Secretary Solis, and Secretary Sebelius: We write to request information concerning the administration’s implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Specifically, we request clarification concerning how an employer determines the average number...More

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