Business Software

Recent Business Software Articles

6 Ways Business Could Change in 2013

At long last, the fax machine may finally die. Read on for more shifts next year that may change how you do business.  Read more

3 Apps That Made My Life Better in 2012

Lots of apps over-promise, under-deliver, and then fade into oblivion. columnist Minda Zetlin highlights three with staying power.  Read more

Hardware Wants to Be Free

Technology is getting cheap--so cheap, in fact, that gadgets alone may cease to be the moneymakers. Tech start-ups, take note.  Read more

Rise of the Microserver

Go ahead and keep your data in-house. Thanks to some of the macro names in computing, servers are going micro and getting more efficient.  Read more

Biggest Tech Trends of 2012

After a year's worth of hardware and software news, these six developments are the ones to remember.  Read more

Get More Out of Windows 8 or RT: 4 Tips

Ease a transition to a Windows 8 or Windows RT device with a little advance preparation.  Read more

Windows Surface RT: Pros & Cons

Microsoft's new tablet may be off to a slow start, but it's too early to dismiss the device. Here's what Surface has going for it.  Read more

4 Ways to Embrace Big Data

Here's a handful of useful tools to collect the kind of data you need to make better business decisions.  Read more

Google+ Communities: New Social Option for Businesses

Like Facebook, now Google+ offers a way to connect with--and presumably market to--like-minded people.  Read more

Dude, What Happened to Your Marketing Emails?

Turns out, a significant portion of your emails might be going directly into a black hole. Here's what you're doing wrong.  Read more