Hensarling Statement on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Address to Congress

May 24, 2011

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, DC and his address to a joint meeting of Congress.

“It was a tremendous honor to welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu to the House floor and listen to his inspiring words before a joint gathering of Congress. He spoke with passion and refreshing clarity about the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel, and how we are both engaged in ‘an epic battle … between tyranny and freedom.’ In that fight for the future, America has stood and must continue to stand firmly on the side of freedom with our friends in Israel. I am as proud as ever to contribute to that noble cause. 

“As I stated after President Obama’s address last week, it is wrong for his Administration to endorse a ‘peace plan’ that entails Israel reinstating its 1967 borders. Such an approach is deeply misguided and does not address the real challenges to Israeli security directly caused by the Palestinian Authority’s dangerous alignment with Hamas.

“Since 1948, the United States has stood with and supported the State of Israel as she has defended herself from those who seek her destruction and deny her very right to exist. In return, Israel has been our staunchest ally in the region as well as a full partner in the global war on terror. We not only share the same values but also the same vision for a world in which our Israeli allies can live free from fear in lasting peace.”


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