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Paulsen, Kind Introduce Tax Credit for Renewable Energy



Paulsen, Kind Introduce Tax Credit for Renewable Energy

Bipartisan Legislation Will Prevent Additional Cost of Integration from Negatively Affecting Taxpayers

MN Senator Amy Klobuchar and SD Senator Tim Johnson to Introduce Similar Legislation in the Senate

Washington, DC—Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-03) today, along with Representative Ron Kind (WI-03) introduced the Renewable Energy for a Brighter Future Act in the United States House of Representatives.  This bipartisan legislation provides a tax credit to integrate renewable energy, like wind and solar, into the electric grid.  Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN) along with Senator Tim Johnson (SD) plan to introduce similar legislation in the United States Senate.  

“Our nation is in need of a serious plan to lessen our addiction to foreign sources of energy.  Staggering energy prices are hurting families and businesses in Minnesota and across the country," said Congressman Paulsen "This legislation recognizes that sometimes the wind doesn’t blow, and the sun doesn’t shine; however, wind and solar energy must be built into a comprehensive energy plan that includes all sources like nuclear, oil, natural gas and clean coal.  By providing this tax credit, we are ensuring that the additional costs of integrating wind and solar energy into our electric grid will not be passed along to the consumers.  I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House and Senate to ensure this bill’s success.”

“A new American energy plan that weans us off of foreign oil and takes advantage of our abundant natural resources is essential to both our economic future and our national security – and this is a great first step. Families across the country are already struggling in this economic environment, rising energy prices doesn’t make it any easier. That’s why this tax credit is so important. It gives our rural electric cooperatives the resources and incentives to innovate their existing systems, integrate wind and solar, and create affordable energy for consumers,” said Congressman Ron Kind (WI).

“The strength of our nation is tied to the strength of our energy economy,” Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN) said.  “Promoting renewable energy is critical to decreasing our dependence on foreign oil. Minnesota is already a leader in homegrown and renewable energy, and this legislation can help save consumers money, strengthen our energy economy, and secure our energy future.”

“This credit encourages utilities to keep increasing the amount of power generated from renewable solar and wind sources,” said Senator Tim Johnson (SD).  “The bill encourages producing the clean energy of the future at prices consumers can afford.”
