Hensarling Statement on Anniversary of Obama Administration's So-Called "Recovery Summer"

June 17, 2011

“President Obama did not reverse our economic crisis—he made it worse.”

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding the first anniversary of the so-called “recovery summer” as described by the Obama administration and other Democrat leaders last year. 

“Last summer, Democrats told America that our economy was recovering because of their massively expensive and unpopular agenda. This summer, we can look back at more than two years of this administration’s job-destroying policies and see that President Obama did not reverse our economic crisis—he made it worse. 

“Last June, while the president was claiming that his trillion dollar stimulus bill was leading to ‘progress all across the country,’ unemployment was climbing past nine percent, where it still is today. Last August, the future head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, claimed that, ‘the president's economic policy is working all over the country…you only have to look at results.’ This week, she declared: ‘We own the economy. We own the beginning of the turnaround.’ 

“As long as ‘progress’ and ‘results’ are code words for ‘historic unemployment’ and ‘economic disaster,’ then the Democrats are right. The economy did indeed take a turn—from bad to worse. 

“President Obama might not have started this mess, but his administration’s outrageous spending policies made it much worse. With unemployment at its highest sustained level since the Great Depression, new business creation at a 17-year low, and one in seven Americans on food stamps,  it’s no surprise that the vast majority of the nation believes we’re on the wrong track - we are. 

“House Republicans know that for job creators to do their job, they need confidence in our economy and our government. That means we must stop spending money we don’t have. House Republicans have a Plan for America’s Job Creators that entails putting the nation on a fiscally sustainable path to restore confidence, making our tax code more competitive, and taking the burden of regulation off our job creators’ backs so that Americans can go back to work.”


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