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The Google APIs Client Libraries are useful for calling the Google+ REST APIs. When you use these libraries, your apps benefit from better language integration, improved security, and support for making authenticated calls.

The first column of the table below shows each library's stage of development (alpha, beta); note that some are still in early stages. The second column links to the main page for each library.

The third column provides links to starter projects in each language for various platforms, such as Android and App Engine. These starter projects are the easiest way to get up and running with a library. They include everything needed to use OAuth authentication and demonstrate a few simple API calls. Even though some languages may not have starter projects, you can still use those libraries with Google+. Check the project home page for the library for instructions on how to get started.

Client Library Project Home Starter Project
Google APIs Client Library for .NET (beta) google-api-dotnet-client
Google APIs Client Library for Go (alpha) google-api-go-client google-plus-go-starter (Command Line, App Engine)
Google APIs Client Library for Google Web Toolkit (alpha) gwt-google-apis
Google APIs Client Library for Java (beta) google-api-java-client google-plus-java-starter (Command Line, App Engine, J2EE, Android)
Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript (alpha) google-api-javascript-client
Google APIs Client Library for Objective C (alpha) google-api-objectivec-client
Google APIs Client Library for PHP (beta) google-api-php-client google-plus-php-starter (Web App)
Google APIs Client Library for Python Google APIs Client Library for Python google-plus-python-starter (Command Line, App Engine)
Google APIs Client Library for Ruby (alpha) google-api-ruby-client google-plus-ruby-starter (Sinatra)

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