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Seal of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School

The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School
Contract & Fiscal Law Department

The Contract and Fiscal Law Department of The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS), Charlottesville, VA, provides basic and graduate core instruction in contract and fiscal law.  Among the many corresponding electives, built upon the core curriculum and available to the students, are such courses as: advanced acquisitions, operational contracting, disputes and remedies, advanced fiscal law, and selected acquisition perspectives. In addition, on an annual basis, the Department offers the following short courses: Fiscal Law Course, Comptrollers Accreditation and Fiscal Law Course, Contract Attorneys Course, Advanced Contract Law Course, Contract and Fiscal Law Symposium, and Procurement Fraud Course. The Department also provides interdisciplinary instruction in support of the TJAGLCS International and Operational Law Department's deployment focused courses on operational law. The various documents that are linked below are not “official” publications, but are intended for instructional convenience for the military judge advocate student as well as an introduction to the law and to the primary sources of that law.

Contract Attorneys Deskbook, 2012 - Volume I, II
Contract Attorneys Deskbook, 2012
Volume I
Volume II
Fiscal Law Deskbook, 2012 Fiscal Law Deskbook, 2012

Previous Editions:
Contract Attorneys Deskbook, 2011 - Volume I, II Contract Attorneys Deskbook, 2011
Volume I
Volume II
Fiscal Law Deskbook, 2011 Fiscal Law Deskbook, 2011
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  Home >> Military Legal Resources >> Contract & Fiscal Law Department
  The Library of Congress >> Researchers
  November 28, 2012
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