Two More Democrats Back Keystone XL Project, Say It Will Create Thousands of New Jobs

Two more Democratic lawmakers today announced their support for the Keystone XL energy project included in the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act (read the bill | summary). Here’s what they had to say:
  • Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK): “At a time when many are without work, it is time that we come together in a bi-partisan way to pass this legislation which will create tens of thousands of new jobs. I commend the Speaker for including the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline that is supported by business and labor. I also believe that this bill should attract votes from both political parties, because it takes initiatives supported by President Obama including the payroll tax cut extension…” (Press release, 12/12/11)
  • Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV): “I am for the Keystone pipeline. …  everyone’s for it, it creates thousands of jobs!” (Fox News, 12/12/11)
  • Click here for a look at the broad bipartisan support for the Keystone XL energy project, including the dozens of Democrats who backed a House-passed bill requiring President Obama to quickly decide on whether or not to proceed with the pipeline.

The Keystone project is one of several initiatives that would help create new jobs for workers struggling with the failure of President Obama’s ‘stimulus’ policies. Visit for more information on the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act, and learn more about the Republican jobs plan at