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handshake deal

Fiscal cliff deal reached – here are the details…

Taxes increased for over $450k, estate tax over $5m, extends UE benefits, delay sequester 2 months, DOD cuts.
walmart sellling guns

How creepy that Walmart has military-style rifles on its Web site

Other than handcuffs for sex, how many things are manufactured for military and police, and also “recreation”?
Japanese whale harpoon via Shutterstock

Australia slams Japan over whale hunt

It’s that gruesome time of the year again, and Australia’s environment minister is not holding back his words.
anal vaginal search chair featured

British embassy in Kabul using chair that searches anus, vagina for weapons

They’re used at US prisons, and now the British embassy in Kabul. How long before airports demand them too?
gay marriage

Will gay marriage destroy America as we know it?

Now that gay Mainers are marrying, the nation’s traditional values are destined for extinction.
rich guy bank 1%

Former bank execs in Iceland jailed for banking collapse

It’s as if Bankers are actually being held responsible for the destruction they left in their wake.
starbucks come together featured image

Starbucks to expand idiotic “Come Together” fiscal cliff coffee cup campaign

Starbucks should be writing: “The fiscal cliff is a lie, repeal it.” Most don’t realize it can be repealed.
YouTube screenshot

Jefferson Airplane – Somebody to Love

Live at the Monterey International Pop Music Festival. Plus, my Sunday poularde lunch.
Interview with the iconic “gay military kiss” couple (video)

Interview with the gay military couple whose iconic “kiss” photo went viral this year (video)

A video interview with the guys whose Marine homecoming photo went viral.
Nothing sadder than a French woman in Barcelona with her duck on the metro (video)

Nothing sadder than a French woman in Barcelona with her duck on the metro (video)

Spaniards do the funniest things (except she was French).
newsweek-last-cover featured

Newsweek’s last print issue

After today’s print edition, Newsweek (in print) is no more. Here’s the final cover.
rape woman fear women

Indian rape victim, whose attack sparked massive protest, dies

A horrific story of a brutal attack and an indifferent government.
christmas gift

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