Send Your Comments to Senator Boxer

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my message. In order to send your response to my office, please take a moment to fill out the form below. Simply fill in the required fields, entering the subject line of the message you received in the field marked “Message Subject.”

Note that some responses are posted on my website with the author’s first name and city of residence; your full name and personal information will not be posted. If you prefer not to have your comments posted, please uncheck the box at the bottom of this page.

If you do not wish to receive future messages from my office, simply enter the word “unsubscribe” in the “Message Subject” field.


Fields marked with an * are required.

First Name *  
Last Name *  
Street Address *  
Street Address 2    
City *  
State *  
Zip *  
      NOTE to service members who are California residents:
please provide us with your permanent California address, not your temporary out-of-state address.
Daytime Phone     (format: 123-456-7890)
Home Phone     (format: 123-456-7890)
Work Phone     (format: 123-456-7890)
Email *  
Message Subject * :

    I grant permission to have my response posted on Senator Boxer's website accompanied only by my first name and city of residence.