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Rep. Paul Gosar

Rep. Paul Gosar
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  1. I'm honored to have spoken yesterday to a group of friends at the Apache Junction Cowboy Church, which is at the base of the beautiful Superstition Mountains.
    Photo: I'm honored to have spoken yesterday to a group of friends at the Apache Junction Cowboy Church, which is at the base of the beautiful Superstition Mountains.
  2. The EPA just proposed new regulations at the Navajo Generating Station that will increase your water and electricity bills.

    What do you think about these regulations?
  3. Attorney General Holder continues to evade his constitutional obligations to provide Congress and the American people answers for Operation Fast and Furious.
  4. I have a series of upcoming office hours and listening sessions in Mohave County where you meet my staff, and discuss the issues facing our nation with me.

    Please visit my website here: for full details.
    Photo: I have a series of upcoming office hours and listening sessions in Mohave County where you meet my staff, and discuss the issues facing our nation with me. 

Please visit my website here:  for full details.
  5. I, and millions of others, see the wisdom of the 2nd Amendment even as many do not. But whether you see its wisdom, all public officials were sworn to uphold it. And this is where I part ways with the president.
  6. Around 8:50a.m. (MST) I will be discussing with Geraldo the President's attempt to undermine our Constitution and infringe upon the Second Amendment rights.

  7. Obamacare Malady of the Week: A hospital in Pennsylvania will no longer deliver babies, because they are unable pay OB-GYNS due to cuts from Obamacare.
  8. With the attack on personal gun-ownership, the Second Amendment, and our God-given rights, the Obama-Biden Administration has been relentless in their pursuit of taking guns away from law-abiding Americans.
  9. I refuse to vote for a bill stuffed with pork but sold as aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. We owe it to the taxpayers.
  10. I stand by a parent's right to decide where and how they want to best educate their child.

    Click LIKE if you agree and support school choice.
  11. Today we are reading the Constitution on the Floor of the House.

    I swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. For me, this has a lot of meaning. The oath, like our Constitution, are not mere words. These are foundational pr...inciples that guide all government actions and my voting.

    This is the second time in Congressional history that we are reading the Constitution on the floor. I welcome this and I will continue to insist that our government abides by the Rule of Law.

    Please click below to watch live.
    See More
  12. I’m about to introduce an amendment that will make sure recovery dollars go towards recovery investments, and not inflated and wasteful wages.

  13. We all remember the President’s monarch-like approach last June when he enforced de facto amnesty by offering work permits and relief from deportation to 800,000 illegal immigrants. Now, the President plans on pushing “a path to citizenship for most of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the country”. I will not stand for the clear undermining of the rule of law.
  14. January 11, 1908: The Grand Canyon is declared a national monument. Http://
    Photo: January 11, 1908: The Grand Canyon is declared a national monument. Http://
  15. Kudos to the Governor and law enforcement for protecting taxpayers! Don't be fooled into thinking that there's no room for saving in welfare programs. Federal government spending combined with total state spending on 83 different welfare p...rograms totaled an astounding $1.028 trillion alone in 2011. At $16 trillion in national debt we can’t afford more waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars in these programs. Share your thoughts on real reform.See More

    The President, touted by some as knowledgeable about our Constitution, acts as if he never heard of it sometimes. Now, the President and Vice-President are talking about enacting gun bans by executive order.

    Please click below to continue reading my op-ed.
  17. On this date in 1776, Thomas Paine anonymously published "Common Sense," which argued for American independence from British rule.

    To read Common Sense please click here:
    Photo: On this date in 1776, Thomas Paine anonymously published  "Common Sense," which argued for American independence from British rule.

To read Common Sense please click here:
  18. Last week, members of the Arizona National Guard left our great state for training in order to serve in Afghanistan. Please join me in thanking these brave members of the military police unit, and all of the members of our Armed Forces and their families for defending our way of life.

    Please SHARE.
  19. What does Moroccan pottery, beef jerky and dog shampoo all have in common?

    Taxpayer dollars. As part of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform I am committed to fighting government waste and abuse. Please click below to see 12 incredible examples of waste in 2012.
  20. “Even after the economy recovers, federal spending is projected to increase faster than revenues, so the government will have to continue borrowing money to spend.”
    --President Obama’s debt commission final report.

    Our $16 trillion in national debt is not a revenue problem, but a spending problem.
  21. TODAY IN HISTORY - 223 years ago today, the United States of America held its first election, choosing George Washington to serve as the first President.
    Photo: TODAY IN HISTORY - 223 years ago today, the United States of America held its first election, choosing George Washington to serve as the first President.
  22. Obamacare Malady of the Week: “Premium Rate Increases in the Double Digits”. We are already seeing some insurance companies increase their rates by more than 20%. These increases are disproportionately affecting individuals and small businesses—those who are the backbone of our economy . To jump start our economy we must ensure they are not taking the brunt of the President’s health care law.

Earlier in January

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