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McMorris Rodgers Statement on Potential UN Resolution Condemning Israel

Washington, D.C. –Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today about a potential United National Security Council resolution condemning Israel for settlement construction:

“Like many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, I strongly encourage the Administration to veto a proposed resolution at the U.N. Security Council that would condemn Israel for settlement construction. 

“The Israeli government has a proven commitment to peace. Prime Minister Netanyahu has called for direct negotiations with the Palestinians anytime, anywhere and without preconditions.  His recent 10-month moratorium on housing construction in the West Bank was not reciprocated by confidence-building steps from the other side. 

“Over the years, Israel and America have developed a strong alliance and an even stronger friendship.  We should not be deliberately weakening that friendship to court favor with nations who have been indifferent, and in many cases, hostile, to America’s interests. 

“Now is the time to reaffirm our commitment to Israel’s right to exist and to live in peace.  Vetoing this U.N. resolution would be a firm demonstration of that commitment.  A vote in favor, on the other hand, would raise even more doubts about this Administration’s stewardship of America’s foreign policy at a time when we need to be strong at home and united with our friends abroad.”