Naming a Business

Recent Naming a Business Articles

What Makes Your Company Distinctive? 

Josh Linkner, CEO of Detroit Venture Partners, says you should make your company known for one thing, or no one will remember you.  Watch video

4 Myths of Global Branding

What rights do you have when protecting your trademark internationally? You may be surprised.  Read more

Unlock Your Brand's Hispanic Influencer Base

Alex Frias makes the case that marketing to your brand's Hispanic base requires an integrated, multi-year approach--not just a siloed campaign or two. Here's...  Read more

How Zumba Fitness Turned Pirates Into a Street Marketing Team 

Each week, 12 million people in 125 countries take Zumba Fitness classes. Here, co-founder Alberto Perlman talks about how he protects the company's trademark.  Watch video

Create a Scalable Brand

Your brand is the core of your marketing strategy. Jackie Yeaney of Red Hat shares her thoughts on how the brand fuels marketing investments that drive reven...  Read more

Eight Ball, Corner Pocket: Think 6 Steps Ahead of the Competition

Want explosive growth? Strategize like a world-renowned pool player.  Read more

Why Those Cease-and-Desist Letters Aren't All Bad

In a weird way, William Gilligan and Mike Ferneman figure, attention from lawyers means they have hit the big time.  Read more

5 Ways to Tie Your Brand to News Events 

Public relations advice from serial entrepreneur and investor David Rose, and Scott Gerber, founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.  Watch video

Classic Brand Struggles to Balance Old & New

Goldenberg's Peanut Chews have been a Philadelphia favorite since they were first made in 1917. But was new, flashy, packaging hurting sales?  Read more

What Your Brain Has to Do With Your Brand

Tell your employees and customers about how you think and behave, your innate genetic strengths and preferences, and you'll see your brand loyalty grow.  Read more