Add A Memory to a Service Profile

If you are in the Navy Log, now is the time to add your "Service Memories" to your Log entry. Our "Memories" collection, which consists of first-hand accounts of naval service, add more personalized information to Navy Log entries. These accounts may be biographies, written histories, anecdotes, sea stories, poems, or even prayers and promise to make the Log one of the most unique living libraries in the world.

Click here to see a sample.

E-mail submission is preferred and significantly reduces both processing time and errors.

Accounts may be 1-2 pages and may focus on any subject, provided it relates to Navy service. Please provide your story on a CD (in an IBM-compatible format — if possible). However, typed and hand written accounts will also be accepted. Your accounts may be reflections of war or peacetime service, humorous anecdotes or serious remembrances, factual tomes or poetic verses. A "Memories" account is history as seen through your eyes, so personalize it! Remember, if you don't tell your story, no one will.

Mail your completed "Service Memories" to:

U.S. Navy Log
701 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Suite 123
Washington, D.C. 20004-2608

or e-mail to, or bring it to the Naval Heritage Center. Your "Memories" will be posted along with your permanent Log entry at the Navy Memorial and on our Internet web site and will be available for viewing by shipmates, relatives, researchers, and the general public. Entries cannot be returned, so please keep a copy for yourself.

If you are not in the Navy Log yet, it's not too late to enroll. Please enroll online and provide a photo — we can't add your "Service Memories" unless we have a Navy Log registration!