black iceberg

Web Wrap: How to survive in a horror movie, a new coin, and more stories for a slow news day

Today is Friday so go out and break your New Years Resolution.

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Death Grips release 13-minute short film for ‘Come Up And Get Me’

Vaguely resembles a Frederico Fellini movie.


‘Dredd’ is still better than ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

And “TDKR” isn’t that good.

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Party like it’s 2009: Children of the recession more likely to booze and smoke weed, study says

Recession babies are more likely to turn into teenage hellians.

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This is what actually happens when you give teachers guns in schools

If you give crazy people guns, they will shoot innocent people. Thank god this guy in Vermont was caught.


House GOP snuck spending to fight against gay marriage into Boehner’s reelection

The House GOP voted to fund the fight against same sex marriage just a day after denying it for the Violence Against Women act.


Hollywood mulling Hillary Clinton script

A film script about Hillary Clinton’s early years made its way to number four on 2012′s Black List.

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die hard 12

Can’t Fox make Ben Stiller’s ‘Die Hard 12′ instead?

Hell, I’ll cater the production out of pocket.

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That Sinking Feeling: The US Navy takes on the bath salts nightmare

You’re not a psycho, sailor. Are ya?


The 25 most awesome saxophone songs of all time

25 unprotected sax solos.

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Icelandic girl sues state for permission to use her own name

Her mother, named Bjork (of course), doesn’t get why so few names are allowed in Iceland.