Hensarling Statement in Support of House Bills to Expand Offshore Energy Production and Create Jobs

May 13, 2011

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding the House votes to expand domestic energy production. H.R. 1229 would end the Administration’s de facto moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico by setting strict timelines for administrative action on drilling applications. H.R. 1231 would lift President Obama’s ban on additional offshore drilling by requiring the Administration to support new energy production in areas along our coasts containing the most natural gas resources.

“Americans are getting fed up when they fill up, and it’s time for Washington to take common sense action to develop more energy from all of our available resources and reduce energy prices.

“We need more American jobs and more American energy, and these bills would force the Obama administration to stop dragging its feet when it comes to allowing American companies to explore for American energy. 

“Families and job creators are demanding that we increase the supply of American energy resources.

“It defies common sense to block access to American natural resources while encouraging other countries to develop theirs. American tax dollars—as well as potential jobs—risk being outsourced to foreign energy producers like Brazil while we sit on our hands and ignore the job and energy resources that lie off our shores.  

“With gas prices hovering near $4 and unemployment at 9 percent, the Obama administration has a responsibility to do what’s right for the American people. We simply can’t afford to pay for this Administration’s reckless policies.”


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