On to the Next Manufactured Fiscal Crisis

By Tad DeHaven. The Hill. January 4, 2013.

Still Waiting for Change in North Korea

By Doug Bandow. San Diego Union-Tribune (Online). January 4, 2013.

The Iraq Debacle Continues

By Ted Galen Carpenter. National Interest (Online). January 3, 2013.

The Spending Cliff

By Michael D. Tanner. National Review (Online). January 3, 2013.

Costs and Benefits of 2013’s Foreign Policy Initiatives

By Christopher A. Preble. US News and World Report Online. January 3, 2013.

Obama Gets His Class-Warfare Trophy, But the Fiscal Cliff Is Just One Battle in a Long War

By Daniel J. Mitchell. Daily Caller. January 3, 2013.

On Mortgage Crisis, Shelby Is Worthy of Praise

By Mark A. Calabria. The Hill. January 2, 2013.

The Five Worst Op-Eds of 2012

By Gene Healy. DC Examiner. January 2, 2013.

‘We Just Kill a Kid?’ ‘No, a Dog.’ ‘On Two Legs?’

By Nat Hentoff. Cato.org. January 2, 2013.

Another Year In Washington, D.C. Is Another Year of Policy Insanity

By Doug Bandow. Forbes. January 1, 2013.