Recent Op-Eds

On to the Next Manufactured Fiscal Crisis

By Tad DeHaven. The Hill. January 4, 2013.

The political reality is that the country is likely to continue bouncing from sensationalized fiscal crisis to sensationalized fiscal crisis.

The Iraq Debacle Continues

By Ted Galen Carpenter. National Interest (Online). January 3, 2013.

Washington’s hopes for a united, democratic Iraq that would be a bulwark of support for U.S. objectives seem pathetically naïve in retrospect.

The Spending Cliff

By Michael D. Tanner. National Review (Online). January 3, 2013.

Republicans focused on taxes, and lost on spending, too.

Costs and Benefits of 2013’s Foreign Policy Initiatives

By Christopher A. Preble. US News and World Report Online. January 3, 2013.

Responsible policymakers should carefully weigh the costs and benefits of foreign policy initiatives, particularly those that are likely to impose an onerous burden on our troops.