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McMorris Rodgers Statement on Tax Day

Average American Will Have to Work 137 Days This Year to Pay Their Share of Federal Spending

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement in recognition of Tax Day.

“On April 15th, better known as ‘Tax Day,’ the American people reflect on the size of their tax burden and whether or not they’re receiving good value for their tax dollars.  This year, with the federal budget at $3.8 trillion, the budget deficit at $1.3 trillion, and with a host of new taxes taking effect on account of the health care bill, we have more reason than ever to be concerned about the impact that tax and spending policies are having on our economy and our freedom.  Today’s protest rallies in Eastern Washington and across America show growing frustration with President Obama and the Majority in Congress, and I share that frustration.”    

“This year, the American people will pay more in taxes than they will spend on food, clothing and shelter combined.  According to the Tax Foundation, the average American has to work for 137 days (or from January 1 to May 17) in order to pay their personal share of all federal government spending – either through taxes or borrowing.  This represents the second-highest burden on American taxpayers since World War II (the highest was in 2009).”

“Furthermore, there is no relief in sight.  Starting January 1, 2011 – and over the objection of House Republicans – American taxpayers will be hit with the largest tax increase in U.S. history when the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts are set to expire.”

“At a time when 15 million Americans are out of work and there is so much economic uncertainty, the worst thing Congress could do is raise taxes on families and small businesses.  A better way to grow our economy is to reduce taxes, spending, and borrowing.  By restoring fiscal discipline, we can create jobs and keep the American Dream alive for future generations.”