More on Education

Oct 26, 2012

Pro-Growth Priorities

Federal policymakers have spent the last several weeks in their home states discussing their ideas with citizens. As I’ve traveled the Magnolia State – from Natchez to Starkville – many folks seem to share the same concern: jobs.

May 14, 2012

Guest Column In Roll Call - Harper: Restraint Guidelines Endanger Children

Every day in schools across the United States, students are being subjected to barbaric and potentially deadly treatment in the form of seclusion and restraint. According to leading education researchers and child trauma experts, as well as the Government Accountability Office, the use of these practices — which include forcibly pinning students to the ground, strapping them to chairs or locking them in closets — is dangerous and traumatic for everyone involved, including teachers, other school personnel and students. Their use has been linked to physical and emotional harm and even death. It is a practice that amounts to institutionalized child abuse, and it has no place in our schools.

Apr 20, 2012

Harper Names 2012 Art Contest Winners

“I’m extremely excited with the exceptional number of entries for this year’s competition,” said Harper. “In the past four years, our district has seen tremendous growth in this annual event, which is indicative of the talented young students willing to share their artistic gifts with Mississippians. Seoin and all of the student artists displayed brilliant creativity in their entries.”

May 9, 2011

Harper Announces 2011 Congressional Art Competition Winners

“This competition is an opportunity for students from across the state to showcase their imaginative capabilities,” said Harper. “Each entry is evidence of the creative talents these gifted artists possess.I’m proud of Margaret and all students who participated in this competition.”

May 6, 2011

Harper: Executive Order "Purely Political"

“If implemented, this order would grant Washington bureaucrats the flexibility to approve or deny federal contracts for purely political purposes,” said Harper. “In the absence of legislative action, the president has chosen to abuse his executive authority by legislating from the Oval Office.”

Apr 26, 2011

Need To Know - Challenges and Victories

Members of Congress have returned home for the Easter constituent work week. This two-week period provides me with an opportunity to travel Mississippi’s Third Congressional District, meet with and listen to your concerns, and share my ideas for creating jobs, driving down spending and shrinking the size of the federal government.

May 3, 2010

Harper Announces 2010 Congressional Art Competition Winners

“The creative talent integrated into each student’s entry makes apparent the artistic gifts youth throughout Mississippi’s Third Congressional District enjoy,” said Congressman Gregg Harper. “This competition provides an opportunity for young artists around the state to showcase their imaginative capabilities.”

May 3, 2010

Harper Announces 2010 Congressional Art Competition Winners

“The creative talent integrated into each student’s entry makes apparent the artistic gifts youth throughout Mississippi’s Third Congressional District enjoy,” said Congressman Gregg Harper. “This competition provides an opportunity for young artists around the state to showcase their imaginative capabilities.”

Mar 18, 2010

Harper Announces 2010 Military Academy Day

Military Academy Day is an opportunity for students and parents to learn more about our nation’s military academies, requirements for admission and the appointment process. Harper will be joined by area midshipmen, cadets, alumni and representatives from the five service academies: U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, U.S. Military Academy (West Point) and U.S. Naval Academy. The representatives will be present to help answer questions the participants may have about each prestigious institution.

Jul 30, 2009

Harper Announces Defense Funds For MSU And Regional Counter Drug Training Academy In Meridian

“I am encouraged by the House’s decision to include funding for these instrumental Mississippi projects,” said Congressman Gregg Harper. “The unparalleled research conducted at Mississippi State University for the Unattended Ground Sensor will help our military achieve real-time battlefield situational awareness.”
